' Wrote:This is epic. Just one question. When you activate windowed mode, does your mouse cursor stay inside the FL window (like when you use Direct 3D Windower) or is it like when you just type -w in the target field?
It behaves like the -w in the target field. Sadly that issue with the screen not updating when the window loses focus is still there.
I downloaded the program and it works it now allows me to get online but my new problem is, that the server grid does not fill out or allow me to choose ANY server let alone Disco. Further advise would be appreciated. Thank you so much so far.
I've got this launchpad working...I think... But, all the text comes up in weird sizes (and shapes, and positions) and when I try to play the screen is a weird shape and the top of the game has gone off the screen... and basically it isn't quite right as the screen is the wrong size.
I've fixed this now! The game resolution is different to my computer resolution! :l
Use the Freelancer Account Manager + add few lines into the Discovery shortcut and you will be fine. The player, Jong, who made this program is not around anymore to support it with updates.
basicly add to the disco shortcut the following line after the freelancer.exe" part
-dx -logchat -logappend -lag
-dx is for resolution being set to the desktop one
-logchat is to log your chat into the file in the freelancer directory in your documents\my games
-logappend not sure, but it's for more detailed log I believe
-lag is to see the lag indicator in the game (yellow\red computer blinking on your GUI when the connection goes ape)
This simply tells the game to add the new log to the end of the file. Otherwise it will wipe the DSAce file and you'll only have the log from your most recent session when you go to check it.