Today makes ta first video log from ta Phoenix Labs aboard Ames Research Station. I'll be makin' periodic reports here, as well as some of ta other scientists here who will need ta document their findin's and their projects.
First though, time for a tour of ta facilities! When ya first dock and get out of ta hanger, take a right and head down ta hallway towards ta Phoenix labs. I know it doesn't look like much, but just wait!
Through ta door, we'll enter into one of ta main generator rooms, as well as ta elevator that leads down to ta labs.
Once we get down to ta main level, ya can see here ta offices and desks of many of ta scientists. If ya notice on ta second floor we are still movin' many of ta boxes in, so forgive ta clutter. If ya follow meh to ta left, we'll head into ta labs themselves.
Welcome to ta first room of ta main laboratory's floor lads! Luckily majority of ta equipment and machinery is all in place, so I expect this room to be buzzin' within a few days time at most. Now please follow me to ta second laboratory floor.
Ah, here we are. Ya can see it's still a bit cluttered from ta move, but for ta most part it is all in place and ready. We have here a containment room, as seen on ta lower level to ta left, as well as access to ta more restricted labs, as well as meh office. We'll get there soon. For now, lets head to ta secondary labs to our left on this level.
This room here is is where we house a small Magnetic Resonance machine, allowing our scientists ta study both organic and inorganic samples. Bigger specimens are housed in ta next room.
Apologies for ta clutter here as well, as we are still movin' equipment here. But, ya get the basic idea. Large objects or subjects are held on ta tables for ta scientists to study, and we have another, larger containment room as well. If ya can follow meh, we'll go to ta third room on this level.
This is ta lab I was goin' to assign to Mr. Willson to help in ta study of ta Gallic Artifacts. This happens to also have a view of Kepler, specifically ta edge of ta Denko Cloud. Now, lets head to ta more restricted labs on ta lower level I mentioned before.
Ah, beautiful. This room houses some of ta most advanced equipment we have, as well as ta testing rooms for any development reaching it's final stages. As my office is in ta back on ta top level as ya can see, I'm able ta oversee ta final stages of our research. Ya might notice too on ta right, that I have already had two small containment modules waitin' for Mr. Willson's arrival with the two Gallic Artifact specimens. Once he arrives, we will double our efforts here to unlocking any special properties they may hold. Now, to meh office, and ta end of the tour so far.
Well lads, here we are in meh office, where I'll be monitorin' and sending meh periodic reports. Got a nice view of ta lab below, as well as some comforts when needed!
With that lads, I hope ya enjoyed ta end of ta tour of ta primary labs here in Ames, and I hope ta see ya'll soon.
*few days after the mooring operation at Ames and setting up his own room on the station "Just in case".He can be seen standing in a lift heading down*
So this will be my first day in this place... Wonder how it will turn out.
*He thinked and after few whiles the doors opened and his eyes saw one of the most exquisite labs in his life because he was a person used to live on a space ship
he didnt have much place to store his things*
Miraculous!So much aperature and yet so much space!
I have never dreamed off such an lab in my whole life!
*He walked out of the lift still keeping the doors open and started to admire the highest grade aperature*
This is some good grade equipment I must say!Vanguard posesses simlar armament in the aim of science but this place is a lot more spacious
*He turned around to order few lab assistanst to push the cart with a very big metal chunk which was known as "Subject 15"*
Place it right there. Dont damage it or even scratch This is a unique item!
*He said that pointing towards a stand behind armored glass*
Now if its possible I would have to find Finn somwhere around here...
*As he finished he noded towards the assistants*
I hope you can place this artefact on its right spot without me right?
*He walked away as soon as he saw the scientists nod in search of Finn*
You are so deep I cant even see you anymore!
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
So today marked a ta completion of ta transfer of facilities and equipment. We are now fully operational, and can begin and continue our projects. I've also been outfittin' ta Nechtan for more survey equipment, to start dealin' and studyin' ta Dark Matter prevalent around here. Should be intersting to expand on what Mr. Malrone has been doin' here.
*A beep on the monitor*
Yes, what is it? Oh wait he's here already? Show him in lad!
*Finn gets up and approaches the door and opens it, allowing Mr. Willson to enter the room*
Welcome lad! Good to see you again! I trust you made it safe and the subjects are secured here?
Gabe smiles when he sees Finn again and extends his hand towards him
Its great to see you too.Yes the subjects are right down here they are moved to their corresponding lab sectors
after few seconds his smile faints as his face becomes more serious
Im terribly sorry to tell you that but I have to
He takes a short pause to catch a breath
Its a real shame but I will have to encumber you with the two artefacts for unknown peroid of time as you most probably know the Zoner Alliance are going nuts again and are closing up 74 once more
And as you may know too the Vanguard posseses quite a firepower and such will be much needed in the upcoming conflict
As we speak the crew is preparing the Vanguard to launch
Im really sorry to leave so quick but I have to defend those I care for
I hope you will understand
He smiles faintly and hopes that Finn will understand
You are so deep I cant even see you anymore!
[07.07.2013 17:22:11] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: The Nomad is describing Golanski rushing towards the ZA. and... wait. Oooo a rubby ducky!
[07.07.2013 17:22:40] (\^/)Neit: Kierin: Why are Rubber Ducks always yellow I wonder?
I cleaned up your tags and removed things that should be in reports, not everywhere, and at least blacked out. -Champ
But you have to say these two were hilarious Right?Sorry wont happen again
Finally able to get back after talkin' with Mr. Willson. Great lad. But understandable that he's needed back with ta other Runners.
Anyway, he was able to successfully bring in ta two Subjects, or Gallic Artifacts. Got a nice view of 'em here as well.
After he left, we did some preliminary tests on ta Subjects, just to see what type of readin's we could get to ascertain where to begin. Our readings after such tests proved inconclusive and didn't provide us with anythin' substantial. For now, we've encased them in a electromagnetic chamber until further studies can be conducted.
I will more than likely reach out to ta Order and others to see if they have had any luck, and perhaps build upon that in relation to our powercores. Perhaps a coloration can be found in ta properties of both Gallic artifacts and Nomad artifacts. Only time will tell!
Earlier this week I finally received meh most prized subject. Somethin' that has been ta basis for many of meh research projects into ship powercores and functionality. A Nomad power core. Uploading ta manifest now:
Now, we have it contained for now within one of meh most secure labs. WHat we have noticed though, is that once we moved ta Powercell within a couple hundred meters of ta other subjects brought here by Mr. Willson, it began generating significant energy readings, ta likes I haven't seen since all meh time with it in meh labs. Even once we secured it, it visible produced energy fields that astonished all of us here. I was able to capture some of ta visuals here:
While normally having a slight glow to it, this as ya can see, is incredible. Here is is ta energy readin's as of right now, which ya can see on ta right are, simply put, acting extremely abnormal:
We will continue to examine ta effects that these subjects have in relation to one another, and see what results we can come up with. It is truly exciting right now within ta labs here! Though, precaution is meh number one concern. I've brought in ta Ingenuus and stationed her in Kepler for now, in case ta energy fields created by ta two subjects increase beyond ta bounds of safety in our labs.
While we wait for ta reports from ta Solar Runners, we 'ave made a breakthrough in our tests concernin' both ta Gallic Artifacts and ta Nomad Cell. It's been very excitin' here as of late!
Concernin' ta Gallic Artifacts, what we found was that they actually 'ave energy readin's, and give off trace amounts of radiation. Not harmful by any means, but with ta right equipment, detectable. Surprisingly, they seem to be energy sources of their own, albeit not singularly. They seem to work in tandem with other artifacts to create energy fields, for use on who knows what. When runnin' tests on both ta artifacts, ta fields created by both when connected via an electro-plasma system are noticeably stronger than studied used singularly. Fascinating, but no where near what we found after further tests.
As mentioned in meh previous logs, when in proximity of ta Nomad cell, ta energy readings spiked from both subjects. Hence ta need to keep them both in separate labs, as a precaution. Obviously seein' ta spike of energy readin's, this was of great interest to us, and for some time now we 'ave been studying the effects both 'ave on eachother.
Initially, our scientists theorized that ta magnetic fields they exerted when in proximity was of a negative response, one that if they were to find themselves too close would produce catastrophic results. Far from it we found. They both seemed to work in tandem. It seemed they both enhanced their fields and output, on a level unprecedented. We of course took every precaution when testing this.
What we were able to do, is siphon off small traces of radiation from both, enough that we could gather energy through an EPS, and attempt to merge ta two. We took every precaution of course, and after multiple trial simulations within our computers, we attempted a merger. I am happy to report, we succeeded and produced a reaction that baffled even our most senior scientists. The merger created a visible energy source within a small plasma sphere, much like a sun. I took ta liberty of uploading a still of the event here:
Suspended in an electromagnetic field, we 'ave been studying the power output and the readings are staggering. From this small merger, we estimate that it creates enough energy to power a small snub craft ship. Ta applications from this far exceed what we could 'ave hoped, and has ta potential to revolutionize modern power cores.
The one side-effect that we 'ave noticed, is the sphere itself discharges extremely high amounts of electrostatic and produce what is called "Dark Lightning". Producin' such high energy radiation, we see what looks like a lightnin' storm around the sphere, which normally would be ta result of ta electrical breakdown of high energy electrons and positrons. In this case though, it's in a manner that even we 'ave trouble explainin'. The "lightnin'" as it were does not wreck havoc on electrical equipment in a way that is destructive. In fact quite ta opposite. Whatever surface it touches, it seems to charge that area. Electrical equipment get a boost in energy, but not beyond the limits of ta power input which would cause an unstable power surge. As I said, we are still researchin' ta effects of this phenomenon, and seeing what is causing this event.
Regardless, we are working 'round ta clock and thoroughly excited about ta potentials we may 'ave unraveled.
Not 48 hours ago, we made history. I can't believe it mehself, that it actually worked. These past months an' ta grueling hours we have dedicated t' this project. While so many more tests need t' be conducted, our first trial run was an astonishing success.
After we successfully created a miniaturized version of this new power core, we set work to create a fully functional version, t' be installed an' outfitted aboard ta Ingenuus. After jumping ta power core safely t' Livadia Shipyards, the teams began work removing the old core and installing ta new one as fast as they could. Working overnight, we finally managed to create a safe containment field within ta old power core housing.
For this monumental occasion, I ensured ta platforms surrounding Livadia were recording. Aboard ta bridge, we gave ta order to activate ta core, and power up ta systems wtihin. What happened next, we couldn't have imagined.
We knew that ta core would discharge massive amounts of electrical discharge, but t' that extent? It was breathtaking an' worrisome. Ta core immediately began t' shoot out a gigantic bolt of energy, which then began to swirl around ta Ingenuus like some dance. It is truly a sight t' behold.
What we realized we had to do, in order t' ensure that none of the discharge would affect our systems, was t' create a resonant inductive coupling system, t' allow such massive energy ta be contained an' transferred within an oscillating magnetic field. After constructing these on ta hanger deck, we extended these couplings an' coils out from ta hanger itself, now retrofitted. Essentially, ta energy will transfer back and forth between ta magnetic field in ta inductor an' ta electric field across ta capacitor at ta resonant frequency. This oscillation should, if meh math is right, die away at a rate determined by ta gain-bandwidth (Q factor), mainly due t' resistive an' radiative losses. However, provided ta secondary coil extending from ta hanger cuts enough of ta field that it absorbs more energy than is lost in each cycle of ta primary, then most of ta energy can still be transferred.
After ensuring both ta core an' ta couplings were fully functional, we decided t' test ta ship's jump capabilities using this new core. Upon engaging t' charging process, immediately we noticed a boast in response an' power. Nearly half the time it took ta charge ta jump drives versus ta normal power core of ta Ingenuus.
As ta charging completed, we made our first successful jump! We jumped to Ames, t' more aboard ta station and transfer over ta rest of ta project's equipment, as we will continue all subsequent tests aboard.
While this is nowhere near ready for production or implementation aboard other ships, it is a step towards a new form of ship cores. As such, we will be monitoring all activity from ta core, an' will be ensure meh teams aboard Ames an' Corinth are analyzing all data received.
A newcomer enters the confines of the laboratory located in the Omicron-74 system, an average height female, hair extending halfway down her back. A slight wave present, bringing slight attention to the brown locks of hair.
Twirling an ID card that was received upon signing up around a lanyard she had in her hand, she looks around the stations entrance. "Hm. A little more dull than I expected, I suppose cosmetics were not on the construction team's priority list."
Beginning to go deeper into the complex, flashing the new card given to her, watching as the doors click open. Finding herself within the section of the station where the actual work gets done, she appears a little more relaxed if one were to watch her externally.
Retrieving a slip of paper which was given to her earlier, she reads off the room number which would become 'hers' for the time that she remains with the Phoenix. While on her way to the designated area, she gives a man passing by a little glare, where to her surprise, she is promptly ignored as the man continues along with his work. "Ah, so they are rather focused. This will be a pleasant change."
Arriving at the room, she mumbles something to herself before sighing. "It looks rather nice too, it's going to be a shame to deform this place. Empty though."
Promptly entering the empty room, she sits down on a swivel chair, setting her feet on the desk. Snatching a pencil and paper from some of the materials which was provided, she begins creating a list on what she'll require to get setup.
Sitting for a few extra minutes, she sighs, standing up to find someone outside of her room, eventually snatching a Lab Assistant from his work. "Oi. Give this to whoever is in charge, will you?" Watching the man nod, and go back to whatever he was doing.
Now to wait. Well. May as well take a nap, huh. Crossing her arms, she sits back in the chair once more, beginning to doze slightly.
-- Required List --
4 - Units of Cryocubes - Standard Size - To be dissembled
1 - Tonne of Reinforced alloy
10 - Model EXT-4800 Optronic systems
100 ft - Power Cabling
100 ft - Data-Transfer Cabling
Access to a molding system for the Reinfoced Alloy - Circular Tubing, Radius of 2.5 meters will be the product
1 - Laser Generator (C02) - 300 Watts
20 - Mirrored sheets (Any material, the mirror is what matters, i'll size them personally)
Note: I'll forward any payments if this is out of your range. Do as you need. Any issues, let me know. Oh. And nice to meet you. Or so i'd say, perhaps in person later.
Enjoying some refreshments after a long day in the Labs aboard Ames, Finn was about to take some more measurements of the Dark Matter clouds in Kepler, when his comm beeped in his ear. Peering at his data slate, he raised his eyebrows in surprise at receiving a message from one of his lab associates on Corinth. With such a message being sent, he immediately diverted his direction towards his office.
Upon arriving, he sat and read the message carefully, releasing that nothing was wrong but was more pleasant in nature. The new scientist had joined the Phoenix Research division under Finn, and was currently aboard Corinth requesting supplies. Smiling, he proceed to draft his reply:
Evenin' lad.
Appreciate ta message! A pleasure t' hear that our new staff member has arrived an' joined our team! Now, if ya will, please deliver this message t' our friend:
[indent]'Ello there! Welcome t' Corinth, an' t' R&D department of ta Phoenix. I am Finn McCool, head of R&D. Having reviewed your credentials an' previous work, I believe you will be a wonderful an' valuable addition to our team there. From what information I have been provided, it sounds like you have been provided accommodations already. Please don' hesitate t' reach out t' any of ta assistants an' staff there, as they should be more than willing t' assist you.
As t' your request, I do believe all of that can be provided, an in fact we have majority of that already in stock on Corinth. Ta Reinforced Alloy though, in that amount, is available on Livadia.
Before I submit a requisition for delivery to Corinth, I would like t' know what you do plan on using those materials for. All research projects are t' be recorded an' entered into our database. I hope you understand. Though, some of our more senior staff, of which you will introduced t' soon, have access t' our more secured files an' locations. As such, should your project be on a more need t' know basis, I can provide you with a higher level of access, viewable only t' myself an' a select few.
While I await your reply, I would like t' personally welcome you t' ta family! Welcome
Finn out
Signing off, he grabbed a drink and continued back towards his previous objective, eagerly wanting to gather further info on the ever changing clouds surrounding Ames.