Good news, The disagreements with the Colonials is at an end. This means that we will have additional routes available to us, as well as the more profit. This will make Mr. Simon very happy. We have already recieved a list of items that are needed. All we need now is a destination. I will update the board as soon as that info is recieved.
I would hereby like to ask if you could add my vessel "More.Cowbell" to the fleet and give her tags accordingly. After tagging I shall change her name to "Painting.The.Tape" (An illegal action by a group of market manipulators buying and/or selling a security among themselves to create artificial trading activity, which, when reported on the ticker tape, lures in unsuspecting investors as they perceive an unusual volume.)
The official paperwork should have reached your desk as we speak.
Rick Sevenacht
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list...
COMM ID: Jesus Malverde
ACCESS ID: 1188-420-81-012
LOCATION: Wall Street Station..Oita system
DESTINATION: Wall Street Station..Oita system
COMM ID: Office of the Board of Directors
Dear Jefes:
We have two things we would like to report.
First, we have completed testing on a fully cloakable transport ship that we aquired from the Council Freeport of Montecarlo. The refiting of the ship was carried out in an unused atmospheric bay on Renzu shipyards. The technology is abit tricky Jefes. We can only achieve a 10% power output, enough to run the cloaking device, but not enough power to warrant taking up space with guns. But, who needs guns when they cant see you, right? We have also been able to mount a docking bay on this ship, and are able to carry a fighter/bomber class ship onboard. Depending on the type of fuel used, the ship can maintian a cloaked status for a considerable amount of time. The exact details I wont bore you with any longer, but there should be a good many ways this ship can be utilized.
Second, we have completed prelimenary site test for the construction of a yet to be named base. Samura Industries of Kusari provided us with THIS report. As you can see Jefes, all safety standards are met and construction can start at any time. We just need the Board of Directors "OK" before we move ahead on it. Once green light is given, we will start with construction.
My humble regards to your combined Jefenessess.
Jesus Malverde
Wall Street Station..Oita system
I have been recently been released after being held hostage by unfriendlies for 15 months in a prison unknown to me.
There was no trial and I was given no means of getting into touch with the corporate lawyers to aid in my defense and speed up my release from prison.
I hereby report back for active duty and regret the fact that I could not inform you of my status any time sooner.
I have already contacted the authorities for the rein-statement of my official Neuralnet ID's and renewal of my Transport Pilot license. They informed me that, being presumed deceased, my records were sealed and re-activation may take some time if at all possible.
Rick Sevenacht
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list...
COMM ID: Rick Sevenacht
TO: IND Corporate Board
SUBJ: Follow up
Dear CEO's,
Earlier I informed you about my detained status. Here is an update on that matter. Today I received a message from Sirius officials that my official "deceased status" cannot be undone. Instead I have been issued a new ID as a freelancer and a rep card to match.
In my previous message I have asked permission to rejoin the ranks. I have been added to the IND ship wide COMMS channel by a member so communications from my current vessels should reach the HQ. Since my old vessels must be considered lost I would hereby like to ask if you could add the vessels listed below to the fleet and give her tags and ID. After tagging I shall change the names accordingly. Also, a rep card verification may be needed in order for me to gain access to the IND employee lounge.
It would do me great joy if this request can be processed as soon as possible so I can rejoin the IND ranks.
COMMUNICATION IDENT: Your worst Nightmare.
LOCATION: Probably looking over your shoulder ...
DESTINATION: All Channels.
Yeah yeah, I know ... Been taking it easy on Gran Canaria, Tracy came over for a
long weekend, and never really left. You know how it is.
Fishing has been excellent as usual, but I digress.
So roll call time has come round once more, you know the drill guys and gals ...
Sign in here, or loose your perks.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Well, I'm flat broke after hackers drained my account in an operation they called 'operation rollback' but I'm still here.
Sort of... This message is broadcasted by my attorney for I'm doing a six months detention in Sugarland after some punk set me up and got me arrested on assault charges.
I hope to be rejoining the IND ranks in a few months or so. My thanks goes out to the keepers of the employee relief fund for their continuous stream of soap bars and fruit baskets. The soap bars do the trick around here and some 8 foot tall Rogue named Bubba thanks you too. *ouch*...
Nevertheless I'm grateful for it all. So enjoy whatever is left of your holiday and we'll meet up in a few months or so.
Rick Sevenacht
PS: visiting hours in Sugarland are from 3 to 6pm on Thursday and Sunday.
The last thing I want to do is hurt you, but it's still on the list...
This Is Harrison reporting in as requested, whilst im doing so I tought I should let you know that a new ship has joined my great many assets:
The Shukensha Renzu Luxury Liner.
Currently I'm located at Renzu Shipyards, my new liner has just been outfitted with all the latest gadgets and gizmo's and I'm just about ready to have the ship moved and fly her out.
Harrison out.
***Connection terminated***
User was banned for: by user request
Time left: (Permanent)
Timothy Daimler woke up to find two beautiful ladies lying beside him. Well, they were women anyways. He didn't know enough about them to determine if they qualified as ladies. In fact, after looking intently at each of their faces, he couldn't even recall their names. No matter, he thought. What happens in Gran Canaria, stays in Gran Canaria.
He stepped gingerly out of bed, carefully trying not to wake the two sleeping beauties and found his electronic tablet on the hotel dresser. With a couple electronic credit transfers, he paid for the hotel, the dining and the women.
He grimaced in pain, trying to massage a headache away. His electronic tablet emitted a soft beep indicating an incoming message, It was from Jay Simon.
Jay Simon!?!
Holy Inflation! The boss was back and looking for him. He looked regretfully at his bed. Sorry ladies, time to go back to work. He quickly showered, put on a nice business suit, left a hefty tip on the dresser and quietly walked out the door.
Elias Wolfe walked to his office in the back of his moored ship, the [IND]Wolf.Treasury. As he made his way back, he smiled as he walked past his exquisite treasures, ranging from holosculptures of ancient artwork, fine top shelf ale from all corners of Sirius, and even some various old artifacts, from unknown origins.
As he sat down, he began his recording:
:::Encryption: low:::
:::Recipient: Wall Street Station:::
:::Subject: Fools:::
Evening gentlemen and women.
I will make this brief. I encountered two fools while delivering cargo from Golden Dragon Casino to the Maine system. They attempted to extort and pirate myself and crew in front of Planet Junyo, not 20-30k from their Casino. I have recorded the entire event here:
Ship's recording Wrote:
[08.01.2014 13:41:56] Taigo.Arai': Oi! Hold it!
[08.01.2014 13:42:06] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: being Pirated
[08.01.2014 13:42:09] Norio.Kato: Oi Zoner.
[08.01.2014 13:42:15] Taigo.Arai': Let me see what ye got thereee... Hmm... Looky that.
[08.01.2014 13:42:18] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: I am not a Zoner
[08.01.2014 13:42:30] Taigo.Arai': See what this guy's carryin' around, Kato-san?
[08.01.2014 13:42:33] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Looks like the ships transponders are still adjusting
[08.01.2014 13:42:35] Death: Stoupa was killed by GhostShip (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:42:36] Norio.Kato: Uuh, what is with all that contraband stuff?
[08.01.2014 13:42:49] Norio.Kato: Ye want tha Samurai hurtin' yer?
[08.01.2014 13:42:53] BH-Roena.Calintia: Location?
[08.01.2014 13:42:58] Taigo.Arai': Who cares if you're a zoner or not. You're a gaijin. A gaijin is a gaijin. Barbarian.
[08.01.2014 13:43:02] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: it is my private reserve, which is not for public sale or consumption
[08.01.2014 13:43:06] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Planet Junyo
[08.01.2014 13:43:10] Taigo.Arai': What a lie.
[08.01.2014 13:43:20] Norio.Kato: Why would ya need a 'reserve'?
[08.01.2014 13:43:34] Death: Stumpy was killed by GhostShip (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:43:35] Death: Klon killed himself (Wasp/Hornet)
[08.01.2014 13:43:39] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Actually, Renzu Shipyards, of which the Independant Neuralnet Division owns, operates in Kusari openly
[08.01.2014 13:43:43] BH-Roena.Calintia: IND Wolf's treasury. Do you reuire escort?
[08.01.2014 13:43:45] Norio.Kato: Nobody aint' need that much Munitions privately.
[08.01.2014 13:43:47] Death: Jays was killed by SiIver.Reaver (Mine)
[08.01.2014 13:43:53] Taigo.Arai': Look, fella... that thing you carry is contraband... and what you doin' is smugglin', ya dig?
[08.01.2014 13:43:54] BH-Roena.Calintia: require*//
[08.01.2014 13:44:14] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Escort would be nice, yes
[08.01.2014 13:44:19] BH-Roena.Calintia:
[08.01.2014 13:44:24] Norio.Kato: Do not try supportin' that smuggler!
[08.01.2014 13:44:32] Taigo.Arai': If you escort that guy, you'd be doin' it against the law of Kusari, Hunter.
[08.01.2014 13:44:35] CONSOLE: Possible cheating detected: DeathCollecter
[08.01.2014 13:44:41] Taigo.Arai': You can not do such a thing.
[08.01.2014 13:44:43] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: And as far as smuggling, this is being deliver to the Gallic peoples in Gallia
[08.01.2014 13:45:00] BH-Roena.Calintia: You are carring Black Market Munitions as well as sorted artifacts and Stabiline... This is not my problem
[08.01.2014 13:45:06] Taigo.Arai': Shut it, gaijin. The law is clear, and 'gosha people are the protectors of this place.
[08.01.2014 13:45:21] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: You should stop with insults
[08.01.2014 13:45:23] Taigo.Arai': Now, we'll make sure the navy hears of this.
[08.01.2014 13:45:29] Norio.Kato: Good thinkin' Bounty Hunter san.
[08.01.2014 13:45:29] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: My company pays your governemtn to operate
[08.01.2014 13:45:34] Taigo.Arai': An' I insult who'ever ah' want...
[08.01.2014 13:45:39] Taigo.Arai': Uuhuh...
[08.01.2014 13:45:43] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: So watch your tone
[08.01.2014 13:45:59] Taigo.Arai': Now, pay the tax, and drop your contraband, gaijin.
[08.01.2014 13:46:01] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: I have more power and influence with your own government than you
[08.01.2014 13:46:07] Taigo.Arai': What a kidder.
[08.01.2014 13:46:08] Norio.Kato: Ye also admit to bribin' the Kusari?
[08.01.2014 13:46:19] Taigo.Arai': Should we just take the guncam shots and then shoot it for real now?
[08.01.2014 13:46:24] Death: Stoupa was killed by Infiniti (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:46:37] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: YOu need your ears cleaned. I did not say BRIBE. I said that our operations support Kusari Commerce
[08.01.2014 13:46:47] Taigo.Arai': Uhuh.
[08.01.2014 13:46:56] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Have you never heard if Renzu Shipline?
[08.01.2014 13:47:00] Taigo.Arai': This guy would spend his whole life in Fuchu, man.
[08.01.2014 13:47:03] Norio.Kato: That stuff supports terrorist more than anyone else, ye.
[08.01.2014 13:47:09] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Or the Interspace Commerce?
[08.01.2014 13:47:21] Taigo.Arai': Should I go call for a Naval officer now?
[08.01.2014 13:47:23] Death: Andrew.Gourley was killed by Steve.Athanas (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:47:26] Norio.Kato: Heard of them gaijin, what's next?
[08.01.2014 13:47:27] Taigo.Arai': Taiyouji san will love this guy.
[08.01.2014 13:47:39] Death: SiIver.Reaver killed himself (Mine)
[08.01.2014 13:47:59] Death: [*USI*]J,Hope[SO] was killed by Tratto.Fax (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:48:03] Taigo.Arai': So, what's the fine, Kato-san?
[08.01.2014 13:48:04] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Funny enough, I purchased these munitions from your own base
[08.01.2014 13:48:12] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Golden Dragon Casino
[08.01.2014 13:48:18] Death: [DG]-QTHS was killed by GhostShip (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:48:30] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: So you are stopping me, from purchasing cargo from your own base?
[08.01.2014 13:48:31] Norio.Kato: Ye, surely. Yer creative.
[08.01.2014 13:48:40] Norio.Kato: Maybe we will only fine 3'000'000 today.
[08.01.2014 13:48:53] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Are you serious? Do you not know what is being sold on your own casino?
[08.01.2014 13:49:10] Norio.Kato: I guess we know better than ye. No contraband.
[08.01.2014 13:49:13] Death: Black_Panther was killed by LR-Gang.Injunctions (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:49:25] Taigo.Arai': Only we can sell it, bro. Not you.
[08.01.2014 13:49:27] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Yet you would stop me, and attempt to extort me from delivering goods that I purchased from the Hogosha?
[08.01.2014 13:49:39] Taigo.Arai': If you bought anythin' from there, you were scammed.
[08.01.2014 13:49:53] Taigo.Arai': You shouldn't be buyin' that for yourself... Our market.
[08.01.2014 13:50:01] 2014-01-08 21:50:02 SMT : Norio.Kato is attempting to engage cloaking device
[08.01.2014 13:50:03] Taigo.Arai': Now you're in trouble too.
[08.01.2014 13:50:04] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Then you should speak with your docking masters at Golden Dragon
[08.01.2014 13:50:31] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Especially when the IND have agreements with the Hogosha and various other Kusari entities
[08.01.2014 13:50:35] Taigo.Arai': I'll just please take your fine, and then you can be on your way... if you don't agree, I'll make sure the whole Kusari-
[08.01.2014 13:50:41] Taigo.Arai': parliament and the navy hears of this.
[08.01.2014 13:50:56] Taigo.Arai': And then you can say good bye to Kusari.
[08.01.2014 13:51:09] Taigo.Arai': Not like we like you gaijins too much.
[08.01.2014 13:51:21] Death: SiIver.Reaver was killed by Cerulean'Reaver (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:51:21] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Of which they will apologize to the IND for this stop, considering our influence. Perhaps then we should remove the IC-
[08.01.2014 13:51:31] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Base above New Tokyo then, hmm?
[08.01.2014 13:51:42] Taigo.Arai': Sure, go on ahaed.
[08.01.2014 13:51:59] Taigo.Arai': If you can cause problems, do so, cuz I'll...
[08.01.2014 13:52:11] Taigo.Arai': And I am sure I can cause more problems than you...
[08.01.2014 13:52:32] Taigo.Arai': Uhuh.
[08.01.2014 13:52:36] Taigo.Arai': You hear that?
[08.01.2014 13:52:41] Taigo.Arai': Do what the cops say.
[08.01.2014 13:52:57] Taigo.Arai': Now you can move along, fella.
[08.01.2014 13:53:02] BH-Roena.Calintia: Even the police know your carrying contraband
[08.01.2014 13:53:02] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: So let me get this straight. I am being stopped and targeted fro purchasing wares from the Hogosha, then being threaten-
[08.01.2014 13:53:17] Death: Wanderfalke killed himself (Mine)
[08.01.2014 13:53:23] Norio.Kato: Well, ye not bought it, ye stole it as it seems.
[08.01.2014 13:53:26] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Threatened by the Hogosha that they will inform the Navy about me.
[08.01.2014 13:53:27] Taigo.Arai': You did not purchase anythin' from 'gosha, gaijin.
[08.01.2014 13:53:30] Norio.Kato: And even admittin' that.
[08.01.2014 13:53:40] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Really? Then follow me to Golden Dargon
[08.01.2014 13:53:46] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: And we'll see who's lying
[08.01.2014 13:53:46] Taigo.Arai': Where?
[08.01.2014 13:53:49] Norio.Kato: Do not move.
[08.01.2014 13:53:51] Taigo.Arai': Do you know of such a place?
[08.01.2014 13:53:52] Norio.Kato: Hey.
[08.01.2014 13:53:59] BH-Roena.Calintia: Thats the nature of things here. With the Hogosha being what some would call Quasi Lawful.
[08.01.2014 13:54:01] Taigo.Arai': Kato, this guy talks 'bout a golden... what?
[08.01.2014 13:54:04] Norio.Kato: Don' try to flee here.
[08.01.2014 13:54:10] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: The Golden Dragon is your bloddy casino!
[08.01.2014 13:54:18] Taigo.Arai': What? Ne'er heard of it.
[08.01.2014 13:54:26] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: It's 20k from here
[08.01.2014 13:54:30] Death: SiIver.Reaver was killed by Cerulean'Reaver (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:54:37] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: I can see it from here you fool
[08.01.2014 13:54:42] Taigo.Arai': Hmm... you must be drunk, dude.
[08.01.2014 13:54:42] Norio.Kato: Sounds like a nice place tho', yet surely they would na sell such stuff...
[08.01.2014 13:55:10] Taigo.Arai': Man... if such a place is sellin' such dangerous things, we must make people aware... So dangerous.
[08.01.2014 13:55:21] Taigo.Arai': But I bet this guy's just drunk.
[08.01.2014 13:55:28] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Oh really? Why don't you flty to coords E/5
[08.01.2014 13:55:29] Norio.Kato: Ye, better tell the Samurais right after this.
[08.01.2014 13:55:35] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: And you will see your bloody casino
[08.01.2014 13:55:47] Taigo.Arai': There are no dragons around anymore... and only wannabe dragons... they are in Chugoku. Not here.
[08.01.2014 13:55:58] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Owned... and operated by Hogosha
[08.01.2014 13:55:59] Norio.Kato: Will we see Heavenly Space Dragons as well?
[08.01.2014 13:56:12] Taigo.Arai': This guy will soon tell us that the Emperor is alive too.
[08.01.2014 13:56:14] Taigo.Arai': Hah!
[08.01.2014 13:56:21] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: You are trying to piss me off. Your base is right there you idiot
[08.01.2014 13:56:33] Death: Cargopants was killed by an NPC
[08.01.2014 13:56:37] Taigo.Arai': Did you sit on his lap on his dragon throne too, gaijin?! You drunk!
[08.01.2014 13:56:56] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Then what are you so afraid of? If I am drunk and lying, then no harm in flying to the spot I mentioned
[08.01.2014 13:56:58] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
[08.01.2014 13:57:04] Death: LNS-Cincinnati was killed by Fanatic.Love (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:57:19] Taigo.Arai': Why would we, two busy gentlemen, follow a poor drunk fella somewhere?
[08.01.2014 13:57:24] Norio.Kato: Flyin' drunken even? Guess we should raise that fine to 5'000'000 already!
[08.01.2014 13:57:33] Taigo.Arai': Especially if this said drunk fella is found to be a criminal?
[08.01.2014 13:57:33] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Looks like you are afraid of getting in trouble with your bosses
[08.01.2014 13:57:45] Taigo.Arai': You gonna make us follow you and then get us killed?
[08.01.2014 13:57:51] Norio.Kato: Who is yer boss, Taigo san?
[08.01.2014 13:58:04] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: No killing. You can see YOUR base from the tradelane
[08.01.2014 13:58:05] Taigo.Arai': Taiga~ only serves Kusari.
[08.01.2014 13:58:07] Death: SiIver.Reaver was killed by Cerulean'Reaver (Gun)
[08.01.2014 13:58:18] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: AND IND FINANCES KUSAIR YOU BLOODY IDIOT
[08.01.2014 13:58:19] Norio.Kato: Ye, Kusari, better be afraid!
[08.01.2014 13:58:27] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: //Kusari*
[08.01.2014 13:58:39] Taigo.Arai': No. You want to get us killed, so we don't tell everyone how much of an evil smuggler you are.
[08.01.2014 13:58:47] Taigo.Arai': I am scared, Kato san.
[08.01.2014 13:58:53] BH-Roena.Calintia: You know... maybe I will just offer my services to you IND. What would be a good price?
[08.01.2014 13:58:54] Norio.Kato: Ye.
[08.01.2014 13:58:56] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: No, you are pirating and extorting someone who purchased wares from the hogosha
[08.01.2014 13:59:19] Taigo.Arai': Uhuh. I am recording this BHG, offering to shoot 'gosha in Kusari.
[08.01.2014 13:59:25] Taigo.Arai': This guy won't enter Kusari again.
[08.01.2014 13:59:29] Norio.Kato: Yer prize is being chased all over Kusari, Bounty Hunter.
[08.01.2014 13:59:41] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: No one said shooting, he said escort. Get your ears cleaned you pirate
[08.01.2014 13:59:54] Taigo.Arai': How is it pirating to stop a smuggler?
[08.01.2014 13:59:59] Taigo.Arai': You should call me a cop instead.
[08.01.2014 14:00:10] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Funny, coming from the people I purchased what you claim "illegal"
[08.01.2014 14:00:11] Norio.Kato: Cooperation with smugglers is a crime.
[08.01.2014 14:00:21] Norio.Kato: Try gettin' that right.
[08.01.2014 14:00:32] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: And funny that I can see the base ai purchased it from
[08.01.2014 14:00:43] Taigo.Arai': Kato-san... This guy is still spouting nonsense.
[08.01.2014 14:00:51] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Then check to see if I am lying
[08.01.2014 14:00:52] Taigo.Arai': 'Gosha stations would never sell contraband.
[08.01.2014 14:00:56] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: I'll stay here even
[08.01.2014 14:00:58] BH-Roena.Calintia: But this is talking to long and its not cheap just flying in circles so
[08.01.2014 14:00:59] Norio.Kato: Still drunken he be.
[08.01.2014 14:01:11] Taigo.Arai': We are all honest businessmen and women, are we not?
[08.01.2014 14:01:21] Taigo.Arai': Why do you want to smear our name, IND fella?
[08.01.2014 14:01:27] Death: Monk_xx was killed by an NPC
[08.01.2014 14:01:28] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Wrong. Your hogosha base sold those wares. And yet you are nervous and won't even verify what I said
[08.01.2014 14:01:31] Norio.Kato: The most honest and humble Siruis has to offer, Arai san.
[08.01.2014 14:01:42] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Then why are you afraid to go check?
[08.01.2014 14:01:45] Taigo.Arai': He's really asking for it...
[08.01.2014 14:01:54] Taigo.Arai': Stop it, smuggler-san...
[08.01.2014 14:01:55] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: No you are, for not even checking your own base
[08.01.2014 14:02:03] Norio.Kato: Ye... would ya fly into the sun if we 'asked' ye?
[08.01.2014 14:02:04] Taigo.Arai': We don't like to be called dishonest people, like you are.
[08.01.2014 14:02:31] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: I am calling you both dishonest, for knowing full well there is a Hogosha Casino not 20k away that sold me those muniti
[08.01.2014 14:02:34] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: ons
[08.01.2014 14:02:46] Taigo.Arai': Look. It wasn't even us who asked for the whole cargo. The cops took your cargo, and we only asked for a fine.
[08.01.2014 14:02:49] Norio.Kato: Now that is askin' for trouble, Arai san?
[08.01.2014 14:02:51] Taigo.Arai': And you even complain.
[08.01.2014 14:02:56] Death: Wanderfalke was killed by Klon (Wasp/Hornet)
[08.01.2014 14:03:03] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: The cop wouldn't have bothered had I been left in peace
[08.01.2014 14:03:12] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: WOlfe: TO deliver the goods purchased from you
[08.01.2014 14:03:22] Taigo.Arai': The cop agreed with us though. We only serve the Kusari law.
[08.01.2014 14:03:31] Norio.Kato: The Samurai are always bothered by contrabands, ye know?
[08.01.2014 14:03:37] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Then why don't you go verify that your own base sold those wares?
[08.01.2014 14:03:58] Taigo.Arai': Our own base?
[08.01.2014 14:04:12] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: If I am a drunk, then there will be no base there, and you can fine me. But if there is a base there, and it does sell -
[08.01.2014 14:04:13] Taigo.Arai': But we don't have a base called... what was it... Golden Mosquito?
[08.01.2014 14:04:14] Norio.Kato: 'Cause that is a really ridiculous claim, hear ya?
[08.01.2014 14:04:19] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Those munitions, then I demand an explanation
[08.01.2014 14:04:22] Norio.Kato: We can do so another time, maybe...
[08.01.2014 14:04:35] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Nervous are we? That you might be wrong?
[08.01.2014 14:04:45] Taigo.Arai': This guy is for real?
[08.01.2014 14:04:47] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: And that your own people sold wares to me?
[08.01.2014 14:04:54] Norio.Kato: He is for real!
[08.01.2014 14:04:59] Taigo.Arai': Should we even bother with this drunk fella anymore, Kato-san...
[08.01.2014 14:05:03] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: So why won't you validate yourselves and prove me wrong?
[08.01.2014 14:05:06] Norio.Kato: Is he startin' to pay?
[08.01.2014 14:05:14] Death: 45n55n4 committed suicide
[08.01.2014 14:05:25] Taigo.Arai': Well... if he doesn't wanna pay, let him go... I guess... He lost all cargo anyways.
[08.01.2014 14:05:29] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Why would I pay 12mil to the Hogosha at their Casino, only to have some fools like you extort me for more?
[08.01.2014 14:05:31] Taigo.Arai': Poor drunk.
[08.01.2014 14:05:38] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: You are morons
[08.01.2014 14:05:44] Taigo.Arai': Probably he's smuggling because he's an alcoholic.
[08.01.2014 14:05:46] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: THe Navy WILL hear of this
[08.01.2014 14:05:48] Taigo.Arai': And has to pay debts.
[08.01.2014 14:05:51] Taigo.Arai': I feel sorry for him.
[08.01.2014 14:05:59] Death: SiIver.Reaver was killed by Cerulean'Reaver (Gun)
[08.01.2014 14:06:02] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: I feel sorry being brain dead idiots like yourselves
[08.01.2014 14:06:04] Norio.Kato: He, what a weaklin'.
[08.01.2014 14:06:10] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Who don't even know their own bases
[08.01.2014 14:06:11] Taigo.Arai': Oh... look... he's insulting us.
[08.01.2014 14:06:15] Taigo.Arai': Maybe we should shoot him.
[08.01.2014 14:06:18] Death: 45n55n4 was killed by an NPC
[08.01.2014 14:06:22] Norio.Kato: He is tryin' so very hard.
[08.01.2014 14:06:31] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Maybe I should go to your own base and demand they explain this intrusion?
[08.01.2014 14:06:32] Norio.Kato: Askin' for it, right?
[08.01.2014 14:06:44] Taigo.Arai': Sure... go ask for explanations from a dragon.
[08.01.2014 14:06:46] Taigo.Arai': I don't mind.
[08.01.2014 14:06:49] Taigo.Arai': Poor guy.
[08.01.2014 14:06:55] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Hogosha, please
[08.01.2014 14:07:14] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: So, I'll ask you one more time. Why don't you go see if I am lying and a drunk?
[08.01.2014 14:07:17] Taigo.Arai': What was the fine for insulting us though?
[08.01.2014 14:07:22] Taigo.Arai': 2 million?
[08.01.2014 14:07:23] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Or are you afraid of being wrong?
[08.01.2014 14:07:32] Norio.Kato: With that number of insults, at least.
[08.01.2014 14:07:39] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Heh, oh just wait. You bit off more than can chew.
[08.01.2014 14:07:56] Taigo.Arai': Well... you'll have to pay the fine for insulting us and smuggling weird stuff through kusari, gaijin.
[08.01.2014 14:08:07] Traffic control alert: [IND]Wolf.Treasury has requested to dock
[08.01.2014 14:08:22] Taigo.Arai': I have everything I need. Arigato.
[08.01.2014 14:08:33] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Have fun being contacted by your own government for this intrusion
[08.01.2014 14:08:55] [IND]Wolf.Treasury: Wolfe: Good luck. I hope you have good lawyers. Even your own government won't protect you from what I will bring
This is unacceptable. We will not be pirated by some common rabble that are too stupid to know what their own people are selling. I suggest an immediate report be sent to the Hogosha leadership, and even so far as our contacts within the Kusari Government. We do not tolerate these events gentlemen. We must ensure that our wares and deliveries go unhindered and without pause. Time is money, and these fools have cost us millions.
Wolfe signing off
With the message sent, Elias sat up, adjusted his tie, and walked back to the primary lounge area, to enjoy another drink and gaze upon his private collection of art and other fine items, equating to nearly half a billion credits.