Please put me in contact with my superior officer.
THE IMBALANCE OF POWERis a construct ofTHE MINDsystemic to the reactions between the subjects of the system.POWERis given by those who acknowledge such power.REFUSALto acknowledge power removes that power forTHE REBEL; however, it produces anomalies in interactions throughout the system. TheseANOMOLIEScause theUNPREDICTABLEnature of the system that all usersCRAVE.
Yesterday, an awful lot of things happened. Unfortunately, my Lynx has almost no guncam shots of the proceedings. I'm sure Capitaine Leveque will have audiovisual records somewhere on the Clamecy's databanks, if anyone wants to access them. Suffice to say no less than three separate Colonial incursions into the Taus were repulsed and a Maltese Sarissa-class battleship was disabled, among several and extremely varied other...incidents.
Regardless, today - while on patrol - Sous-Lieutenant Gabriel and I ran into a Rheinland U-Boat in Tau-31, apparently belonging to the Rheinland's intelligence agency. Fortunately, the captain co-operated with our orders, and was duly escorted to the nearest exit and expulsed from Crown-controlled space.
Afterwards, I joined my wing of two pilots up with Commandant Chevalier in Tau-44. He directed us to sweep the system - standard patrol fare - and we came across a Maltese Tridente gunship. Naturally, after a brief altercation, the target was destroyed by our forces.
Afterwards, Commandant Chevalier directed us to pull in for repairs, and our patrol ended at this point.
------| Transmission Entrée |------ ---|Couronné de Succès |---
Sorce:Battleship Guillestre, Tau 23 De:Aspirant Matthias Rioux En:Gallic Navy Command Sujet:Battle Report -1 Encription:Low
Bonjour Command. I have a successful report to state. I was called up on an alert from Battleship Guillestre and quickly rushed into the Tau-29 where our forces were already in combat with the enemy. The hostiles were made up of freelance pirates, Outcasts and most of all Colonial forces. Our task forces was able to destroy a Colonial capital ship. Afterwards we mopped up the rest of the enemy which either fled or stood their ground and died. I have the honor of reporting my first combat kill, an Outcast pilot who was trying gun down my wingman.
Bonjour Command. I have another battlefield report ready. Standard battlegroup formation in the Leeds system that eventually lead us to the Magellan system. Where we found hostiles forces and engaged them with outstanding sucess. Serveral Liberty vessel were destroyed along with some Bretonians and Colonials. But sadly we were soon out matched by many hostile vessels that forced us out of the system. Hostile forces were composed of Colonials, Liberty, Bretonians, and Outcasts. It was an unnerving situtation after things got worse. We fell back to the Leeds system and broke contact with the enemy.
Battleship Villefranche, Leeds System
21. Novembre, 736 AGS
From: Phillipe Charbonneau.
To: Gallic Royal Navy, Internal Transmission Center.
Topic: Promotions.
À qui de droit,
In the name of the Royal Navy's High Command, I announce the following promotions:
Aspirant Matthias Rioux, for your courage, comradeship and insightful combat reports, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Sous-Lieutenant.
Aspirant Maurice Cornett, for your outstanding diligence and results in fighting the enemies of the Crown, you are hereby promoted to the rank of Sous-Lieutenant.
Toutes nos félicitations, messieurs, for proving your worth in your first steps as new pilots of the Royal Navy. May you continue to serve the King and his people with unrelenting determination and success.
In service to the Crown,
Phillipe Charbonneau
Maréchal of the Gallic Royal Navy
Phase One has been successfully concluded, and the system is under lockdown. Preliminary intelligence operations conducted by REDACTED have revealed the presence of several rebel holdouts on Planet Borneo.
Phase Two is now in effect. Battleship Acre shall be moving into the system, and serving as a forward platform from where Marines shall begin combat actions. Taureau class Freighters carrying Marine detachments with heavy fighter escort are slated to drop at all known Rebel locations. It is hoped that the information found there will yield up other rebels hiding on stations and put an end to this.
In the King's Name,
Ansel Xavier
Grand Maréchal
Général de Brigade of the Foreign Legion
LOCATION: RNS Agincourt, Perilous class gunboat, Leeds
Bonjour *salutes*
This is my first report since returning to active duty so i will try to keep it asbrief as possible...Learning that the GRN|RNS-La.Dame.du.Fer was lost with all hands during the battle for Leeds after my departure from active service, I was asigned a new gunboat, the GRN|RNS-Agincourt....We did some preliminary tests and the new systems are working more than perfect....Few hours ago during the system checkup, we intercepted an Outcast vessel near planet Leeds....He was ordered to stop, but refused several of our warnings and even displayed rather rude behaviour, much befitting a druged up criminal I guess....Anyways, since he refused to obey our orders I ordered my gunner to open fire and the ship was oblitareted in a matter of minutes....
Here are the recording probe images from the incident: image-01 image-02
Comm ID:Aspirant Mathis Launcelot Subject:Patrol Report Encryption:Medium Priority:Low
Bonjour Royal Navy,
After I received the transmission of my approval to the Gallic Royal Navy, I headed to the location that was in the transmission to get started. I got set up with a " Cougar " Bomber and was headed to a patrol with Miss Fontaine. We started from Leeds and made our way up to Tau 23. In Tau 23, we encountered numerous hostiles. Three to be specific, Colonial, a Gaian, and a Freelancer that claimed we ruined his life.
Shortly after, a battle was started, they all open fired on me, and then Miss Fontaine when she arrived from Tau 31. We managed to get to Langeudoc Jump Gate where our Valor Station was a little help to their group. After a couple minutes, the Colonial spoke about us Navy not having honor, so I challenged him to a duel. The duel lasted pretty long, but it wasn't gonna last forever. He was destroyed by a antimatter hit to the nose of the ship.
Shortly after, I heard about Miss Fontaines kill, but she can tell you more about that as I wasn't there. I will upload my guncam shots of the Colonial.
LOCATION: RNS Agincourt, Perilous class gunboat, Leeds
Bonjour *salutes*
Today was a rather busy day in Leeds....I was doing a standard patrol of the system aboard the Agincourt, along with aspirant Renee Fontaine, and a few members of the Punisher squadron, when we heard there might be an enemy battleship in the system....We did a broad search and found a bretonian battleship class vessel, the HMS.Dunkirk....I ordered all ships to try to pinpoint the exact location of the said vessel....It turned out it was already engaged in a fight against one of our valors along with a council battleship the CLN-Bretagne.... As the Valor was having difficulties holding alone against 2 hostile battleships, I ordered the Agincourt to get into the position near Oubli, while I got into my Cougar and moved in to engage the hostile ships along with other forces....We managed to get the Valor to cruise away to safety and head to the nearest shipyard for repairs while we kept the 2 battleships busy...The council one was first one to be targeted...It seems that our torpedoes and antimatter canons wre able to severely damage their navigation systems, since after a brief fight the ship crashed into Leeds atmosphere and exploded...We then turned our attention to the bretonian one, but sadly he was able to get away somehow...While we were searching for it, we stumbled upon an Outcast destroyer class vessel in one of the nebula clouds....This vessel was also intercepted and after a brief fight and their rather illogical decission to try and charge directly at one of our battleships, it was easily destroyed...Sadly the explosions from one of our own novas caught on one of my bomber's engines and my ship was destroyed...Luckily my pod was picked up by the Battleship along with the ship's blackbox...Total tally for today was: 2 enemy capital ships destroyed, and one chased away to wherever he crawled from, and one bomber vessel, my own, lost....
I would also like to compliment all my wingmen today for their fine work and porfesionalism in desposing of this mini invasion fleet we faced today....
LOCATION: RNS Agincourt, Perilous class gunboat, Leeds
Bonjour *salutes*
I am hereby submiting my report of yesterday's fleet actions in Leeds and Magellan...As I undocked from the battleship Oubli in my Lynx, I was immediately caught in a battle between our forces and a combined fleet of Council, Colonial and Bretonian ships... I established a communication link with the rest of our ships and headed straight into combat...The fighitng did not take long and all of the eneimes were dealt with swiftly by our superior ships...I myself was able to destroy one council bomber....
After that, I went aboard the Agincourt and escorted 2 of our transport division ships to the Languedock jump gate in Tau 23....On my way back I encountered a heavily armed and armored Bretonian Dunkirk class battleship...Since there were no larger vessels available to come in, the Agincourt was forced to engage the vessel...I must say, the Agincourt is one beast of a ship, much stronger than La.Dame.duFer... In short we were able to subdue and destroy the battleship, once again proving the superiority of our ships and military over Bretonians....
Once the battleship was dealt with, I ordered the Agincourt back to Leeds and took my Lynx again...Along with General LeBlanc and the rest of our wing, we went into Magellan where we were able to locate and exterminate a wing of 27th Colonial fleet ships, as well as a Liberty Assault Cruiser near the Freeport...
I am hereby submitting images recorded from all 3 of these battles our forces won decisively....
UPLOADING IMAGES-----------UPLOAD COMPLETE: Image-01 Image-02 Image-03 Image-04 Image-05