As you can see we recently reopened after certain problems forced us to temporarily close our doors, but we assure you that we have reopened our doors and are as strong as ever.
That being said we are looking for ambitious associates to partner with and help represent the people of Sirius. All interested parties are encouraged to reply to this message with their reason for wanting to become an associate, their qualifications, and the best way to contact them.
For all the rest of you people of Sirius looking to be represented in any case you may have simply fill out the following form.
Quote:Case nature (defense, prosecution):
Case type (law suite, formal charges, permission requests etc.):
Name or organization:
name or organization which the case is being made against:
other pertinent information:
If you would like to give input on how Sirius Law Firm could be improved or would just like to see a record of some of our previous cases please do not hesitate to click HERE
(//OORP this page is only tentative as well as the case form, they will both most likely see many changes as time passes.)