This issue about Zoners has escalated and soon will get out of control.
It takes two to start a fight and i think both parties are at fault and nobody is completely right.
Devs I think you should start evaluating the changes and keep in mind the player happiness when implementing changes. After all An RP server is dead if there are no players in it.
Ranting Players, you will add nothing but hate if the Q.Q continues. More hate the lesser chance reason will prevail. Take a step back and breathe in and look at the issue with a cooler head.
I seriously believe both parties have to give up something in order that status quo is maintained.
Let me quote a verse from a song :
"You've got to win a little, lose a little,
Yes, and always have the blues a little."
You've been here for a few months now, why do you think people hate Zoners? That some people are out there only to get the Zoners? Do they actually have an OORP dislike/grudge of them, or are the Zoners actually pompous and callous, considering their position in the Sirian politics, and other factions simply prove that they have more levy than they do?
Neutrality doesn't mean immunity. The Zoners' position isn't that of a balancing superpower, but more of a precarious province surrounded by belligerant factions. There's always been conflicts related to Zoners, even since before I've joined the community. This is nothing new.
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And, Jess, each time that this happens, the Zoners lose something. Social conservatives often say about social liberals that they always push their agenda slowly with compromise - this election it's only a little bit, and they promise it won't go any further. Next election they want one more reform, just the one, until eventually, after ten or fifteen or twenty years, they've accomplished all of their goals. Not to bring politics into the discussion, but this piece-by-piece strategy wherein one does something controversial that they want done with just enough time in between the doings for people to calm down about it is something that you can see in real life, and it's how the dev team is slowly killing the Zoner faction in Discovery as well.
Dancing Lady , you read my post wrong. I merely said let us stop this before it gets out of hand. I am not taking sides nor condemning anybody. Merely made suggestions so that things calm down before it gets out of control.
(02-28-2014, 08:47 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Ask Gytrash to stop posting threads. You might need a miracle.
It swings both ways.
Gytrash is posting these threads because he has got a reason too. The Devs should know this and the reason behind him posting threads like this. Are they taking steps to consider their actions?
And Gytrash should stop back relax a bit. Cool down. Let reason prevail before it gets out of hand. He should ask himself by posting threads like this, is it constructive or merely a hate rant? Will posting threads like this actually make a difference or just piss people off.
Like i said before both sides should evaluate themselves.
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