(03-17-2014, 11:56 AM)Treewyrm Wrote: Bottom line is that Alley had a run with it, and while initially interesting and promising it went too far. Khara members were growing tired of that and so they brought me back. I did what I think was right to do given the circumstances. I stand by decisions made. They aren't to please everyone.
Attempting to invoke some sense of guilt about this isn't going to work.
Too bad that is a blatant lie, when the truth is "Alley and Huggie got tired of fighting a battle I told them they would lose". Things were taken in a direction you don't like, that made you mad. It's alright to admit the truth, but don't try to hide behind any justification.
The only person who I can think of who "got tired of it and wanted to bring you back" is Duncan. Everyone else I can think of, Rodent, Conrad, Jeremy, Iris, and other people whose names escape me, loved it. The current K'Hara is a faction of entirely different people, bearing no resemblance to Huggie's tenure whatsoever.
I'm not trying to evoke any guilt, just pointing out that killing off roleplay because you disagree with it and then trying to pin it on others is a pretty bad decision in my opinion.
You're quick to jump into false accusatory, Justin. First of all Huggie quit Disco long prior to my comeback. When people invited me back I saw Nosferath was in process of quitting and Alley wasn't even there, the whole thing was already crumbling to dust. What fighting was there? The truth is that it was Joe who tried to held it up for a short while but he gave up. Here is another thing - I wasn't in any position of power to 'kill roleplay'. Initially I merely observed what had happened and what was going on. I did disagree with some part of that roleplay and that is the truth too, specifically the part that was about nomads shooting each other. That's where it went too far as far as I'm concerned, and that's when I began to voice my opposition.
Actually it wasn't Duncan who brought me back, Duncan didn't know me even.
(03-17-2014, 12:37 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: You're quick to jump into false accusatory, Justin. First of all Huggie quit Disco long prior to my comeback. When people invited me back I saw Nosferath was in process of quitting and Alley wasn't even there, the whole thing was already crumbling to dust. What fighting was there? The truth is that it was Joe who tried to held it up for a short while but he gave up. Here is another thing - I wasn't in any position of power to 'kill roleplay'. Initially I merely observed what had happened and what was going on. I did disagree with some part of that roleplay and that is the truth too, specifically the part that was about nomads shooting each other. That's where it went too far as far as I'm concerned, and that's when I began to voice my opposition.
Actually it wasn't Duncan who brought me back, Duncan didn't know me even.
Seriousness of RP... Look like srs bsns, ye.
Yes, I'm aware that Huggie and Alley quit long before your return. Hence the "they got tired of fighting a losing battle" bit. Yet, instead of continuing that particular line of story with that other sect of squids (Which I believe Conrad was trying to do, unless I'm mistaken), the idea was simply canned, and "never should have happened".
Your only justification for that stance is the fact that you don't like it. What I know for sure is that the nomads were active, happy, and had fun back when Huggie and Alley were running the show, regardless of your opinion.
Justin, Conrad was indeed trying to revive the idea and I had been contributed ideas into it so long as they don't have open hostility between each other. There wasn't enough players and activity to get it to work though, and it became evident that the main faction required much needed attention than its experimental spin-off. It actually may resurface later, perhaps under a different name, who knows. I'm not against the idea of a certain degree of schism, but I'm against retarded direction it went, and I'm very strongly against any open hostility between such spin-off groups.
Neither Huggie nor Alley were fighting me, since as we both said and established already they were gone before I came back. So what am I to blame for? For not carrying the idea that I and others believed went wrong direction?
Happiness, joy and sunshine? No, Justin, that's just bitter naivety on your part.
edit: It's your bitterness and ever insatiable desire to find people to blame everywhere, here conveniently you're picking on me. Wrong target, Justin, that's "a losing battle".
Thought I'd just pitch in here... Not for much reason other than to set the record straight on a few things.
(03-17-2014, 09:50 AM)Treewyrm Wrote: "squid-buddy of [LN]".
This is a misrepresentation of the situation, and does not make any effort to describe it at all. Instead it simply generates an instantly recognisable catchphrase, while painting a very crude and incomplete picture of what was actually happening.
This is done by Yuri in order to cast a negative light on the whole idea, by reducing said idea to absurdity, hoping that public opinion will pick up on that catchphrase and also view the idea in a negative light, not bothering to look at what is actually being criticised.
This is the same technique certain banned individuals use in their method of discussing things. I'm vaguely shocked that Yuri would use this approach. Oh well.
(03-17-2014, 12:37 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: When people invited me back I saw Nosferath was in process of quitting and Alley wasn't even there, the whole thing was already crumbling to dust.
Yes, Alley was gone at the point at which you arrived back. However, I do distinctly remember being in a chat with yourself, Clyde, Duncan and Nosferath, in which the four of you dismantled every aspect of the work infront of me. Nosferath - who found himself suddenly with a voice to criticise something he had previously wholeheartedly given his support... Funny that.
It was crumbling to dust, as you put it, due to several factors which were beyond the control of the individuals driving the roleplay. Such is life.
However, you did not exactly help. Infact, you and others in that chat which I mentioned (named "Nomads The Evolution", I still have it in my skype history and can gladly fish out some choice chatlogs), decided to apply further pressure to those individuals, in a concerted effort at burying and retconning the roleplay.
Huggie did not quit disco "long prior" to your return to disco. Infact it was less than two days between huggie quitting and you appearing in a chat regarding nomads. I'd say something about a vulture and carrion, but yanno, lets no go there...
Before your return, people within the K'hara did not believe the roleplay was going in the wrong direction. You and I know that a voice form the past can be an extremely powerful one, Yuri. You also know that people will automatically follow the most apparently powerful voice at the time... When a position begins to weaken, people who previously supported something, will jump ship and find the next powerful voice to follow.
Most individuals have no opinion, beyond that which is the "safest bet" in the surrounding field. They follow the loudest voice, simply put.
I think Disco is not a good place to be at the moment as a serious roleplayer.
Most rp (I would say 75%) on the server is shallow. I would say 90 % of my (unplanned, ungrouped) interaction with others while playing consist of variations of "Hello Sir" and "Good flight".
A large part of any interaction is just a fast way to skip the foreplay to get to pvp. This kind of rp is generally pretty silly.
Deeper rp on server is hard to do. The character limit is too tight to write meaningful things. I know chat communities that that have at least 1000 characters you can use before you reach the length limit. That's a severe restriction that e.g. keeps me from doing my serious rp on the server and move it to Skype chat.
Where is the balance?
There is none. There are many different player types and that's okay.
One thing sucks somewhat, but can't be changed: "My rp is better because I pvp you, then you are dead and I auto-win". But with the current set of rules, even that event hurts much less than before if you manage to not be bothered by respawning and continuing what you were doing.
Furthermore the level of meta-rp and oorpness or "pseudo-roleplay" sucks. I am also guilty here, but sometimes it's just impossible to not voice what you really hate inside the roleplay, be it the broken ships your enemies bring, or their anger about your missile spamming, your annoyance about the asteroid-bouncing game, etc. Again, that's where everybody can work on themselves. Perhaps it would be better to complain in green and clearly oorp, instead of veiled in pseudo-roleply. Don't know. Just a thought.
Generally, I think Disco would be a better place if people took rp more seriously. Everybody can try to become a bit better.
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(03-17-2014, 09:24 AM)Ryummel Wrote: Nowadays the trend is sitting in the TS lobby and plot the next retarded stunt to pull ingame, right?
Pretty much this. The entire lobby, composed of normally respectable people, hop onto their indies and act like a giant bunch of complete idiots.
While I'm sure it's fun - hell, I've been part of it more than once - I don't believe this kind of behavior "fits" on a roleplay server.
And well, in terms of gameplay, it's very much a way for players to have fun at the expense of a lot of other players' fun. That's often exactly what the people on TS are aiming for, however.
As far as roleplay goes on discovery - most of it is terrible compared to what I can remember. That said though it is possible to make some rp work - this doesn't always succeed but its worth trying. As always I would like people to remember this is an opinion not a fact.
While I could agree that a good bit of roleplay is just the generic and polite hello's along with 'pvp foreplay' I gotta disagree on some things with you Jack.
The character per message limit is only troublesome if you're used to writing big batches of text. If you adjust the way you type into breaking things to smaller batches of text things flow better. That of course works mainly for speech as speech doesn't go instantly anyways. Though if you add any mimics and other descriptions of what your character did or is then it could get a bit slow to split everything properly and not lose the connection between things. Either way, I've done more than a few sessions of roleplay that lasted several hours with nothing but the "small character limit".
The second thing I kind of gotta disagree on is the pseudo-roleplay thing. While indeed it's motivated from oorp distaste I am certain it holds RP grounds as well. If you can't hit people because their ship is too good then your character also can't hit them so why should only you be angry about it? Same goes for asteroids really. I'm good at pewing in open space and I hate it when my shots get soaked up by asteroids so why shouldn't the character I'm portraying hate that thing as well?
Also it doesn't take actual planning to start some RP rather than mutual compatibility between the characters' interests and someone willing to start the whole interaction. My last few hour interaction with Umber was done out of the simple compatibility that my character was always interested in how other mercenaries operate (mainly the bigger groups - Reavers and RIP Mandos) and that Umber is well a dirty Reaver.
Its serious when the person is serious, but as long as theres a voice in your head that authors subjective meanings of fun/he is just a player like me/ it isnt real/he is mad/qq etc, you will always find yourself mixing oorp and rp materials - and most cases it doesnt account for 'clean rp". So, Im not saying we should invent goggles that inject you into freelancer realm, but I think if you can try and put aside all the other aspects and just be focused on the character, floating in space - interacting with people - it will be better.