He doesnt seems to be bothered by Georges gaze "Ohh yeah?... well... say that to the Valor crew which i encountered in my bomber...ohh... i mean only if the Junkers found their escape pods in the wreck"
He grins mockingly
George laughs. "That is only one... Matilda there took on three at the same time and still killed two of them and badly damaged the third... and she killed three others..."
His gaze intensified. "And I once killed a gunboat... in a Clydesdale."
"That is impressive from Matilda... i knew she is a tough girl... and you killed a gunboat in a Clydesdale?"
He makes impressed expression but it is clearly that this expression is not real. He speaks with a sarcastic tone "That impressive too... now you can say that you are a match for your little sister... or maybe not?"
He rubs his chin
"How would you like if you could not fight for your own house..."
He points to his left leg. "Not only did the Sair's take my mother and twin brother away from me they left me with a wound that makes me unable to fly fighters..."
He recoils from his mockingly stance and looks at Georges leg "I... I... didnt know....."
He looks up to George and takes a more formal posture without saying something
"Yes... still I can help my homeland in other ways..."
He kisses Helga again. "If Charles was alive... he would fight beside you..."
He and Helga left but not before Helga said. "He is nervous about me... don't take it personally..."
"George has spent too much time on Stuttgart..." Juliet remarked. "He has changed since he found out Helga was expecting... don't worry..."
Matilda giggled again. "It is trying to cheer me up... yes that's right Daddy's has been away from Mummy too long..." She said to her small bump.
He sighs again "That doesnt excuses my behavior..."
He looks to Matilda and smiles slightly "Not even born and she is already playing with him.... or her.... well... i dont doubt that Matilda is going to be a great mother"
"Aye she will be..." Juliet said as Matilda kept talking and 'playing' with her unborn. "I hope either David returns or she finds someone else." Juliet dispersed into Anthony's ear.