God. The Christian God, specifically. I don't find the inexplicable appearance and subsequent creation of the universe by a deity any less valid than the inexplicable appearance and subsequent creation of the universe by a group-hug of the four primal forces. The fact is that humans will never truly know or be able to fathom the truth, so I choose the more optimistic route of thinking that there is something greater than these mortal coils have to offer.
Realists are just pessimists masquerading as something slightly more optimistic. It's such a resigned style of life and I don't see the appeal.
Other popular choices of belief, in no particular order, include:
Chivalry, optimism, monogamy, equality (not apologetically preferential treatment, as I think that only promotes inequality), the right to life for all people, environmentalism and clean energy, peaceful coexistence, young love, soul mates, prayer.
I have a lot to say on Colon's post, but I know that e-peen on both sides and lack of vocal intonation would lead to a flame war rather than a reasoned discussion, so I shall refrain.
I beleive that life is somethimg that we shouldn't underastimate, something very unfair and rough.
I beleive that shouldn't be forgiven for their mistakes, and that mankind always will stat at the bottom of the list, by all means, selfish, arrogant, stubborn, aggressive, violent, and the list goes on, Talking from my own experience here.... And no offence to people
(05-12-2014, 10:48 AM)Praetor Wrote: What do you believe in?
Going out of our way to make sure people don't die,our total population is too damn high right now and will only increase.Natural selection is defunct when it comes to Homo Sapiens Sapiens and has introduced traits and vulnerabilities into the Human gene-pool that shouldn't have made it to the next generation but did anyway as said propagator was not allowed to naturally be made unable to pass down his genes.
Everyone has a right to do anything to preserve themselves and are of course free to do anything they want to.
We may be saving people,but we are killing a planet.
I agree with this as well as I believe that there comes a time when humanity must look beyond out differences, in order not to secure victory, or secure a prize, but to secure out safety as a Species.
I believe Humanity has had an impact on the Earth's climate, to what extent? I can not say. But as of the announcement today I would say quite a massive ammount of damage has been caused by humans.
A natural consequence of things being crap is that we will constantly find ways to improve our lives and society.
The world isn't degenerating, its just becoming more honest.
New technology is scary, but it will only get better. The current generation of weak, unathletic geeks like myself is just a transitional phase of technology, a downside for the early adopters. But future nerds will be the buffest and most intelligent people alive, there are already examples of technology aiding in fitness programs, in the future technology will help integrate health and education into your daily life so smoothly that people will be in all round tip top condition without even realizing they broke a sweat. Wall-E will never happen.
I believe in a preventative justice system, not one based on vengeance. Revenge is just an excuse for the abusive to gain approval for their otherwise criminal behavior. I believe in scientific determinism - all consequence are due to a cause, nothing is by random or "free will", and the duty of society is not to satisfy their fetish on "the bad guys" but rather to prevent all breaches of human rights from happening in the first place through non-violent means. The bad guys didn't pick to be born in a poor dump where crime rates are high and idiots don't believe in condoms.
I don't believe in Ad hominem attacks - no matter the speaker, if a statement is correct then it is correct. Ad hominem is only valid when the subject of the debate is the speaker.
I believe a good dictatorship with an intelligent leader is much better than a good democracy, while a bad dictatorship with a bad leader is much worst than the worse democracy. However there has never been an example of a "good dictatorship" in history, ever, so I don't expect any to exist, whether current or future. There are corporations however that might be examples of good dictatorships, with nice inflow of profit, intelligent autocratic leadership and happy employees.
I believe in complete free flowing of information, the less secrets in the world the better we understand ourselves and the less is our prejudices. The more we know about the worlds and ourselves, the better decisions we can make, both as individuals and as a society. I also believe that there will be little to none privacy in the future, and that is a good thing because 99% of problems caused by dishonesty and concealment would vanish. Any and all disputes could usually be solved easily by playing back recordings from which to cross reference.
I believe in being a "glass hole", since taking a mental snapshot every time you see something you want to remember is what you do anyway, wearable recording devices just make it easier. Don't you ever wish you have a printscreen button every time someone wronged you, or when you see something cool or sexy? We're getting there.
I believe that for any particular context, comparisons can be made between absolutely anything, and the difficulty only lies with the quantification of factors. I believe in money, even if we get a trekkian future, we would still need a way to place values on objects, consequences and actions, and money can be a good way to do so. A method just needs to be developed to tangibalize the intangible.
I believe that in general, there is a best of everything - there has to be. There exists, in general, a best ship in Disco, there is a best person in the whole world, there is a best country, a best skin color, etc. However we have yet to develop the proper criteria as well as the information and a data collection and quantification method for a reasonably accurate rating. Maybe for best ship in disco: Camara
I believe that emotion and logic can coexist because a lot of emotional cues (eg. intuition) have a logical basis. I believe in logic, despite being not very good at it.
Philosophically I am a non-interference agnostic but practically I am an Atheist. The existence of a creator or whatever its intentions are is irrelevant, I live my life for me, not to be the slave, nor the bithc, nor the servant of some mystical being.
I believe in walls of text that allow me to go into a bit of detail whenever I try to make a point.