Name: Karl Klein
Age: 39
Origin: Planet Hamburg
Order to arrest/kill on sight
Rank: Feldwebel
Piloten Flagship: Rheinland Cruiser, RNC-Schwartz Tiger(Destroyed)
Militarist Experience: 14 years of service
Medals: Silver Medal for loyalty ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Karl Klein was born in 781 A.S., on the planet Hamburg.
Successful finished school and joined Hamburg’s Military Academy.
806 A.S. - Degree received and joined Rheinland Military.
811 A.S. - Application sent to Intellegenz.
812 A.S. - Klein accepted into Intellegenze Division.
815 A.S. - promoted to Inspektoe and awarded with Silver Medal for loyalty to Republic of Rheinland.
818 A.S. - promoted to Feldwebel for actions in battle against Liberty Navy
820 A.S. - ordered to Rote Front in Dresden.
20th of 820 A.S. - Klein demoted to Inspektoe for loss of Rheinland Cruiser and crew.
6th of 820 A.S. - Klein promoted to Feldwebel for creation of perfect plan of operation. Accused in killing Rheinland Engineer and stealing secret documents from Battleship Moselle.
7th of 820 A.S. - Current status: Missing-in-Action