Yea, w. regards to the RP for the SCRA, it fell off my bed (in laptop form) and got rather smashed, so as soon as I get the new one it'll be completed and up and running.
As to the size of the Destroyer, it kinda takes the place of both the gunboat and the dessie in the "coalition" line of ships, (as Adrian and I discussed it, anways), so it's small size fits in with its lighter role.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
In fact, the B-Wing part was completely random. I was chatting with Ares the night I first began that prototype (if you people remember, that first version was actually horific), and he said something about engine configuration like B-Wing or something...
I don't even know myself where the B-Wing part was suposed to be at the end of this but ~
Gotta work on that dream-coalition battlecruiser ~
' Wrote:Yea, w. regards to the RP for the SCRA, it fell off my bed (in laptop form) and got rather smashed, so as soon as I get the new one it'll be completed and up and running.
As to the size of the Destroyer, it kinda takes the place of both the gunboat and the dessie in the "coalition" line of ships, (as Adrian and I discussed it, anways), so it's small size fits in with its lighter role.
That is ok, as long as it doesn't fit the description.
Quote:The Typhoon class is small and agile, yet extremely powerful. There seems to be large ballistic missile ports on each side of this ship, while the bottom section seems to be a mine layer. Directly below the upper engine pod is what seems to be an hangar, though it is unknown what is deployed from there. Nothing else is known about this craft, avoid contact.
If you give it a GB size and 12 turrets, I can see even Farmers flying it. Why? Because it's overpowered.
I really like the design, but we don't want one more situation like with the Hacker gunship.
So, I'd suggest sacrificing power for agility.
That means, 7 or 8 turrets, if it's really that small and agile.
Just a few pointers, I'm not arguing!
*Hides from the evil coalitioners*
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
I'm imagining that description is mostly propaganda, for the most part, really. I imagine that if it were small and fast, with decent firepower, it would probably suffer in the armour department, for instance.
it does. I imagined this ship as very versatile. If it flies full armor, the ballisitc missile side port components will simply be replaced by more armoring systems and shield points.
To activate the ballisitic missiles, much armor and shielding area must be removed, this takes lets say a matter of 4 hours in a small shipyard, installation of all the systems plus the missiles, and there you go. However, due to the Coalition lack of err material, these situations will be very rare as ballisitc missiles arent easy to produce, so it's there mainly to scare off people.
possibly the final ship to the coalition line, I made it a bit special. Work still in progress.
Vessel type: battlecruiser
KBP-C8342 LIBERATION class battlecruiser
The ship has hangar doors.
note some ressemblance to the typhoon: bridge, and engine configuration
now, the captain of such ship will be able to look at a red star all the time in all the comfort of standard flight view. That's right. It's here just for that.
If the captain is crazy enough, he can ask his men to stand in formation over the deck for a little show.
This is most probably the largest coalition built warship sighted yet. Unlike it's small cousin the Typhoon, LIBERATION (the ship is yet only known under it's codename) is immense for it's class, very near the battleship type. It's monstruous twin main guns are it's trademark (RP weapons only), estimated to be used at bombarding station with immense explosive shells. Thick armors protect this ship, at the sacrifice of some agility. The painting of the ship is special as well, seemingly a technique stolen from the Raven Claw, with an ability to fade away incoming scaner signals.
I love it, but I'm generally opposed to RP-weapons that don't do anything and will only get in the way. I think a transmission dish or something might look better.
But, I really love the whole ship-in-space feel to it. Very nice.
I must say, these craft look without a doubt, wonderful. Though I'll probably never get an opprotunity to fly any of those ships (and being a VHF pilot, the Insurgent especially), I'd love to run into one of them and see one in action.
Hopefully, they will all get in and we'll see the Coalition's crazy little designs destroying all that oppose them (which is, nearly everyone, save for perhaps TBH and Bs|).