Since we opened that can of worms, it seems that Discovery has finally changed its attitude towards ship types and roleplay.
Up until now, we have balanced ships for the sake of PVP balance. There is probably no better example than the current Hessian shipline, having a battleship and two cruisers, one of which is a generic Unlawful Rhienland one, but can be pretty much used only by them anyway.
We also have ships like the Scylla, which would make more sense if they were a Molly one, but we have it for the Rogues only because the shipline is shared.
This is not sarcasm. If we have finally matured enough not to give factions toys they would not have IRP and only got them for the sake of PVP balance, we might as well take a look at the rest of the shiplines. The Xenos could use a dedicated battletransport. So could the Gaians.
Now that Transports have been buffed up to gunboat or perhaps even higher strength-wise, making half cruiser transports for non-capital ship supporting factions could be a thing.
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Dunno, I would say that this is the best time to post this. If the devs are making arguments that these ships are not making sense in roleplay, we might as well take a stab at the other problematic moments. There are only a few, after all. If the zoner thing ends up going well, then coolio.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
I can't right off hand think of a lot of ship issues other than the recently-addressed one with the Zoners, but I support similar changes for lore reasons. Ideally with less drama.
The only other change I'd want to make off-hand is that I'd kinda like to see the Z-series ships (probably excluding the Barghest) made generic unlawful, probably sold by the Rogues and Mollys (thus supporting their continued illegality), but that might be a bit controversial.
Dunno if I agree with the Z-series being generic because certain factions (totally not the widerstand-bundies huehuh) might officially oppose patronizing organizations such as the Rogues through the purchase/usage of such ships.
Unless you mean the line being made into something "open-source", which makes more sense.
There was talk about it back in the day. We already have the Bactrian and Ptrans and Ptrain open. Why not keep the ''high tech'' ships such as the Barghest and Scylla as Rogue/Molly and leaving the rest as generic ships.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(02-28-2014, 09:24 AM)LunaticOnTheGrass Wrote: Dunno if I agree with the Z-series being generic because certain factions (totally not the widerstand-bundies huehuh) might officially oppose patronizing organizations such as the Rogues through the purchase/usage of such ships.
Unless you mean the line being made into something "open-source", which makes more sense.
Well, there's two ways to go with it. Treat them like the transports as Sindroms said; maybe say the Rogues sold the plans for a bunch of extra cash because the Rogues like extra cash.
Or have them sold by the Rogues/Mollys to anyone that wants them.
The former would be less complicated and confusing in practice, because there'd be a common thread for all those ships; the latter would require very clear explanation in the infocard to avoid any issues, but would also provide a few extra RP avenues as a result of being a huge neon sign saying "Yes, I'm willing to do business with pirates."
Corsairs could easily lose their caps too. I mean, gb's and below for pirates would make sense across the board. We can make snubs in tripoli shipyard, and there's nothing that comes to gamma that isnt snubfodder. whilst we can pirate in caps, there's not much point in being a pirate anymore. this is a mining and bash gallia mod now.
Corsairs and OC need to have SRP only caps above cruisers (like anyone else including Houses). For smaller factions - SRP above GB (Scylla, Blood Dragon Cruisers + Togo, Council caps). In short only Houses and huge unlawful factions and quasi-houses must be able to fly up to Cruisers without SRP, those are: Houses, Corsairs, OC, Hessians, Order. That's all.