Priority: High
To: Liberty Navy High Command
From: Admiral George Richard Hall
Location: Planet New London, New London System
Subject: Ship Exchange
"Good evening, respected High Command of Liberty Navy. I am Admiral George Richard Hall, in service of Her Royal and Imperial Majesty, Carina I, by the Grace of her Forebears, Sovereign of the Realm of Greater Bretonia, Empress of Tau, of the Kingdom of the Near Omegas and of her other Realms and Territories Queen, Protector of the Independent Worlds of Magellan and Cortez, Defender of Justice, Head of the Order of the Bretonian Empire.
I am contacting you about an issue that has recently appeared in our Armed Forces, and I require your help to solve it.
Bretonian economy has witnessed somewhat of a rise during two last major wars - immigrations into the Kingdom from Liberty, especially Rheinland, and even the Omegas, became a lot more frequent. The reason is probably search for employment, and we know how many new workplaces can such unspeakably great wars provide. This probably doesn't seem as a problem to you yet, but that is only at the first glance.
Namely, our ships' steering wheels are placed on the right, while most of the immigrants are accustomed to the ones used everywhere else in Sirius, which are, unfortunately, placed on the left. Thus, two of our immigrant captains, who we can't easily replace, have taken two of your ships on their own, without asking any of us, probably fearing refusal. Flying peaces of alloy are, however, very easy to substitute. Bretonia would be pleased if you legalized the use of:
- HMS-Tundra, a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser and
- HMS-Temeraire, a Liberty Dreadnought.
If you would like something in return, please say so. We are always eager to help our powerful friends."
After discussion, we have decided to decline permission for the operation of our misappropriated warships. We would like them returned to Norfolk Shipyard within the next 48 hours.
We also acknowledge your right to reclaim the misappropriated Dunkirk class warship to your Southampton Shipyard. If you require assistance in the matter we will gladly provide it if at all possible.