My fellow players, James Kaney had posted this thread the other day while he was in game. After reading his original post I headed to Penn to see what the situation was, as it involved Zoners. Once I was in game I contacted him and he filled me in on the event as it was happening.
I flew to Bethlehem to see first hand the situation. We met at the station and I helped to fill him in on the server rules pertaining to the situation that was at hand.
James Kaney was flying using a pirate ID in a Mammoth transport. He was destroying NPC ships in the area around Bethlehem station, looting the dropped goods and selling them at the station. A player saw this and told him not to dock at the station,. He did not comply with this statement and he docked anyhow. This is why he posted in the first place. His rep sheet was neutral to Zoners and he did not understand why he was being told not to dock at a station. The other player held their position outside of the station and would open fire when he undocked. I contacted the player who had been waiting outside of the station and we agreed that I would help James Kaney out of the mess he had gotten himself into. After our conversation James Kaney and I parted ways and it seemed as if he understood why he had encountered such problems.
So I see now that several people have started posting in this thread about some other situation in Penn involving some Order vessel. I do not think these situations are tied together, but I guess it could be possible however unlikely.
I felt it was do diligence on my part to help out this player as it seemed as if he was rather new to the server. I understand it is frustrating to be in game with people who seem not to care about the rules nor RP despite the fact that is what this server is all about. But if we can help them to understand why things are the way they are, this may keep them around as part of our community.
In closing, if you encounter problems with other players report them accordingly to the Admins and let them figure it out. Do not let some bad encounter ruin your day. And as for the situation involving James Kaney, it was addressed the day it occurred. I hope this helps to clear things up a bit and I hope this thread will not be filled with more posts involving different situations that have really nothing to do with the original post.
(12-29-2013, 09:26 PM)Necroth Wrote: My fellow players, James Kaney had posted this thread the other day while he was in game. After reading his original post I headed to Penn to see what the situation was, as it involved Zoners. Once I was in game I contacted him and he filled me in on the event as it was happening.
I flew to Bethlehem to see first hand the situation. We met at the station and I helped to fill him in on the server rules pertaining to the situation that was at hand.
James Kaney was flying using a pirate ID in a Mammoth transport. He was destroying NPC ships in the area around Bethlehem station, looting the dropped goods and selling them at the station. A player saw this and told him not to dock at the station,. He did not comply with this statement and he docked anyhow. This is why he posted in the first place. His rep sheet was neutral to Zoners and he did not understand why he was being told not to dock at a station. The other player held their position outside of the station and would open fire when he undocked. I contacted the player who had been waiting outside of the station and we agreed that I would help James Kaney out of the mess he had gotten himself into. After our conversation James Kaney and I parted ways and it seemed as if he understood why he had encountered such problems.
So I see now that several people have started posting in this thread about some other situation in Penn involving some Order vessel. I do not think these situations are tied together, but I guess it could be possible however unlikely.
I felt it was do diligence on my part to help out this player as it seemed as if he was rather new to the server. I understand it is frustrating to be in game with people who seem not to care about the rules nor RP despite the fact that is what this server is all about. But if we can help them to understand why things are the way they are, this may keep them around as part of our community.
In closing, if you encounter problems with other players report them accordingly to the Admins and let them figure it out. Do not let some bad encounter ruin your day. And as for the situation involving James Kaney, it was addressed the day it occurred. I hope this helps to clear things up a bit and I hope this thread will not be filled with more posts involving different situations that have really nothing to do with the original post.
Roger and thanks for the update, Sorry for confusing this person with someone else ^^
(12-29-2013, 09:26 PM)Necroth Wrote: My fellow players, James Kaney had posted this thread the other day while he was in game. After reading his original post I headed to Penn to see what the situation was, as it involved Zoners. Once I was in game I contacted him and he filled me in on the event as it was happening.
I flew to Bethlehem to see first hand the situation. We met at the station and I helped to fill him in on the server rules pertaining to the situation that was at hand.
James Kaney was flying using a pirate ID in a Mammoth transport. He was destroying NPC ships in the area around Bethlehem station, looting the dropped goods and selling them at the station. A player saw this and told him not to dock at the station,. He did not comply with this statement and he docked anyhow. This is why he posted in the first place. His rep sheet was neutral to Zoners and he did not understand why he was being told not to dock at a station. The other player held their position outside of the station and would open fire when he undocked. I contacted the player who had been waiting outside of the station and we agreed that I would help James Kaney out of the mess he had gotten himself into. After our conversation James Kaney and I parted ways and it seemed as if he understood why he had encountered such problems.
So I see now that several people have started posting in this thread about some other situation in Penn involving some Order vessel. I do not think these situations are tied together, but I guess it could be possible however unlikely.
I felt it was do diligence on my part to help out this player as it seemed as if he was rather new to the server. I understand it is frustrating to be in game with people who seem not to care about the rules nor RP despite the fact that is what this server is all about. But if we can help them to understand why things are the way they are, this may keep them around as part of our community.
In closing, if you encounter problems with other players report them accordingly to the Admins and let them figure it out. Do not let some bad encounter ruin your day. And as for the situation involving James Kaney, it was addressed the day it occurred. I hope this helps to clear things up a bit and I hope this thread will not be filled with more posts involving different situations that have really nothing to do with the original post.
The ironic thing about this is, the guy that told him not to dock at the station because he's pirating NPCs, also pirates NPCs himself, with a Zoner ID.
This has nothing to do with RP, he's just using RP as an excuse to keep the Zoner base clear of all competition so he can carry on blowing the transports for himself.
Official Navy ships [LN] blew up my Zoner Cruiser, literally right outside Bethlehem station.
If they were really worried about Zoner retaliation they wouldn't have bothered.
Quote:[LN] blew up my Zoner Cruiser,
Quote:my Zoner Cruiser
The Laws of Liberty Wrote:IV. Foreign Warships.
No warships except those in service within the ranks of the Liberty forces are permitted within the house of Liberty. Warships are classed as any ship of destroyer, cruiser, or larger.This includes the Corvo Cruiser, a ship famous for its research and reconnaissance capabilities.
However, permission can be obtained from the ranking officer on duty present for warships of these classes to enter Liberty space. Where possible, these ships will be given an armed escort during their trip through Liberty space. Some reasons for this permission being given may be:
Diplomatic talks with the government of Liberty or a corporation based within Liberty.
The warship in question needing urgent repairs or resupply.
Flight through Liberty to avoid a warzone.
If a ranking officer is not present, entrance into the house of Liberty is denied. Warships found within the house of Liberty without prior permission will be, depending on the conditions, escorted out of the house of Liberty or boarded and diverted to moor on Norfolk shipyard in New York. Any resistance will result in the warship being destroyed.
Permission can only be granted by a member of the Primary Fleets.
Permanent clearance for foreign warships to operate in the house of Liberty is not available.
If you are going to have your zoner caps in/around the houses, make sure to follow their laws.
(07-16-2013, 04:06 PM)The Republic Of Liberty Wrote: As an act of good faith, the Republic will respect a 5K no-fire zone around the aforementioned stations for the next month, awaiting communiques from the station owners.
Wrong. The treaty has expired since hunter didnt requested a new nfz regulation, currently liberty no longer respects nfz at bethlwhem. Anyway, just report things to the cof and.get it done, nothing complicated