I used to live on this site and server. Disco was my life. So much so that I fell in love with a nice girl named Sam who played here (as well as an old spin-off server called Discovery USA). Unfortunately things happen and we lost contact years ago.
Now, a really good friend of hers in real life was a big name here in years past. His name is Terry/Terrance and he goes by Razr here. He honestly isn't around much, and hasn't been for ages (he used to be very active way back when the Liberty Navy was run by the Southern Alliance faction). That said, he's still around, and I see that he's still listed as a tester for 4.87.
Basically, I'm just looking for someone who is in contact with him. I would really like to get in touch with him, and through him get back in touch with his friend Sam. I hate falling out of touch with people who are or were important in my life, and it would be awesome to catch up after over 5 years.
So... can anyone help me out? Things have changed so much since I've been active, and I hardly recognize anyone here (especially when it comes to the admins), so it's hard to know who to ask who's in the know.
Either post here or PM me if you have information that could help me out. I really would appreciate it!
(05-07-2014, 11:48 AM)Narcotic Wrote: Terry? I still chat with him now and then.
I've skype-linked him to this thread, if that helps.
On a related note; Sarah misses Gunther's love cave.
Thanks for replying. I knew some people here were still in contact with him.
I had him on Skype awhile ago, but I think it's either his old Skype or we removed each other at some point. I'd appreciate it if you just either PMed me his Skype ID or asked him to add mine (Idiotekque).
I tried to PM you but it looks like your inbox is full. Do I know you? I see you've been around for awhile, but your name isn't ringing a bell. What did you go by before?
(05-07-2014, 12:59 PM)Narcotic Wrote: Guess he can add you himself when he sees this thread. His skype shows online right now, so I think it's being used.
Emptied my inbox. Annoying people kept spamming me requests about changing their user titles, so...
Don't think we know each other. Maybe by sight. As for Terry, I had a RM love affair with him (since) 2011.
Yeah, suppose so. At some point we had a rather odd conversation before we fell out of contact the last time. Hard to explain it, I just hope it doesn't have anything bad having to do with his friend Sam. Really it would just be nice to see if she's okay and chat a bit. That's really the aim of this. If you could at least bring this up to him, that would be cool.
Seems like I would have known you somehow, but maybe we just never really chatted. Your Sarah character sounds vaguely familiar.
(05-07-2014, 01:01 PM)Tal Wrote: Most people you knew are probably gone.
[14:04:54] Terry: I don't really care
[14:04:58] Terry: about anything from disco
[14:05:05] Terry: If someone from disco
[14:05:09] Terry: can't get in contact with me
[14:05:11] Terry: there's a reason why
Tbh, I'd react the same. No idea what happened between you both, but I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do for you.
(05-07-2014, 02:03 PM)Narcotic Wrote: Speaks for itself:
[14:04:54] Terry: I don't really care
[14:04:58] Terry: about anything from disco
[14:05:05] Terry: If someone from disco
[14:05:09] Terry: can't get in contact with me
[14:05:11] Terry: there's a reason why
Tbh, I'd react the same. No idea what happened between you both, but I'm afraid there's nothing else I can do for you.
Honestly, nothing ever "happened" between us. All I can remember is getting ahold of him a couple years back asking him if he was still in touch with Sam. He told me he was, we chatted a bit, I asked how she was, and he said something vague along the lines of that she wasn't doing too well and that she should tell me herself. He ended the conversation saying that if she didn't tell me herself, he (Terry) would.
I never heard from him again.
That's why the whole thing has just confused me. I don't understand what's up with the drama that seems to be going on. In the end I just wanted to see how an old friend is doing and chat with her, and he's my connection to her because he knows (or knew) her in the real world. Terry and I were never really friends, we just knew of each other (mostly through Sam).
It's a little upsetting that he seems to be angry with me for some reason. I don't understand why he would be purposely avoiding me, since we never got in any sort of argument. We're both grown men at this point, what's the harm of a little explanatory dialogue here?
I'm not ruffling any feathers, and I don't see what any of this has to do with "Disco". It has to do with me, an old friend, and simply asking for his help in getting in contact with her. There are no ulterior motives, no drama, no nothing. If he really wants nothing to do with me for some reason, I would like to know why, but if that's out of the question, at least send me her contact info and I will stay out of Terry's hair forever if that's what he wants. It's just a bit hard for me to say "Okay, sorry to bother you, never mind." when it's not even Terry who I'm trying to contact. I'd just like to talk to someone who was once a really big part of my life.
This whole thing is very confusing. /: Why can't we communicate like adults here?
It's really frustrating when someone ignores you for no reason, and seems to be mad at you on top of it. I'm not here to upset people are make them angry. I just really wanted to talk to someone I think about a lot and fell out of touch with. I don't understand why that simple wish is causing such a commotion.
If you're reading this Terry, I don't know what happened or what's wrong, and if there is I sincerely ask that you just let me know. If there isn't anything wrong and you just don't want to waste time with Disco "drama" as you might see things, I understand that, and just ask that you give me a chance to get in contact with Sam. I don't know what you're thinking... but I promise you there are no ulterior motives on my part, I just want to see how she's doing and say hello. We haven't said a word to each other in around 5 years.
I would completey just say never mind and leave it be, but unfortunately you're (Terry) really my only connection with her. I don't know how else to get ahold of her. Please don't just shut me down here for no reason.
EDIT: And the guy left me worrying, telling me someone I care about wasn't doing well, making me worry with such an ominous comment, and then not only never getting back to me, but then proceeding to purposely ignore me.
I mean honestly, did she get sick and die? I want to talk to her. I want to know if she's okay. I don't understand why that is so hard to ask, and whyhe would lock me out for no reason at all and refuse to even explain... This is really upsetting me.
The mystery is solved, and I understand why Terry doesn't want to talk to me.
There is no Sam. Sam was Terry all along. He's an intelligent guy, brutally so, but I knew him when he was clearly having some problems; problems that pushed him to create... a new persona, maybe as a distraction, like a friend of mine suggested.
It's an odd feeling, knowing that the girl you loved wasn't real, or even a girl at all, but it's so far in the past that all I can do is think about it all now. Can't say I'm sad, or surprised, but there you have it.
I doubt you're reading this thread anymore, Terry, but I do wish you the best. I thought I never knew you, and now I know I actually knew you better than most ever will. You're an amazing, intelligent person, and while I wish you could have told me the truth yourself, I understand why you couldn't.