Some interesting comments people...
But you can't blame an entire group for one persons actions...
The whole no RP comment was a while ago and it was if I believe rightly because a small number of people were using
the whole zone id glitch of not being able to fire first.
This was a no honor tactic that was being used to try and keep our people talking while they used the time to call in
large amounts of back up...
Taking out the enemy before they could tip the odds into there favor.
Which was used in many attacks against us....
We got sick and tired of the whole oh lets talk them to death attitude...
But I see your point and no bodies perfect when it comes to the art of staying alive under such large odds.
The ZA group is not souly centered around its bases,there just a great tool against such big odds.
As for the comment about non tagged ships I don't see why not.
Lots of people have other characters and belong to other groups.
(08-22-2013, 08:09 AM)UK1 Wrote: Some interesting comments people...
But you can't blame an entire group for one persons actions...
Uh yes they can, your people are supposed to REPRESENT your group. >.>
I still think it's funny they disappear once the bases were gone.
Although this is getting off topic with ZA whining about themselves.
I think somewhere it was hinted that ZA is not a millitary entity in its core, its different than zoners, more like-OSI, building stuff is what they set out to do - and because its the summer too I suppose? Anyways, any word about the bases?
Quote:bring them back. don't fix them, make them much more swiss-cheesy, but cheaper. something a group of three-four gunboats can pop.
No...they would become pointless to build...especially with every troll out there just watching and waiting for a base to spring up so they can pop it. You would not keep a base alive on the server....period.
That's kinda the point. instead of a permanent, fixed blockade of a jump hole, you make it killable, but yes, it would need defending.
makes a lot more sense for it to need defending than a bunch of caps hugging manhatten. give the navies something to do, and then let the police factions sort out the pirates.
to improve on the idea, SRPs are given out for ships if you have maintained them, and have sufficient rp with them.
What if SRPs were given out for pobs after sufficient time had passed, giving ample time for those who disagree with its location to remove it by force.
RP would be a must, obviously. destruction of the base without RP should count as engaging without notice, and theoretically, should be subject to the same sanctions as ship-ship combat
Quote:That's kinda the point. instead of a permanent, fixed blockade of a jump hole, you make it killable, but yes, it would need defending.
makes a lot more sense for it to need defending than a bunch of caps hugging manhatten. give the navies something to do, and then let the police factions sort out the pirates.
I think you kinda missed my point - the bases would be IMPOSSIBLE to defend if all it took what 3 lolwuts in GBs to kill one. Right now, we have a group dedicated to lolkilling bases who fly BSs....which would probably take what? 1, maybe 2 to be the equivalent of 3 GBs? Maybe even a trio of bombers. Not to mention what happens when a group tries to pull a 4:00 a.m. raid on the base when there's no one to defend it and *POP*. All that work is gone.
This goes for groups who would do all the RP and jump through all the hoops to make their bases legally, as well as the shady groups who try to make their bases illegally.
I think there have been some good ideas thrown, particularly about the differences between Trading Bases and Military Bases...and again....I'm a proponent of instituting the "No POBs/defense platforms closer than 3-5k from any jump hole, gate, or NPC base" which would go a long way towards solving people's real problems with them.
Here's the funny thing - NO ONE WOULD GIVE A REAL CRAP ABOUT ZA (except whiny Zoners)- if this rule was instituted.
This POB issue about positioning is contraversal. I disliked much when Goldern Coin Started , but with time i got used to it. Good compromise would be RP justification beetwen military and civilian outposts. IF you build civilian base it cant have more than 3 weapons platforms for instance. All more is cnosidered legal military target in world of RP. So you can make demand of demilitarisation to more proper size of defences if base disturbs normal traffic.
The people are hacking via access to the game files through a breach in the anti-cheat system. As you well know, accessing game files gives you leeway to edit a lot of stuff, including spawning ships, guns, placing level 10 guns on level 3 slots, and more not only limited to ship files. One of those stuff is the ability to hack into any base and remove all commodities, supply, and money, essentially destroying it. Ergo POB's are disabled.