Where are you from?: I appeared at the age of 18 on the planet Houston (//said with a straight face and complete believe in this fact)
Previous Jobs/Roles: Been trading whatever comes handy
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): After I appeared on planet Houston I caused quite a commotion because the police would not agree with me that I just appeared. So I was locked up in a mental institution. After confounding all the doctors (//escaped the facility) I was released and given an armored transport because they thought I was their Messiah (.....//jup stolen) with this transport it was not that hard to make enough money to buy subsequently bigger ships due to the profits made by hauling anything that gave the most profit and the occasional extortion of goods or credits from other traders was also quite lucrative. In the end he got together enough money to buy his own Pirate Train. With this he flew even more goods around. Until he was stopped by an LPI officer with the notion that I should not fly around Liberty with a Pirate Train, trying to avoid further notice and another stint in a mental institution I paid the bloody fine. Afterwards I began looking for another way of making money and in the bar on Rochester I heard about the Marauders and their goals and decided to see if there was any fun (and money) to be had there.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?: Need a way to make money different from hauling contraband alone. I can bring the JM whatever they need, for I was send into this world excellent in everything[/color][/b]
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: Of and on since 2007
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before): about 8 hours ingame, but not much interaction with other players.
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?: Do what we want as long as we're not seen and not get shot at by the authorities on sight.
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?:
Okay, will travel through them while hauling goods How familiar are you with smuggling?: Will haul anything (been way for a while from Disco so current routes are less than up to date)
How familiar are you with piracy?: Used to pirate in Light Fighters. Can't put a dent in Transports anymore.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?: I like an active faction and like the style of the JM, I will be online a bit too much and I used to be a prety good bomber pilot
Where are you from?: Gallia, specifically, Planet Orleans.
Previous Jobs/Roles: Scraper, 'specialized engineer', experimental medic, smuggler, NOX addict and general criminal.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): Well, I'll skip the childhood, that's just boring. Life started picking up steam at 18 when I, uh, 'reupholstered' my ex's ship into a pile of scrap and sold it. I was under watch for a while after that, but I must have done something right because I had people approaching me in the streets about 'odd jobs' and 'miscellaneous missions'. Smuggling, shooting and searching, I loved every moment of it.
Did some work for the Gallic counterpart of the Junkers, then shot an officer on Le Mans and made a break for Sirius. Landed on Dounby, hijacked a fancy Annapurna and never looked back. Until I had to recount all these events for your pleasure.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?: Well, I heard that the roses were blooming this time of year...
Of course, I'm here for the money, the aliases, the sneaky business and the adventure. Pretty simple. I can bring my contacts, my stealth, my wit and my intelligence. Hope that suffices.
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: Too long. Since last year, around May.
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before): Well, I have a few Gallic Junkers and I really liked it and I have played indie Junkers before, so I do have a grasp on the Roleplay style.
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?: Difficult to upkeep. You've gotta look good for the Governments while hitting everyone's mailboxes in the process. Difficult to upkeep.
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?: Fairly, open space with random tight nebula that are the devil to work with.
How familiar are you with smuggling?: Ok-ish. Could use some assistance on some smuggling runs, I guess.
How familiar are you with piracy?: Quite. Hunting credits like wild animals is fun.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?: Well, I can offer absolute perfection in every field (I kid, I kid). I can be a funny, happy and nice member who is ready to lend a hand to the faction when needed.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better):Mirza
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?:Well i heared that they pay well and i can bring a good mercenary and a good worker also have a little exprience in scrapping
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 1 year
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before):Don't remember
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?:Not lawfull not even unlawfull, cool guys,in center of both with money, they do what they want to
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?:yes mostly fly there
How familiar are you with smuggling?:I do smuggling for fun sometime
How familiar are you with piracy?: Not a expert in it but i learn things fast
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?:Well what i can offer, a nice guy, will try his best to do what you ask me to do. Will be there whenever you need me and why JM| , i seen you guys in many communications bounty boards wanna try this new thing out wanna try something new, something aweasom, just wanna play cool in a faction where others fly with me which i can work with from heart
Finally, what is your Skype?:osama.gulryz1
You can ignore reality but you can not ignore consequences of ignoring reality
Previous Jobs/Roles: I worked as an accountant for a company that made computer parts before I left for the Border Worlds.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born on New London, to a moderately wealthy family. I mean, we had money to spend on stuff we didn't really need, but we still had to spend on things we did need. I got shoved through the education system and regurgitated into a dead-end accounting job at Rolodyne Systems. The job paid well and I didn't have to bring it home with me, but it all adds up, you know? No matter how much fun I had on Saturday and Sunday, on Monday I still had to go back into that office and put numbers into a computer for eight hours, and it just drained me. Eventually, I'd had enough. I sold most of my stuff, and set out for the Border Worlds. It's a different world out here, though, and I got screwed over. Now, I'm sitting in the bar on Freeport 9, putting in an application with the Marauders.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?: Well, I haven't been in space for that long, but I'm certainly enthusiastic. I'm sure there's plenty of credits to be made out in space, and I don't mind getting my hands dirty.
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: On and off for just over five years.
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before): I've played a few independent Junkers before, but most of them never really went anywhere.
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?: Someone who lives life on the edge. They have to balance not being shot at by police with not being shot at by potential customers. In that respect, they combine elements of both unlawful and lawful, which comes with its own unique challenges.
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?: I know my way around.
How familiar are you with smuggling?: I find that though its usually less profitable than 'legit' trading, it can be a lot more fun.
How familiar are you with piracy?: I'm generally more used to being the victim, but I can learn.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?: I'm generally a pretty nice guy (if somewhat opinionated). I've got plenty of experience playing Disco, primarily as a roleplayer.
Previous Jobs/Roles: Scrap Miner, Small transport Escort
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born on Planet Pittsburgh where me and my family started out working in some of the small mining facilities on the planet. Soon after, i moved out and started to work in Rochester Station where i worked and ran my own bar. After s short time i was highered by a few Junkers to start scrap mining with them. I proceeded with that and i have been very successful since then and i love my job. I'd rather work for a slightly larger group now.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?: As i said, i'd rather be with a slightly larger group with people that are like me. I can bring in a dedicated miner and a guy that people can enjoy a laugh with!
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: 2 years almost
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before): I used to be a junker when i started out but about a year ago i stopped. I'd like to get back into flying a junker ship with a few friends again.
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?: A group/person that generally is unlawful but when law enforcement personal are around they act lawful.
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?: Yes
How familiar are you with smuggling?: I used to do it all the time.
How familiar are you with piracy?: Of course.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?: As previously said i would like to restart my junker flying with a group of people that i can fly with.
Finally, what is your Skype?: connor.moultonchapel
Previous Jobs/Roles: Liberty Navy paper pusher, unlawful pilot, smuggler, public enemy no.3
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better):
I used to work as a desk junkie for the Liberty Navy. It was a stable job, files come in, I sorted them, write some things here and there and pass it up or down the ladder. Thing were good for a while, until I started to notice something disturbing... Bribes, payments to get criminal buddies out of jails, and simple, hard working people being taken in for no reason at all. It got to me, finally, I saw a hit order on a transport convoys on a friend of mines... I did all I could to stop the hit, but it was too late, and little to nobody survived the experience..
So I disappeared, flew under the radar for a while until I decided to do something about the corrupt mega-corporation that stood in power in Liberty.. fighting back where ever I could and generally sticking it to the Liberty Navy, but with the birth of my child on the way, I couldn't bear such a job anymore. I had to turn on some old... buddies of mine, and as such, its not such a good idea for me to be on the lawful or unlawful radar right now, with... well anyone that could send word back to my "buddies" back in Liberty that I'm still around.
Now I've got myself, a wife and a up-comming child to feed and next to no way to do it, so I contacted a few old smuggler buddies of mine that would still take my calls and managed to get this frequency... or at least I think this is the right frequency....
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?:
Upcomming child, cant exactly live in house space of any kind, need to stay off the radar of Liberty for the most part.
A few old smuggling buddies led me to this. I figured "why the hell not, it'd get me out of this Kusari slum and into somewhere nicer. I can bring y'all a pretty good idea as to why you should stay the hell away from these *sarcastic airquotes motion* "Liberty Raiders", and I can give ya a smugging pilot.
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?:
I played breifly back when Kusari State Police was still a thing... I cant tell ya specifically when but I quit soon after...
Then came back say... 5 or 6 months ago now and have been playing near daily since.
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before):
Havent really ever played a junker before.
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?:
Those who obey the law only when the law benefits them.
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?:
How familiar are you with smuggling?:
Not very
How familiar are you with piracy?:
I've been on the receiving end of it plenty of times... =_=
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?:
I'm told theres good money to be made here, and I'd like to get a bit more into piracy.
Erm... another active pilot?
Finally, what is your Skype?:
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Detailed Background, a Paragraph (the more we can learn about you, the better): I was born to a poor Gallic family on Aurillac, Gallic Brigand base. Since my 13 I've been helping Brigands with their raids and smuggling missions, like smuggling NOX, Cardamine and Human Organs around Gallia and Omicron Alpha. When I was 17, Gallic Royal Police caught me, thanks to their corruption and co-operation with Galic Brigands I escaped Chateau Prison easily. There was one condition... I had to become a Gallic Privateer... Piracy in Taus and Leeds system is normal routine for me. There isn't any Privateer group, and I have found something similar... And here I am right now.
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you bring to JM?: I can bring a lot of fun, my Privateer skills, smuggling and I would say... A lot of kills-
:::]OoRP Form[:::
How long have you been playing Freelancer Discovery for?: +-3 years, 1,5 year forums
How long have you played a Junker character for, if at all? (Not important, it's just useful to know if you've played a Junker before. We accept both people who have and people who haven't played a Junker before): Yes I have, +- 6 months
In your own words, how would you define a Quasi-Lawful?: Not lawful, Not Unlawful... Something between. Someone who looks like a fine guy, but inside it's just spoiled soul
How familiar are you with the Borderworlds?: I've spent almost 90% of Disco time in Borderworlds.
How familiar are you with smuggling?: Slaves, Cardamine, artifacts... Always my source of money
How familiar are you with piracy?: I prefer corporation piracy like GMG vs Kruger and BMM vs Kruger etc. But I know how to pirate ^.~
Why do you want to join the Junker Marauders? What can you offer?: Why... I see fun and a lot of action. I can offer good RP, average PVP skills and little of my free time ^^
Finally, what is your Skype?: Freelancer-42 (Just Little Teddy Cori)