Was in a Sabre, departed from Alcatraz. Shot up some NPCs, was about 1/2 full cargo. Did a normal dock at Montezuma, during video crashed to desktop. Re-logged into server was at Alcatraz docked with the loot I attained prior to attempting to dock at Montezuma. This has only happened once, figured it was a fluke thing.
i dont have docking problems at this moment,but i do get kicked to my Desktop every view days.
if it happends,i,m just flying around in space with my heavy fighter.
but its only happening one a day.
so far i dont have a battleship,so i dont know if i will have the same problem then.
i do have the advanced train,and i got the same problem with that ship as with the fighter.
so it might be that it hasnt everything to do with the docking,but maybe aslo with flying in the first place.
i dont know,but so far this is all i know.
I normally don't had much trouble docking. But the last few days it drived me crazy. I wanted to use a more (at least not a normall dock port) with a fighter on Buffalo from the in New York jump hole side. It crashed again when I returned.
Also my FL crashed at planet Crete on a Moore above the Docking port. Didn't had trouble with other bases so far.
I crash it seems randomly on any kind of jumpgate or jumphole. havent noted all, but it always does this: freezes in the middle of the vortex for 5 seconds, then get me on a big blue screen telling me something about critical error, transfering physical memory to hard disk or something like that, takes 100 seconds, then restart my comp.
something strange happened to about 5 of us one day... we was off to new york going through rheinland cause we was on the tail of a certain someone.
we all decided to dock on FP5 before we entered liberty space... but all of us got it at the exact same time, fl shut down instantly came back on ended up in the last docked area (alpha/13)
hehe happened again on rochester about 3 weeks later when me, silent, zapp and alek was heading down to NY .... me zapp and alek crashed and ended up back in 13 leaving poor silent there on his lonesome