Well who about what ... me about barges. But its when you drive it daily and get expirienced with matters.
I noticed that when cruising is hard to avoid multitaxing in same system, even with a pilots of same faction who come and go in hour interval , while you still traverse same system. That is lame, but for obvious reasons hard to solve, but i got one idea.
Barge cant be taxed unless dealt with escort ship first.
What it mean. If i hire escort if he protect me ill pay him whatever i would pay pirate in one turn. But that escort will protect me from double taxing as long as he achieve to keep me alive.
There is ridicoulous mechanic that even if i pay whole fleet to escort me, one bomber can dodge them and blew me out. On other hand barge is so slow that he can not escape during battle while escort deals with offender. So cant use escort as distraction for flee.
As barge is classified special ship i think that special rule can apply to it.
That would make positive impact cause every traveling barge under escort could be mini event for pirates to plunder it , destroy , tax , or hijack.
It want be taxable that every small rat even without CD can come and say pay 10 mil or die.
SO in general i propose thatr special rule for special ship
Barge tranport can not be extorted hijacked or destroyed before disposing of escorts if escort exist. (escorts should be maximum 5k away from barge after fight starts or it will be counted as pvp death)
Problem is cause players who tax you cant know who taxed you 30 min ago and has that happened. So even if they RP good, they cant be sure is it right what they do cause its big time distance.
I dont know if double taxation is legal to server rules, but in good RP manner if some pirate taxed you he can guarantee in front of next pirate by contacting him that he taxed you already and that newbie who hunt on his turf has no right to tax again trader in same system. This is some RP good behaviour. But if pirate tax me, is it fair to expect from him to stay in szstem for hour or 2 cause of me ? ... no , he can even log off...
So those escort rules solve things out and trollers too. I dont mind to pay , but in reality such ship should be heavily guarded, but game mechanic doesnt protect transport in battle at all toward pirate tactic to ignore escort and pew tranport. thats why most traders never hire any escort cause same cant help at all.
Better to spend 30 milion on escort and be protected by rules from destruction, then pass pirate same amount money for do nothing ... Let them prove as pilots. Credits are unimportant, but interaction.
(01-04-2014, 01:38 AM)Thargoid Wrote: Doubt admins/devs will put the effort into making rules for a ship that only a few people have access to.
Thargoid is right.
(01-04-2014, 01:38 AM)Thargoid Wrote: The ship ain't designed for trading anyway, that's what 5Kers are for.
and dude, you are in a ship worth billions and billions, hauling 40k (if i remember correctly) cargo. of course you are going to be taxed ALOT. a barge is a pirates dream.... the proverbial goose that lays golden eggs.
Quote: double taxation
its NOT double taxation if two SEPARATE pirates tax you.
Whining because you cant uberpowertrade in your barge, and wanting a free pass from pirates?
(01-04-2014, 12:43 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Dunno, this is a bit of a tricky subject. It really depends what can be defined a proper roleplay, and trolling/harassment.
I'd say 80% of what goes on in the last days can be defined as "trolling/harrassment".
Besides that, doing anything other than jump trading, which I hope is not possible with a barge anymore, or relocating it for a future base storage extention is not recommended for a barge.
EDIT: If you need money, don't trade: sell the ship. Should give you a billion or a few.
(01-04-2014, 12:38 AM)djordje_petrovic Wrote: Well who about what ... me about barges. But its when you drive it daily and get expirienced with matters.
I noticed that when cruising is hard to avoid multitaxing in same system, even with a pilots of same faction who come and go in hour interval , while you still traverse same system. That is lame, but for obvious reasons hard to solve, but i got one idea.
Barge cant be taxed unless dealt with escort ship first.
What it mean. If i hire escort if he protect me ill pay him whatever i would pay pirate in one turn. But that escort will protect me from double taxing as long as he achieve to keep me alive.
There is ridicoulous mechanic that even if i pay whole fleet to escort me, one bomber can dodge them and blew me out. On other hand barge is so slow that he can not escape during battle while escort deals with offender. So cant use escort as distraction for flee.
As barge is classified special ship i think that special rule can apply to it.
That would make positive impact cause every traveling barge under escort could be mini event for pirates to plunder it , destroy , tax , or hijack.
It want be taxable that every small rat even without CD can come and say pay 10 mil or die.
SO in general i propose thatr special rule for special ship
Barge tranport can not be extorted hijacked or destroyed before disposing of escorts if escort exist. (escorts should be maximum 5k away from barge after fight starts or it will be counted as pvp death)
Nice try.
Barges are not designed to be transport ships. If you are determined to fly that thing around Sirius, then you get what you get. Have fun with the pirates.
(01-04-2014, 02:21 AM)Pavel Wrote: Fits better into rules&sanctions
Edit: And as others said, barge isn't trading ship, it's more roleplay tool and local storage facility with very limited mobility. If barges could normally trade, almost everybody would like to have one and use for moving goods.
Well people, if you look that way i see your point has merit. I just love to fly around. I am just pised cause pirates can bypass my escort like it doesnt exist and that is lame , not for me who will pay escort if not to pirate, but lame to RP encounter who become pay or die RP and no further interaction. If barge is pirate dream thay could dream to capture it too if protected.
As good as some things sound, there is no way you can enforce it sadly. Sure you can say things need to be one way, although there will be no game mechanic to stop such a thing. All something like this would do, is perhaps raise the amount of sanction reports players are putting in.
Like mentioned above, the Barge is a rare ship. It's not really worth putting in something for a rarity. Use the barge for other things perhaps, although that's a subject of its own.