I am Dr. Ron Kosher, and I represent a small group of researchers, independent but loosely affiliated with IMG.
We perform research in mining ore and in metals extraction from mined ore. We are currently working on producing a more efficient graviton based mining array to improve the yield of Niobium ore mined from asteroids.
We had been operating out of Falkland base in Tau-37 to perform our research from the data we collect in Tau-23, however, the jump hole wreaked havoc on the calibration of our scientific instruments mounted on our mining vessels. This required constant re-calibration, which was very time consuming, and was seriously hindering our research efforts.
We came to the realization that we would need a custom base built in system to effectively continue our efforts. The base, is "IMG Research Station" and is located in sector *encrypted* of Tau-23. The base is in need of upgrade to accommodate more equipment that we need for our research, which require more space and more power than is currently availible.
To assist in our upgrades we would like to contract Kirshiro to ship 100,000 units of Industrial Hardware to our base. We have done some calculations and think a 1350 sc/unit price is a fair purchase price for the base if the commodity is picked up at Narita Outpost, New Tokyo. However, some negotiation is possible on the price. Also, if you have a more economical pick-up point you are free to use it.
We will attempt to keep 20,000 free cargo units on the base so that convoys may be utilized if you desire, but our base is small and has serious size constraints.
We would like time stamped pick-up and drop-off gun-cam shots for each shipment of Industrial Hardware to be sent on this channel.
We will also pay Kishiro a 15,000,000 sc bonus if the contract is fulfilled within 2 weeks of us settling on terms.
Ron Kosher, Ph.D
IMG Research
Director of Research
On behalf of the Kishiro Technologies keiretsu, I thank you for your contact. My name is Mizuki Shimoe, one of the appointed directors of our company.
We have great interest in the IMG activities in the Taus, and the potential business opportunities that they can bring to Kishiro and to Kusari as a whole. The development of new research centers by our business partners are something that promotes development for a whole region, and we would be glad to support such endeavors.
The distance and proposed prices are acceptable terms to us. We would like to begin as soon as possible.
However, before we give the go ahead signal to our ships, our legal team as pointed to me that base operations in most of the Taus are under Gallia's jurisdiction. To ensure that no future problems occur during the shipment operations, I would like to ask what is the current legal situation of the "IMG Research Station" operation.
We will be able to proceed as soon as these bureaucratic questions are cleared, and the convoy schedules finalized.
With best regards.
Mizuki Shimoe, Kishiro Trade Division Director
Thank you for your very prompt response Mr. Mizuki Shimoe. Our base permit is pending with The Gallic Permits office as can be seen here: Permit Application.
The application is over 2 weeks old, and the permit office has been unresponsive to our hails. After contacting some other sources within the Gallic government, it appears like no permit has been issued from the office in over a month. However, we expect the permit to be approved.
We were planning on waiting, but the slow response worried us. If we were to keep to our schedule, we could not wait for an undetermined amount of time for the office to respond. We determined that we would be ahead by having the station available for our research now even if we ended up having to dismantle the station later.
If you are uncomfortable proceeding under these conditions I of course understand and we can contact you in the future if we can get a positive response from the permitting office.
After some deliberation by upper management, we decided to go ahead with contract in current situation.
We will begin operations from today on, in an utmost discreet manner to preserve the security of our operations. We hope to avoid attracting unwanted attention to your base, and request your group to refrain from spreading information regarding our involvement during the period of our contract.
Expect the future reports of our convoys soon.
With best regards.
Mizuki Shimoe, Kishiro Trade Division Director
While on the subject, I would like to ask if there is a possibility for our ships to acquire some of the mineral extraction products in your possession, at a competitive price. The Taus possess a wealth of resources that are vital for industries in Kusari and abroad, and having our ships simply return empty would be in some part a wasted opportunity.
We understand that your research might already put a strain in your mineral supplies, leaving with little stock for you to share. If you are able to provide us however, we would be willing to negotiate prices that would benefit both parties.
Please let us know of your position on this matter as soon as possible.
With kind regards.
Mizuki Shimoe, Kishiro Trade Division Director
We have a limited supply, but the minerals and ore we are done studying are available for export. We cannot guarantee the quantity available at any given time, and is why I didn't mention it in the original contract. Usually we don't exceed 5000 units at the current time because of space constraints. Currently, I don't think we even have 5000 units ready for export.
However, it actually would be mutually beneficial for us if you were to export the ore we were done with. I think we currently sell our ore at 4000/unit, and your ships are free to take any that is available for sale. I believe this is a profitable price for you, but there might be a little room for adjustment.
The Kingdom of Galla, may have some issues with it being exported to other places besides Galla, but that is something you can take into consideration.
My name is Tsuyoshi Miki, an employee of Kishiro. I am the captain of the Kishiro transport ship Yoshiko and I was assigned by my superiors as one of the suppliers to your new base with the requested materials.
So far our mission is going successful and Yoshiko managed to haul exactly 56400 units of Industrial Hardware to IMG Research Station. However for the first seven shipments I didn't obtain visual evidence since I was misinformed by my assistant but I'm sure some of the crew can confirm my presence at the station, ask them about the old man that gave them a sip of his home-made sake!
However I wish to present you the visual evidence of my last 5 shipments.
There is no problem with the previous shipments lacking documentation. We are keeping track of the total amount of Industrial Hardware we have received and as long as the 100,000 number is met, we will be satisfied. It appears that 69,005 units have been shipped so far. Keep up the good work! We have been very pleased at the timeliness of the deliveries.
Sender ID: Mizuki Shimoe
To: Dr. Ron Kosher
Message source: Shinagawa Station, New Tokyo Sytem
Konbanwa, I contact you again to report that our ship Tengu has made a few shipments, totaling 7680 units of Industrial Hardware delivered at the destination. Due to some troubles on the return trip, we were unable to do more for now.