You could, Chopper, but there's a problem with practical application there. The Keepers are constantly being watched by Administrators. The minute the Keepers do anything out of line the Admins will shut them down. It's more than a closed faction, it's a state-sponsored organization. The Corsairs are the single largest group of players on the server except independent traders. You can't regulate them like that.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
' Wrote:About them being in Connecticut - I agree. They shouldn't. Practice in Iota.
I don't agree. I've had nice ooRP duels with LSF long time ago in Connecticut on my light fighter (/wave Spear), bits of practice that doesn't harm anyone and doesn't bother anyones roleplay. I was invited to, I see no problem on that one, and I fail to see how exactly it can harm anyone at all.
Quote: "Ah, the Great Spirits. Everyone, I suggest you steer clear of them" - Giovanni Cordova
Now, not tooting my own horn, but seriously: a trader flying by yells "NOMADS! THEY STARTED THE NOMAD WAR AND WERE LEFT BEHIND BY THE DAM'KAVASH TO PROTECT THEIR SPACE!!! RUNZORZ FOR YER LIFEZORZ!" really isn't nice. Take the role you have, and form to it. To the Outcasts, they're called the "Great Spirits", and are treated with reverence. To your average joe-blow trader or police man, you've never heard of them. To the LSF, it's a very guarded secret that you don't say anything about.
I know it's hard to seperate ooRP knowledge from your RP, but do try... as for Nomads in NY, I don't see a huge problem. Not like Alaska isn't right there, and it's not like they couldn't conceivably fight their way (or use RP cloaking devices) through the Zone 21 guards. But just coming to slaughter would be bad. Not seeing them do that though. The one time I was there as Matt, they flew by Norfolk and started heading for the Badlands. I followed, and that was where they kept going. Dunno about afterwards.
I currently have no issues with the Keepers, but then again I haven't had any good interactions with them. However, there was mention of a Wild faction; you know, besides just Scorpion gunboats. Ideally they might have their own ID, but using Keeper ID is fine too. It might help PR a bit, since they would be able to talk in system, so if you want to, I volunteer to help out. Who knows, my little Bundschuh could always end up a little more effected by EINHERJAR than I had in mind. Speaking of such, I need to update that...
The Nomads aren't secretto anyone by any stretch of the imagination. The President of Liberty talks on sector wide channels about Rheinland allegations, which I believe were raised by the Gottkanzler of Rheinland on sector wide channels, and detectors (the effectiveness of which I actually question) to detect Nomad infestation. There are even entire bureaus dedicated to licensing mercenary vessels with Nomadic technology and brains onboard. Even your average LPI officer would have read the news about the funny goose stepping men and the squids.
Das Wilde are a very real and very dangerous concern for Rheinland businessmen, who travel through their territory. They are also regularily encountered by Rheinland Polize and Wehr personnel. In fact, there are even PSA's by the Rheinwehr on battleships regarding Das Wilde, explaining their origins, nature and the dangers involved in contact with them.
Now, I can see that the Houses WOULD deny that they experiment on Nomads. That's a political hot potato which all of the houses (save possibly Kusari) probably all engage in, but deny it and all accuse each other of, as experimenting with Nomad tech is probably as controversial as human cloning would be in the 19th century. I can also see that the specifics of the Daam K'Vosh/Nomad relationship would probably not be known, though more in the same way taxonomic principles aren't generally known.
The Outcasts, as active opponents of the Order, probably know what the Orders mission is (heck, the Order probably propagandizes using it) and though they might not have put two and two together regarding the "spirits", they certainly would know of their existence. The Zoners and the Corsairs also deal with them on a regular basis, and they present a problem for both's logistics.
However, I'm of the opinion that Liberty is currently not infested... hence the fighting between the Navy and Nomads in Alaska. In turn, the Order are not infested either... they too fight the squishies, as do the Rheinlanders. Bretonia appears to fear the onset of Das Wilde. Kusari might have some infestation, but I doubt it.
Anyone currently posessed by the Nomads are probably members of Das Wilde, or perhaps in the media industry or minor politicians, trying to cause wars between uninfected Houses.
First of all, what are the roots of that widespread information exactly? The answer is quite simple: the easiness of acquiring nomad weapons. Because of many players farming those weapons and putting those to their ships it has become a common sight. If starflier had a lvl10 port gun chances are that majority you would meet those will carry nomad blaster or cannon. In other words, things like licensing has roots in endless farming no better than in any farming mumorpuger, quite a shame for Discovery that takes RP seriously. I would understand if houses would fight against the alien tech as a part of infestation process, but instead we have taxing, licensing, etc. It has become such banality, so mundane that the role of the Nomads in Discovery has been put down to the utterly sad state of what I saw when I came here. No mysteries. No threats. No continuation of the line. Just nothing. I'm not trying to revert the process completely but certainly trying to bring it up to live.
' Wrote:There are other things which make the Nomads' existence rather obvious...
The dormant city in Newcastle, for example, is visible from across the system. This sort of thing is bound to make the masses ask questions.
Well, it's sort of Liberty's Area-21. Also hidden and also protected. I wouldn't be too sure about it being an obvious sign specifically explaining the Nomads. After all the City is either dormant or abandoned, with no sign of activity. An alien structure, yes, but ruins of old civilization? It doesn't really have a neon sign "Nomads here" above it, unless someone photoshops one for it.