What: A showdown to determine what will happen next in the LWB vs Kruger event series.
Where: Dresden system
When: Saturday April 12th, at 1900 GMT? April 19th
Why: Because Kruger are badguys! Complex socio-economic reasons.
A brief summary: The LWB have noticed everyone else increasing their influence in the Dresden system and want to follow suit. As such, they decide to launch an attack on their occasional nemesis Kruger, near Bautzen. Depending on the outcome, different RP storylines will unfold for future events.
LWBs and Krugers are welcome to join in, so we will work to have it nice and even with many fighters and a thorough assortment of tachyons, plasma, and the like. If you post here with character name and ship, we can then add you to the list to try to make sure we get to that balanced point. Huzzah!