Be happy. I been screaming for a roll back to just before Doj invited that friend with the 3rd party debugger started messing around with the game. Got a player database still filled with goodies handed out by them, something this mod release doesn't fix. The mod release and any rollback concerning it's release may be in the jurisdiction of the devs but cheating and it's results are the jurisdiction of the admins. I stepped down, thankfully, but no matter how long they dragged it on I woulda still rolled everything that far back. Actually with the release of this mod being able to attract players (when stable and fixed, heh) I'd do it tommorow without any guilt.
The fact that this info STILL hasn't been added to the server's MOTD troubles me. I'd be utterly peeved if something like this happened, especially when you'd need to check the forum and exactly this thread with exactly that quote about Cannon stating that the rollback MIGHT happen.
Makes me wonder if that will happen at all. I and most of the people I still play with avoid the server right now just because there is no reason to dedicate your time on something that will be lost anyway. And I am pretty sure that many newcomers do the same now, waiting for the server rollback to actually start playing. about less speculation and moderator orange and some admin green instead?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
The guys I play with don't avoid the server but instead use the time for what it's intended for. They went in to sweep for mistakes and submitted their findings to the designated thread. It's far from our first mod release and we know the drill.
Don't care if its couple days rollback. Just hope its not couple months. I did acc cleaning, and if it rollback like 3-4 weeks, Im losing couple cap 8 cruisers and cloaks and about 1bill
I am sure you do. The nublets on the server, especially the ones attracted by the new mod release do not.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
@sindroms so you want not to play so you don`t loose any progress, great but if nobody will play since it is beta who will find and report bugs to the developers to be fixed? Hmmm nobody and then the rollback will come, c`mon guess it... very very late
(09-16-2013, 02:45 PM)sindroms Wrote: Well, someone might argue that ANY action taken by the DPC and by extension, the Bass Hunters should be reversed. So prepare for two months just in case.
In my opinion it would be best to rollback the character database to just before the patch, but rollback the player bases before the DPCs and Bass Hunters made the damage, so the inRP bases would return (like Doe Industries).