Computer: Incomming transmission from High Priority. Displaying now.
"Broadwave Transmission:
End Transmission:"
Apparently his day got worse as it progressed. Immediately, he thought in his head...
Kurasai: "What on Earth...first irregular Nomad scouts, now the AW's hostile? Jeez..just my luck."
Wondering if any of his UCSVs (Unmanned Combat Space Vehicles) were on duty at the time, he motioned to his Hologram and found their relative locations. Recon and Interceptor were located within Omega 11 on Anti-Red Hessian assignment. This is far more urgent than just an extermination run...
"Computer, head on course to Gamma Unknown. Contact Bampei UCSVs Recon and Interceptor and send coordinates to destination."
Computer: Commands confirmed. Waypoints set to Gamma Unknown. Squadmates alerted and pending formation.
A few hours later...Omega 11 system."
The independently formulated Bampei Squadron, an automated figher wing created for trade convoy escorts under the [RM] tag, just finished a Red Hessian run and are conducting automated repairs on Solarius Station. Their AI illuminates as their leader gives them the transmissions. Interpreting the message, the UCSVs immediately re-equip themselves for the appropriate mission.
Immediately, the UCSVs launch and fly enroute to Stuttgart, where Kurasai awaits them and they enter formation.
Kurasai: I hope you two are ready to enter full-link tactic imput modes....keep your guard and intercept any AW or Nomads....we're going to rendevous with the Schadel and assist them.
Recon and Interceptor (in AI monotone): We copy, leader...
Hmm a pity he killed himself, he seemed to be the only one in the fleet who knew anything about their destination.
Dab: Tell the forward cruisers to fire on the Schadel's engines. Me and Keiran shall go board the Schadel.
He could see bolts of light shoot out and rake the engines. Though the ship was cloaked he could see where the beams hit and the expplosions afterwords. Hull plates began to fly off under the sustained fire by 6 cruisers. Suddenly the entire engine, all 160 tons of it blast off the Schadel, bits and pieces of it flying in all directions. The Schadel's cloak came off-line due to the explosion and the ship began a slow stop.
Dab: Ready a commando team and Keiran and mine's fighters.
Schadel grimaced as the engines were blown off. "Sh*t. All units; FIRE AT WILL!" The entire Rhinland fleet opened up on the aproaching AW ships, engulfing many of them with green plasma and leaving nothing behind.
"For the Chancelor! For Rhinland!" Energy streaked across the blackness of space, back and forth between the two armadas. Ships spun and died, deadly plasma filling the space around the coliding armies.
"DIE, DIE, DIE!" Zerstoren screamed out, compleatly dostroying a hostile cruisers' shields with his pulse weapons, then slamming Nova after Nova into it.
"HA HA HA! ABBRUCH UND BRAND!" He cried out in his native german, sucumbing to his bloodlust.
He laughed again, sending another ship to it's firey demize.
"F?R DIE KANZLER!" Again and again, as if death itself had come to fight for Rhinland.
The AW fighters were swamped with Rhinland heavy weapons. There were so many of them, it seemed as if they were endless! With the close quarters of this fight it was impossible to use Supernovas, since they would more then likely take themselfs and commrads with them should the heavy mines be detonated. The Rhinlanders used this to their full advantage, wheeling and spinning, bringing three Wraths worth of Rhinlands Best into each fighter they encountered. When one looked at it, the Rhinlanders were gaining the upper hand.
Then another broadwave was picked up by the ships.
Broadwave Transmission:
End Broadwave:
Attack Fleet, "Sieg" was already entering Sigma 17 from the Munich jumphole. This fleet was around 6 times the size of Krieg's fleet. 6 Battleships, around 50 Cruisers, over 100 gunboats, and more then 200 fighter wings. This was a force pulled together for one purpose; to eliminate any threat to the Chancelor.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Dab: Xizer take out Zerstoren, his torpedos are costing us too much. Keiran on me, we will take out wraiths. All cruisers and gunboats fire on their gunboats, we will have the battleships take down the cruisers.
Within minutes the Leviathen had yet again arrived using it's massive engines to pull up beside the Schadel and was firing off every gun and turret it had on the port side. The Leviathen had caught the ship completely by surprise due to its speed. The Schadel was now defensless and unmovable. The AW fighters, though outnumbered, had killed off far more than they had lost. flight groups of the 282nd were jetting through the dogfight blowing up fighters everywhere, and Dab and his bodyguard had been picking off bomber after bomber. The AW fighter wings had been reduced to 3/4 their original size but had reduced the Rheinland fleet's to 1/2 of its original complement. And factoring in the reinforcement wings from the Leviathen the fight was more like 2 to 1 than the 3 to 1 it had been. The 3 AW battleships had destroyed a quarter of the Rheinland cruisers, while the gunboats and cruisers had taken 1/2 the enemy gunboats.
Dab: Ableben alert the Enterprise battlegroup of the incoming fleet in Sigma-17. Send any battlegroups that have not already been given orders to head to Kurile immediately.
The Enterprise battlegroup was by far the biggest and most effecient group in the entire AW fleet. Consisting of 3 battleships, one the Enterprise worth 2 battleships all by itself had been heavily modified and could hold its ground against two battleships all by itself. It had 40 cruisers, and 35 gunboats. And a starfighter carrier capable of holding 200 fighters. Add that to the wings of all three battleships it had at least 150 fighter wings.
Two starfighter carriers had arrived from Theta carrying AW eagles, far more agile than the Rheinland Wraiths. They were in the process of unloading all the fighters, bringing the fighters numbers almost even to that of the Rheinland fleet's.
Kurasai: What on god's name is going on here!? This is quite the warstorm. Alrighty guys, let's move in on my mark. Full speed to the battlefield!
As the trio flys nearer to the Enterprise battlegroup, Kurasai was so surprised at the alarming number of Eagles spewing out of the battleships. On top of that, the number of cruisers and gunboats were far beyond he ever attempted to simulate. Spread apart 10k, the trio was able to fully scan out the area in a matter of seconds, filling up the hologram with statistical information about each craft.
Recon: The Eagles will be approaching us, ETA 2 minutes.
Interceptor: Weapons loadout selected, aiming for closest wings.
Interceptor breaks formation and disengages cruise. His afterburners kick in, and lock onto the 3 very heavy fighers from the first wing. With a dosage of Colada del Cids and Firekiss', the fighers blew up in an instant. Kurasai swoops around and teleports the wingmen into his hold.
Recon disengages cruise as he gets intercepted by more Eagles, and flies in, obliterating a squad of 4.
Kurasai: Attack the ship deployment doors on the battleships. We cannot afford to weaken ourselves with just smallfry.
Recon and Interceptor: Acknowledged.
The two ships form up and dive almost recklessly towards the closest battleship. Amazingly their firepower was not able to penetrate their shields. They pull up just in time to dodge just a hair a few turret shots directed at them.
Kurasai: D*mn..their shields are too strong for them...I'll have to go full force on them then.
Kurasai turns around the Huegenot and launches two Inferno cannon beams every 20 seconds. Eventually, the shield on the main battleship dissapates, and the Bampei squad runs in for the kill. Recon suddenly starts to glitch, and fired bombs on the unshielded battleship. Apparently its sensors were damaged from the mission before, and continues to fire payload on capital ships randomly. By that time, Recon's hull was close to being irrepairable.
In fright, Kurasai tractors in Recon before its hull was completly destroyed. Thankfully its memory banks and primary subsystems were intact.
Interceptor and Kurasai's Huegenot form up and unload flak and missle salvos through the primary battleship's hull. As the battleship's thrusters failed to respond, it collides towards a cluster of asteroids. Even so, the battleship was severely damaged enough to stop firing. Eagles and cruisers were continuously swarmming them. The Huegenot's power supply churns as it continuously depletes to nil after every few shots.
Kurasai: Hm...can I try this now? Or will it fail on me....
Kurasai activates a personally modified set of 30 nanobots continuously working on the power generator. Within minutes, his power output doubled in capacity, and slowly but surely continues to increase. His newly acquired energy allowed him to finally activate his Battle Razors, and aims them towards the remaining eagles. One by one they slowly die off, their remains floating about the space.
Amidst the green Rheinland beams his Huegenot shoots at the capital ships, a squadron of Eagles surround his ship, firing missle salvos. One by one, the Huegenot's primary turrets flew off amidst the debris as its shield finally depletes.
Kurasai has no choice but to bail as the last bit of turrets fly out...
Kurasai: Interceptor, dock immediately and pick me up!
Interceptor: Affirmative...
Seconds after Interceptor flew as fast as it could towards the dying Rheinland Huegenot, a swarm of missles clusted around Interceptor and engulfs in a nuclear-like explosion.
Kurasai: Sh*t.....Computer, send a distress signal to any available Rheinlanders...request that I may...
Unfortunately, his transmission was not sent in time before the remaining AW forces destroyed his ship, and his auto-eject fired out about 30k from the battlescene.
*OOC: First that is what we call power-playing in RP. There is no way one huegenot and 2 fighters could kill 2 battleships and a dozen fighters... The most it could have done before three battleships destroyed it was take down the shields. Especially when one of the BSs is Korrd's Enterprise... We will say you destroyed 3 cruisers and damaged 1 battleship, and even that is stretching it. Guys we need to remember to keep this at least slightly realistic. There is no possible way one, ONE, huegenot could kill that much with computer ran fighters. OOC off*
Only 5 minutes remained until the Frankfurt fleet was within range of the AW battlegroup. Luckily a battlegroup from Beta had arrived and reinforced the group to an almost even fleet of the Rheinland's.
Meanwhile Onboard the Mjolnir AMAG's Flag Ship
Major Grant and his Crew picks up a Distress Signal
Ensign: ahh sir we picked up a Distress signal 50 Clicks from here
Major Grant: Hmm Change course and head for the Origin of the Signal
Ensign: Aye sir
*the Large Dreadnaught turned and headed for the Signals Origin
Meanwhile in the Fighter Hangars of The Mjolnir 10 Fighter Wings of Talons
Gearing up for a Routine Patrol*
Hangar Seargent: All right you lot Cut the Chatter will ya *the Seargent cleared his throat* in about 15 minuts we will be at the Designated Location of a Distress Signal that Command just recently picked up and it is our job too investigate the Site and Surronding sectors we are also too babysit the Search and Rescue teams that will be Sweeping the Site if we Encounter any Wreckage or recent signs of battle
any questions?
Pilot: ahh sir what will we be Flying and what is the Expected Danger level of this Mission?
Hangar Seargent: ahh an Excellent question you lot will be Flying the Newest out of the Labs the Talon Model X50-89 it is a Faster and more Agile version of the Normal talon but has been Modified too carry Torpedo Lanchers also you will be Playing with some newly Procured Swarm Missiles Pods which should Prove Very nicely against Light enemy Craft should you encounter any.
Any other Questions?....Good ok you lot you have 5 minuts too suit up for Lanuch
Zerstoren was compleatly consumed by his bloodlust. Laughing like a mad-man, he dive in on cpaital ships again and again. When a wing of eagles came after him, he laughed more. "Oh, You vant to play? How about THIS!" He dived suddenly, and as the Eagles tracked him they foudn themselfs in the path of an AW cruiser. With the shields down, they slammed into the ship and became more damage on it. Zerstoren spotted one of the Starflyer carriers.
"What have ve here?" His pulse cannons fired again and again, bringing the shields down. Then his Nova torps went to work, hitting flight decks, reactors, and even the bridge. The ship blew in half, and many of the fighters were still inside.
"Fight on, my Brothers! We must protect the Chancelor!"
Soon, the AW forces in Sigma 17 were faced with the largest force of Rhinland ships ever. This fleet alone was bigger then any other fleet, and vastly more powerful.
"To all AW forces, this is Attack Group Sieg. We are passing through your systems to aid our commerads in battle. Please stand aside."
On the RNB Krieg, the docking bay doors slowly slid open. Inside was not fighters, but strange cone-shaped vehicals. These launched in quick succession and slammed into the AW Flagship. With the penatrators fixed into the hull, 6 squads of the Black Legion burst into the flagship with an unmached fury.
"Sir! We're loosing pressure on decks 4, 5, and 6! The hull has been breached! Decks 9 and 10 have been breached! All systems are still good. We've lost turret 9!" Damage reports streamed into the bridge. It was not looking good. Even with these suprize tactics, the Rhinlanders were still fighting, still destroying. Dab was loosing thousands of good men. Then, one screen opened to show a batterd ensign from deck 5.
"Lord Captain! Boarders are - AGH!" A burst of lazer fire punched through the ensign, splattering his blood over the veiwscreen. Then the screen was shot. Before, you could see the face, or rather the mask, of the one who killed him; There was only one unit in the known universe that held those weapons, and they were rightly feared as the greatest infantry of man. The Black Legion had arrived.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Virus watched the battle from a distance on his newly liberated battlestar. He sat in the command chair rocking slightly. Damn this human... WHY THE HELL CAN'T I HELP THE CHANCELLOR?!
Just shut up..... I can't think...... Rheinland is dying..... And you won't help them...... I AM A RHEINLANDER.
We are no longer....
The bridge crew watched Virus/Arouk sit on the bridge fighting each other for control of the body. You want to know what's happening? We are now terrorists. Rheinland will never accept you back. LIES! Now get out of my head! I have a duty to save the Chancellor!
No... DarkStar ordered me to remain out of the fight....
Finally one of the bridge crew, one that Virus knew the longest, spoke up. "Um.. Sir, are you ok?" Virus just continued to stare out the view port.
Why.......? I.... I....
You have no reason.... No logical reason... I... Just have to.....
Damn you......... You're emotions..... I hate them.... Let...... Me...... Save her!
I can't... Why the hell not?!
Because....... Oh..........
You don't realize why you were kept from seeing, hearing, moving, feeling, and all the other things you humans do..... You b*st*rd..........
Stop.... Now..... I can't..... Keep....
"I... I can.... move....." Virus' face lit up for a moment.
"Sir?" then it died. Back into the previous staring and total loss of outside awareness.
"Um.... Sir? Are you ok?" He paused a moment, then looked at the other bridge members, "What do we do?"
Another crew member shook his head, "I don't know....."
I want to save her...................
No..... We can't.... Dar...... AAGH! STOP....! No! I WANT TO SAVE RHEINLAND!
Please................. Stop.................
<Now, I can't decide if I want Virus(old one) to take control again.... Or to just let them keep watching.... Either way... Its hard to roleplay, ya know?>