(11-10-2013, 06:41 PM)Zelot Wrote: It is the difference between nationalist terrorism and and what might be called religious or ideological terrorism. Al-Queda or Hezbollah don't have a single country they are affileated with or are protecting. Look more along the model or nationalist terror groups and you will find the roots of the Xenos. The KKK in the US, the Basque movement in Southern France and Northern Spain, The Tamel Tigers of Sri Lanka, The Irgun and Lehi in British Mandatory Palistine, and the IRA in Ireland.
These groups are and were nationalist terrorist orginizations and they were and are focused on liberating or causing specific conditions in a specific area. These group are much more consistant with the Xenos than Al-Queda groups would be. These groups wouldnt go looking for a fight that does not have to do with it's goals and is not in it's area. British companies go into Southern France and Northern Spain all the time, but that doesnt mean the Basque would target them all in England and certainly not all over the world.
Looking at the Xenos as some kinda Al QUeda terror group is totally misunderstanding the Xenos.
A very fair point. I admit my knowledge of Xeno RP isn't my strong point. However I still think there's room for people who want to RP an element of the Xenos who decide to hit shipping etc in Kusari space before it hits Liberty is an option.
And when the Xenos are in Kusari? Who does their work in Liberty? The Xenos are not a huge group. For everyone in Kusari, there is a Bretonian or other transport heading into Liberty.
I'm very happy to see that the development team is recognizing that Kusari's isolationist policies, the meta isolationist policies to be specific, are at their best when being rattled. A modest allowance in engagement zones to be sure, but a poignant message to persons who demand that their sandboxes, and jimmies, remain rustled at all costs.
On that same token this might serve as a very good time to review some of those arguments raised in a new light! Much of the evidence supporting these same meta isolationist positions were drafted and approved by the same parties that use them as a point of debate. Rather than serving as evidence for restricting game play in a perpetually troubled region of the game they could, perhaps, stand as evidence against their inclusion in the contemporary story line.
Afterall, people don't login for infocards. They use them to support a larger narrative foundation to be sure but that doesn't pay the bills when confronted by a multitude of empty systems populated by the same eight people wearing every mask in the land.
About the whole Xenos in Shikoku thing, and tons more besides:
Why is more choice a bad thing? You're not obliged to ever visit Shikoku just because your ID says you can. Then again, I think the whole idea of a strict, ID-bound ZoI system is unnecessary and rather silly. The old method of common sense mixed with the little "your system's NPCs +1" was far better.
(11-11-2013, 12:35 AM)Dusty Lens Wrote: I'm very happy to see that the development team is recognizing that Kusari's isolationist policies, the meta isolationist policies to be specific, are at their best when being rattled. A modest allowance in engagement zones to be sure, but a poignant message to persons who demand that their sandboxes, and jimmies, remain rustled at all costs.
On that same token this might serve as a very good time to review some of those arguments raised in a new light! Much of the evidence supporting these same meta isolationist positions were drafted and approved by the same parties that use them as a point of debate. Rather than serving as evidence for restricting game play in a perpetually troubled region of the game they could, perhaps, stand as evidence against their inclusion in the contemporary story line.
Afterall, people don't login for infocards. They use them to support a larger narrative foundation to be sure but that doesn't pay the bills when confronted by a multitude of empty systems populated by the same eight people wearing every mask in the land.
P.S. Sina says GOODBYE.
Really not sure what that argument has to do with any of the arguments made previously in the thread. Then again, I am usually not smart enough to understand your arguments. Would you care to dumb it down for pitiful ole me?
You'll have to forgive me for my mistaken comment about Xenos and Hogosha fighting in vanilla, what I was actually thinking of was that they were the two vanilla enemies of the Junkers. There is some opportunity to get along (before you get all isolationist on me, similar to the Corsair relations in my mind) instead. Either way, this was just something I thought of when you asked, not the intention of adding Shikoku to the ZoI. "Pews" was a joke-y way of saying "interactions", although with a Xeno a lot of interactions will involve shooting and terrorism (as it should be).
(11-10-2013, 06:52 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Surely Evo has the right to agree/disagree with this change, and to make his judgement on what the Xeno ZoI should be?
For the XA-, sure. If you don't want to RP there, it's your loss. I'm sure some indies can find some level or reasoning to go there.
If it does become a serious problem in the future, it might be reconsidered.
There actually was some player rp agreement way back in the day between the Hogs under Pipboy and the Xenos under Del that basicly split up Kepler with both sides being able to go into the others terriroty to chase Junkers, but only to chase junkers. The Xeners stayed in Southern section of Kepler and the Hogs staying in the North. The really annoying thing about this is that it sets up a situation where the Xenos are allowed to raid into someone elses house, but the people in that house can't respond in the same way.
BTW, how do you get to better relations between the Hogs and Xenos or FA and Xenos if you are sending the Xenos in to raid and fight? I assume that you can still go out of your ZOI as long as you don't start a fight, so what was the problem with the old situation with this?
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(11-11-2013, 08:51 AM)Snak3 Wrote: So, let's say, Isejins in Magellan are out of their ZoI? Or is Magellan now the new Conn?
Please note that there is one particular Iseijin that has an unusual background for the faction, and operates in Liberty, which explains entirely why they'd be in Magellan as well.