(02-19-2014, 01:23 AM)Daedric Wrote: In a perfect world you wouldn't be treating another member of this community like a second rate citizen merely because you write Hooks for the community.
I know I sure as hell would. He's complaining about how he's entitled to do whatever he wants, despite the rules stating otherwise.
He's acting like a second rate citizen, so he gets treated like a second rate citizen.
(02-19-2014, 01:23 AM)Daedric Wrote: In a perfect world you wouldn't be treating another member of this community like a second rate citizen merely because you write Hooks for the community.
I know I sure as hell would. He's complaining about how he's entitled to do whatever he wants, despite the rules stating otherwise.
He's acting like a second rate citizen, so he gets treated like a second rate citizen.
I think it's incredibly funny how people's beliefs can change once people get even a tiny bit of power.
Seeing people who fought tooth and nail for more power for the people, for equality, for years, trying to place themselves above others, and trying to justify rules that punish everyone for the mistakes of the few is disgusting, and you should be ashamed of yourselves.
Once again, I'll drop my age old two cents here. Not everybody should be punished for the mistakes of the few, or even many. I'm not even suggesting that exceptions be made, but rather that you just undo it and leave it be. Just like technerf when people made OP combos instead of the balance team doing their job, just like when Cannon turned mining off because some people whined instead of telling them to suck it up, this place has an abysmal track record of dealing honestly and justly with the honest and just.
The people that abuse the game mechanics are a minority. And the thing is, the current administration cares waaaay too much about -everyone-. Just to stay on topic, I'll give an example. So let's say one dude multiboxes with 3 transports and makes thrice the amount of money he'd normally make. Make that 10 dudes who do it. Make it 50 if you want, it's still nothing compared to everyone else. You're simply making the game more frustrating to 99% of the player-base due to the 1%.
Many game mechanics can be easily abused, easily, completely shutting down that mechanic permanently doesn't do -anything- to fix a problem in such a community and game.
And the whole "blame the guys that broke the rules" is really not an excuse. Grow up.
Rules change, people change, content changes, and the people creating the rules and the content change. It is not my job to ensure that you are happy. It is my unpaid volunteer job to provide content for Discovery.
People complain about the dev team and staff's honesty and transparency and ridicule and put down stuff that we do because it's not up to their standards, and I'm sick and tired of it. I've watched it happen here for years, and outside of Discovery I've been watching it drive people whose content I enjoy on the internet to physical stress-induced sickness, and it's frankly maddening to me. It really is.
(02-19-2014, 01:23 AM)Daedric Wrote: In a perfect world you wouldn't be treating another member of this community like a second rate citizen merely because you write Hooks for the community. I know Gheis and Cannon never acted in a manner anywhere near how I've seen you treating others on the forums. Just shows how far the community has fallen (that and the high number of ex admins and ex developers who LoL at what you and aerelm have done with the place).
In a perfect world, every damn decision the teams here make wouldn't be questioned and screamed about by the community. In a perfect world, the people who run this place wouldn't get targeted with some of the most toxic sludge I've seen on the internet. You are defecating all over real people here, not just text and images on a screen, but human beings with feelings and lives that may or may not be pretty crap in the big scheme of things. And if you feel that what the current development and administration teams have done with Discovery isn't to your liking, you are more than free to leave and let the door lock shut behind you.
That last sentence goes for all of you who are so "disappointed" or whatever term you want to use to describe your feelings about Discovery Freelancer and its community.
This is not 2009 anymore. This is not Discovery 4.84.
Either move on and suck it up like the rest of us or get out.
I'm gonna speak now. I'll begin by letting others speak for me.
In a topic about expanding who can use Gallic tech:
Quote:None of the above. Gallia should be deleted I dont like it
This topic was once, before the moderators stepped in, full of people demanding the removal of POBs - a demand that is, at best, only marginally tangentially relevant to the actual topic.
In every thread about a rule change:
I'm not even a developer and I find myself hating the non-RP forums here. Part of it's probably because I consider one of the developers a friend - the other part's because, contrary to popular belief, I actually do have some small degree of empathy.
Besides which, it's incredibly stupid. Nothing changes from the kind of senseless whining that pollutes this forum. All that does is anger people, as demonstrated above.
And then what? Do you think you'll magically get what you want because you pissed someone off?
I'm sure no one here's that dumb. Either they haven't actually thought about it, and therefore shouldn't be commenting until they do, or they're trying to provoke people, in which case they should be removed from the forums.
I'm not trying to stifle criticism. To paraphrase something I once said to n00bl3t (what happened to that guy anyway), without someone to question things, progress isn't made. Sindroms has posted quite a few topics that have brought about reasonable discussion and debate on Disco policies and development, And chase.way posted a rather lengthy list of problems he sees with the mod - most of which I disagreed with, but he did it the right way - he made his points, he provided his reasoning, and discussion ensued.
If criticisms were provided in that style instead of the incessant dickwaving that they're usually presented as, you'd have much better luck getting people to actually listen. You'd chase fewer developers and players away too, for that matter.
But as it is, the escalation into arguing and generally hating each other should be expected.
(of course, I'm sure someone's going to bring up a year-old rant post I made, but it wasn't exactly a resounding success so I'd say it just supports my point more.)
Now I'm going to do the smart thing that I should've before I posted this and hide the rest of the non-RP forums here.
(02-19-2014, 12:03 PM)Omicron Wrote: Your astonishing inability to take the heat is matched only by your desire to drive veterans away through your attitude.
I would rather see this community characterized new people who may or may not be eager to participate in the community than a bunch of bitter old "veterans" who can't dislodge their heads long enough to begin attempting to comprehend the idea that they may actually be wrong.
Oh it's that thread derail again? And I see same familiar faces saying same things over and over again, as if that going to change what and how other people think. Would I have to conclude that some folks here, they who had been around for quite a long time, are so woefully naive? Or should I conclude that in these cases it's simply easier to be a critic on internet than a doer? Of course it matters none whatever I conclude, nevertheless I just can't take seriously those endless rants, debates and occasional hysterical shrieking as if some bad person had stolen a lollipop for you. Truly remarkable. All those mindset camps, accusatory thrown back and forth, quite bizarro.
And one more thing to add. Plenty are unable to discern their wishful thinking from demands and suggestions. Sometimes intentionally so. It's very simple, very classic. "I'll like you only when you do this and that suggestion post here". Suggestions don't hold opinions of others as hostages. Demands and ultimatums do.