I leave you guys for.. Four years? I pretend to come back a few times but get shot down by trolls and.. This whole place falls apart! Or has it? I don't know. You tell me.
TL;DR since I'm tired and going to bed since it's 3:30am -- nomads be infiltratin', gallia be conquerin', VR be raidin' vagrantly, zoners be fillin' my tear collection bucket (which is more like a keg), server be laggin'.
I have forgotten who you are but that seems legit. Per usual, then. How's the community?
Edit : I only just noticed the "how's you?" question! I've recently started a new course, nurse practicioner. Bored with GW2 and waiting for TESO to happen right about now. Recently single and happy about it and.. That's it?
Vets returning, mostly. I suggest you jump in for the lulz.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502