(I think Kane's post was supposed to be before mine, since mine took long to write.) If a moderator would switch the two, his first mine second, it would be appreciated. Also Kane... You couldn't have killed the entire battlegroup there that fast, especially with Enterprise in it. Remember Korrd's bag@$$ RH BS...
Something came to the major as he was on the command deck of the hammerfest it was faint but there. All of a sudden he burst into movemant and gathered 30 security officers and marched into the med bay 1 just in time.
Major Alpha : Well well Admiral wat do we think we are doing
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
Major Alpha: I had no idea he was here but that is not a concern the Seig fleet is making empty threats, they will not find this station because few people know where it is and it is cloaked so where were we, ah yes the chancellor what treatments have you considered.
He turned on his comm badge.
Major Alpha: Captain I regret to inform you that the station is not in omicron gamma and i cant facilitate your request at the moment. Admiral Kreig and I were about to have a little chat. And as I have already told the Admiral they are not prisoners here but they can't leave just yet.
With that he turned back to the admiral.
Major Alpha: Now where were we.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
Yes, I know Korrds big @$$ Rhinland Battleship. Your forgetting the fleet that Rhinland sent out has 6 or 7. Not to mention the uncountable number of cruisers, gunboats, fighters, and bombers.
And if we could just continue on, mine is fine where it is right now.
***END OOC***
Krieg scowled. "I think he's being insane, thats what. I think he has a death-wish, and he's going to take all of you with him." At that moment, the squad of Black Legionairs decloaked around Dab, Major Alpha, and the docters. Dab suddenly found himself staring down the barrel of a Hellfire Lazer Rifle, with two more pointed at his head from behind. Alpha felt one against his skull, and the docters were held at gunpoint.
"Now, let's not do anything stupid here. You will give us, me, the Chancelor, and my men, a transport. Then, you will let us go. You will not follow, and you will not bother us again. Rhinland is vastly more powerful then your puny little empire, 'Lord Captian.' I hope you have gotten over yourself and realised that now."
Krieg glared about the room. "Well? Are you going to comply or do you want me to splatter some brains?"
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Major Alpha: Admiral your are more rash than i think for you see the transporter technology was created here and it is in the station systems, for example.
All of a sudden a bright beam of light flashes and the Black Legions are no where to be seen.dozens of security officers come through the door guns pointed at the Admiral.
Major Alpha: And you find yourself in a very tight spot. I guess you can say that our empires smaller but by the looks of what has just happen I think I can say that we are smarter at times Admiral.
As he said this the tone of his voice became icy.
Major Alpha: Now Admiral for the last time where were you taking the Chancellor and what were you going to do to her.
As he said this Dab rose to his feet and stood beside him waiting for the Admirals answer
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
Krieg scowled. "You think i'm going to be impressed by your fancy lights and a wave of you magic wand?" He scoffed.
"Your making two assumptions here. 1, that because of this display of power, i'm going to start crying and tell you all I know. 2, that you are compleatly safe and alone." He held up his finger. On it was a silver ring.
"You know what this is? It's a tracking device. Rhinland knows exactly where you are, and when they come, there isn't a thing you're going to be able to do about it."
He sighed. "I wanted to solve this without more killing, but you people have forced us to do it. You really deserve everything that's going to happen to you."
The Rhinland fleet, drawn closer by Kriegs tracker, aproached the base. "This must be it. Open a channel."
"Attention AW forces! You will surrender now, unconditionaly, or you will be destoyed! You have 30 seconds to decloack and surrender!"
The teleport crew was having troubles of their own. A quck comm was opened to the Medical bay.
"Sir! It's the Black Legionairs... They took one of the docters with them. They're threatening to kill him if we don't let them out. Sir, it's Docter Archer." Docter Archer was the only one who knew how to operate the medical tubes. Without him, it would be impossible to revive the Chancelor.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Major Alpha: Then they are dead because they were beamed into space however doctor Hikari on the Leviathan can do it however your little friends are outside and they are about to doom her.
He turns on his comm badge.
Major Alpha: Its your choice Admiral do we lose Reinlands best hope of a bright future and one of my best friends or do we beam doctor Hikari aboard and help her live.
He hands his comm badge to Kreig.
Major Alpha: call them off Kreig you are her last hope otherwise they can blow us all to hell.
He hesitantly raises his gun to the Chancellors tank and shakes as he says
Major Alpha: But if one of your little Black Legion men appear again by magic Ill kill her myself or one of the security officers will should i get shot is that understood Admiral.
He stands there shaking with his gun pointed at the tank thinking to himself my god Kirsty forgive me.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles
Krieg's eyes narrowed. "As far as I see it, your in no position to demand anything. We were our of your territory when you attacked. You asked us questions, and we said we would not answer. And now, YOU are threatening the life of the one you said was a friend of yours! It is because of you and your people that this has blown up like a supernova. We had done nothing to you, untill you people decided to stick your pointed little noses where they didn't belong!"
He took a breath in and let it out slow. His eyes flicked up to Alpha.
"Fine then. I'll call them off. And then you can ask all you want."
The fleet outside took up holding positions, but did not go away. Inside the large battleships, marines and boarding craft were readied, just in case the Admiral and Chancelor needed help. The space was so thick with ships that light from the sun could not reach the station.
This is the real true story of rock and roll; it was not about anything more then, how to live your life, as a gangster, in sartorial splendor, and turning the world into a place where normality would never return again...- Malcolm McLaren
Major Alpha: Thank you Admiral and for your information I did not start this mess im just trying to end it with as little more blood shed as possible.
He lowers his gun.
Major Alpha:Doctor Hikari this is Major Alpha prepare to beam aboard.
Doctor Hikari: Yes sir.
With a flash of light Doctor Hikari appears he walks over to the tank and starts making ajustments.
Major Alpha: Now that this problem is solved what did your Reinland scientist suggest we do to save her Admiral.
At this point Doctor Hikari butts in.
Doctor Hikari: My appologies sir but I must report that the chancellors body has adapted to the chemicals in the tank without having to go into the scientific explainations she cannot be moved from that tank meaning that no matter where you need to take her the only ship that is in any condition to transport her is the Leviathan which Admiral means that whether you like it or not the AW will be apart of this until she is fit enough to breathe and walk on her own.
Major Alpha looked at Admiral Kreig and seen his scowl deepen to beyond anything he had ever seen him do before.
Major Alpha: So Admiral where were you taking her.
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles