All you complain about how much players flew only to supply the bases. Then what if the bases' daily needs are cut? 10k BA eaten every day - 2 turns daily with even the most stripped 5k transports; 800 FOW (2400 units of goods) per 10 hours - at least 4800 units to move daily, 3rd turn for the day (for a core4, not even considering how far the supplies can be bought). What if the FOW consumption stays (or halved), and wear and tear damage - thus BA need - is lowered, like to the 1/2 - 1/3 of what is now? Less base supply runs - more time for other stuff, which this complaining is about. Damage repair needs would stay the same.
(08-14-2013, 10:54 AM)DarthBindo Wrote: Dublin is dead beacuse of a lack of miners.
It's the miners that drive both Molly and Corsair activity, not them driving each other.
I agree that miners are responsible for a big part of the system's activity. I haven't mined in a long time because I find shooting rocks very boring. Perhaps it is worth noting that I notice less and less enthusiasm from the BMM members when someone brings up mining in Dublin, because more often than not it seems to lead to them being blown up with little RP, or otherwise frustrating outcomes.
This is a vicious cycle. The miners have moved onto greener pastures (and by that I mean a IMG tag), but the pirates haven't deleted their ships. There are now the same if perhaps a little smaller number of pirates competing for a significantly smaller number of miners, with little to no BAF support in sight.
You've got two and a half factions watching the playerlist for Dublin and any mining operation draws significant attention.
Dublin's mining population is below the critical mass needed to sustain continuous pirate activity, but still all the pirates try. Tragedy of the Commons!
(08-14-2013, 12:36 PM)Gateway Shipping Inc Wrote:
(08-14-2013, 12:28 PM)sindroms Wrote: If that killed 75% of your RP, then what the hell was your faction doing BEFORE pobs were introduced.
That's irrelevant to the point that many like us have put time, money and effort into PoBs and as such are a core part of RP. Something that must be protected and maintained.
Before POB's Gateway) was like six dudes+Convoy and Gateway indies were nearly nonexistent.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
Please, when you decide to restore them back, let people know at least 24h before that happens. Since some bases could be close to the end of "supply cycle".
Quick question: what happens if I have a ship on a disabled PoB, but I don't move it until the PoBs are restored (so the ship stays there indefinitely)? Or if the ships stays there even during the patch is applied?
(08-14-2013, 07:24 AM)sindroms Wrote: You know that feeling when the people around you do not know something you do and you have that feeling that you should tell them, but it turn out very bad for both sides? Yeah.
What do you mean bad for both sides? Almost everyone is HAPPY about mass base disappearance.
(04-23-2013, 11:29 AM)Echo 7-7 Wrote: When "roleplay" around you seems to be diminishing... all you can do is be a new beacon of roleplay to light up everyone else's interactions.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(08-14-2013, 07:24 AM)sindroms Wrote: You know that feeling when the people around you do not know something you do and you have that feeling that you should tell them, but it turn out very bad for both sides? Yeah.
What do you mean bad for both sides? Almost everyone is HAPPY about mass base disappearance.
(08-14-2013, 01:27 PM)sindroms Wrote: Not while the Bass Hunters were killing them 8|
A twelve hour old post does not a statistical survey make; not to mention the problems inherent in self-selection as a means of measuring public approval.
gone four years, first day back: Zoners still getting shot in Theta :|
This is annoying for me - was online more simply supplying base - encouraged me to stick with the game - am now less likely to be online as don't have to deal with base.