We are that which is left. Our legacy, our survival is all that matters.
(approximate human translation).
Summary -
During the time period of the Nomad war many star systems away from Sirius another battle for survival was taking place. The Etherium were subject to a precision strike on their home systems by similar foes, their numbers seemingly endless.
During the initial fleet arrival the highest ranking Etherium, or "Elders", implemented a contingency of their own, saving the majority of their immense knowledge pool and the race, from extinction. The powerful Bridge device that was to be their salvation malfunctioned however, and instead of the orbital research station arriving at their previously planned rally point they were flung across the galaxy at random to be deposited on the fringes of Sirius in 801 AS.
During the following years the Etherium grew weak and frail as their precious iridium supply became depleted, many choosing to bond themselves to the station's mainframe in a type of hybernation state. They began dismantling their station in order to gather enough resources for one final Bridge jump to a nearby system that appeared to be close to the element known as iridium which was required for continued Etherium survival.
Now the lifeblood of the Etherium runs low, and they must rebuild their shattered empire. What dangers must they face?
History -
Outline - Events of 801 AS
As most humans continued their ordinary existence oblivious to the threat of the Nomad War, a small group of humans lead by the infamous Edison Trent thwarted the nomad invasion, prematurely activating the nomad hypergate that would allow the nomads to complete their invasion of the populated human systems. Instead the majority of the Nomad fleet was sent at random far across the galaxy, with the few nomads that were left behind completely disoriented from the shock of losing the mindshare. Edison Trent had saved Sirius from the imminent nomad threat. No one really cared where the countless nomad fleets had gone, the important thing was that they were no longer here and were not likely to be a problem again.
Unfortunately for other sectors within the galaxy the powerful Daam K'Vosh have spread their fingers far and wide, and Sirius Sector is not the only sector to be threatened with extinction by the presence of their creations. Other areas of the galaxy have also been plagued by those known as the Nomads, and while Trent waged his war against the Nomad fleets in Sirius Sector, another battle was raging far across the stars. The Battle for Etheria.
The day Sirius was saved, the Empire of the Etherium was doomed.
The Etherium Empire existed far from Sirius, and had grown to be a utopian society for its inhabitants, their culture was very advanced in technology and space travel, but the Etherium were a physically weak people, and had few warriors. They had found an equilibrium with their environment long ago and lived in peace, considering violence to be primitive and uncultured. These beliefs are what contributed to the downfall of their aeons-long Empire - a near complete lack of planetary defences in their core systems. The Etherium had ships of war, but they were deployed near the outskirts of their territory, spread thinly, and they had not foreseen such an attack as was made during the Fall.
The Fall
The first signs of any disruption to the inhabitants of Etheria, the home planet of the Etherium Empire, was the rapid change in the colour of the sky. Etheria's sky is normally purple, due to the large nebulae that the Etherium call their home. The hypergate event horizon initialised very close to the planet, with the planet being stripped of its atmosphere, destroying all life on Etheria.
The attack had happened without any warning and the Etherium had no prior knowledge of these invaders. Up against what quickly became apparent as impossible odds, the Etherium implemented a long-dormant contingency plan, activating an ancient artefact of their own - capable of sending a suitably prepared structure across the galaxy - using it to send a massive orbital research and defence station to a predetermined safe and protected location, far across the stars saving a fraction of the Etherium leadership and the species from complete and utter destruction. This did not go as planned however, the hypergate reflux interfered with the Etherium "Bridge" artefact, sending the station on a random trajectory instead. This resulted in the station being deposited on the fringes of Sirius Sector, a much more dangerous location.
Countless alien invaders began to arrive through their now-established hypergate, having destroyed the Etherium homeworld - and 95% of the total Etherium population - in the initial attack. They quickly eliminated the feeble defences, further weakened by the disappearance of their primary method of defense that was the Temple, and began systematically gathering resources to build a new Dyson Sphere around the young star at the centre of the Etherium Empire. The Etherium had no way to defend against the countless ships of the invaders attack and were overwhelmed instantly, defeated with very little resistance. The planets were scoured for resources, and one by one the stars of the Etherium fell to the unknown invaders. They became extinct within their previous borders in under one terran day.
The Last of the Etherium
All was not lost however. The station survived the experimental intergalactic travel only to be deposited at the very fringe of Sirius Sector, a new environment with its own threats and hazards. Orbital and planetary debris had also been transported, leaving the crippled station in the orbit of Moros in Omicron Lost. The station survived the erratic journey intact, with its crew the only survivors of the invasion. Initially the remaining habitable area of their ravaged defense outpost was very small, but the jump had placed the station adjacent to a wrecked human structure, and the Etherium are now adapting the former station to meet their own unique needs and specifications.
Other fragments of the planetoid formerly known as Etheria may have survived but could be located anywhere in the galaxy.
The Etherium are a silicon based asexual life form, a seemingly bipedal being. The body is in fact made up of several million translucent silicon strands woven together, each a synthesising organ absorbing precious Iridium from the atmosphere around them. The only known source of this precious element was in the nebulae of the Etherium Empire until it was discovered by deep space scans as being present in an area of Sirius sector. The Etherium require this element to survive as any human needs water. Without it they grow weak in a matter of hours and will invariably die a short time later. Fortunately for the Temple survivors a portion of this nebulae was also sent across the galaxy with them. This synthesising process (similar to that of a plant) defeats the need for a digestive system, giving the Etherium a wispy, ghost like appearance as the process of absorption results in iridium hydride that is expelled as a vapor. Etherium are very intelligent beings, and their silicon composition makes for excellent compatibility technology grafting. It is not unknown for a single Etherium to have several implants to enhance their abilities and compensate for their weaknesses, particularly their physical frailty.
During the first moments of the invasion the Etherium were confused and in disarray. They could not understand how or why this stellar event had occurred, nor why anyone would want to send what was clearly an invasion fleet to them. The Etherium had no enemies, in fact they had existed in isolationism for centuries, their world rich in resources, and this approach is what caused their society to thrive and their technology to rapidly advance to a point where, by molecular "cracking" they had refined a technique that would allow them to break down the incredibly dense iridium into other, usable commodities such as atmosphere (iridium oxide) fuel, dense matter for ship construction, and more heavily processed soft matter such as human food for prion hosts and water to sustain them. But from the Etherium perspective the coincidences did not stack up. The attack had clearly been a calculated strike, and the sheer mass of the fleets sent showed that the beings responsible were far more advanced then them if they could send entire fleets across the galaxy with such precision. They were all that remains of an empire spanning millenia.
Technology and Situation
The Etherium are in the process of adapting to their new surroundings. Unwilling to expose themselves and risk discovery, the Etherium are employing deception tactics by mimicing the designs of the human vessels they have found wrecked in initial forays and using suitably prepared humans by employing their extremely refined technology, a focus of the Etherium spanning centuries, by attaching a small device to the base of the brain stem.
The device, or "Prion" is attached at the brain stem and cuts off signals from the host brain to the body, substituting it with the signals from the Etherium. Hence the body acts accordingly from the signals from the prion. The Etherium can feel things a human body feels. The host becomes comatose and can't feel his surroundings as he is not receiving any sensory input. The Etherium must eat though to sustain the host body and satisfy the needs of the body as required by any human. The host brain too is kept alive as if it were to die the brain would decompose spreading infection to other parts of the body. Should the Etherium signal leave the host the consciousness of the host returns. He wont remember anything. It would be like he just awoke. To address the problems of long range control, the prions sends the signal to a signal repeater, which receives and delivers long range signals from where the Etherium currently is in a type of integrated or "bonded" state. This give the host limited range from the signal repeaters. Should the Etherium's prion stray from the signal he loses control over the host. Attempting to remove a prion usually results in the death of the host. In order to confuse enemies such as nomads, the Etherium can temporarily disable the signal, voluntarily losing control of the host, thus the nomad can only sense the human part, not the Etherium. Should the Etherium choose not to let his control go, The nomad can sense the anomaly of the human behaviour. The Etherium, for the sake of avoiding discovery, can also self destruct the prion in the host destroying the neuron receptors and in the process the frontal lobe of the brain. This will cause the host to behave suicidal and ultimately results in death. For extended forays the Prion can be manipulated by artificial intellegence and pre-programming in order to extend their range, but this limits their abilities to improvise.
It should be noted at this point that this is not a long term solution in terms of how the Etherium will interact with outsiders. The use of humans and the prion devices is simply Phase One - a means to an ends to gather resources until the Etherium are strong enough to stand on their own.
They have learned to harvest iridium in their former home and the incredibly dense structure of the element not only because it was a vital element required for life, but also incorporating it into their technology until after many centuries they developed ways of manipulating the molecular structure, cracking it down into almost any known compound. This became common technology and is the key to the secret of Etherium mass fabrication. The Etherium intend to turn their structure into a "Terra-bomb", a device that will be used to make Moros habitable for the Etherium species, starting their Empire anew.
A tentative alliance is beginning to form between a recently discovered Artificial Intelligence entity known as the AI Consensus and will be a strong catalyst in terms of the Etherium recovery as they agree to supply a small number of ships and prion hosts while continuing to develop a strategic coupling that may bring rise to the next power-alliance in Omicron space.
Naming format - [?](designation)
Allowed ID's - Freelancer ID (Iridium miners may use Miner ID)
Allowed IFF's - Freelancer IFF
Base of Operations - Object Unknown, New Etheria High Orbit.
Faction motivations and goals -
The primary goal of the Etherium right now is survival and remaining undiscovered. They must attempt to harvest iridium in this sector and return it to their new home, the race's reserves having only a few months supply remaining. Secondary goals
Every asset is treasured as the advanced technology is difficult to fabricate or replace. Every loss wounds them deeply as they struggle to acclimatize to this new space and only risk discovery if necessary. This is the main reason the Etherium have taking to copying the technology of those they encounter and integrating their own technology into it - until they re-establish themselves enough to fabricate their own vessels. As they gain access to more credits through iridium trade, they will amass a small, subtle trade fleet that will support more sinister purposes.
Etherium ranking structure and Roster -
The evacuation and resulting betrayal of Elder Stratos has allowed Shard to initiate the Bridge device immediately and also inherit complete leadership simultaneously - sentencing many millions of worker caste to death - ensuring his own survival and those fortunate to be on the station. As he is the last remaining Elder his possession of knowledge is so great that others must rely upon him on subjects as outdated as war and primitive survival, and protect him at all costs. The Elder can pass knowledge on selectively to those he entrusts, the exchange taking place using the numerous implants that Etherium use. The typical ranking structure is as follows. As an Etherium gains in favor with the Elder, their iridium ration increases and they gain additional benefits Elder - Ancient Etherium possessing an immense knowledge collective.
[?]Shard - [?]Transport2 - Pirate Train/Supply vessel
[?]Shard - replicated human "Cutlass" Bomber
[?]RV-Pacifist - Borderworlds Gunship
Seer - One gifted with great knowledge and technology, able to organise and coordinate.
[?]Splinter (Captain_Nemo) - [?]RV.Suncoaster - Kusari Explorer - Information Gatherer
[?]Splinter - Serenity Transport - supply vessel
[?]Transport3 - Serenity Transport - supply vessel
Technology -
Borderworlds Technology only - The craft the Etherium control appear to be human vessels however upon close inspection have clearly been constructed by some other means. Their advanced technology allows them to control these craft over a significant range, with limited trans-system control possible using the jump-hole anomalies in this sector.
Allowed ships - fighters and bombers, freighters and transports (within limits of Freelancer ID).
Zone of Influence -
Combat vessels - Omicron space only. The range of their current technology is limited and must stay with range of the subspace signal or be lost. Traders may move freely according to the Freelancer ID.
Diplomacy -
The Etherium are attempting to maintain the facade of a Freelance Mining venture. They will often tell lies to this effect, claiming to be lost or part of a loose mining group. These deceptions are to divert questions as to why they are really around. Allied - None
Nomad hostility explained -
You look very much like the invaders. While the Etherium cannot confirm that their Empire was destroyed by the nomads there are enough similarities between the two that an underlying hostility cannot be ignored.
That said, this does NOT mean Etherium units will seek out and attack nomads. As super intelligent beings they realise that this is not the time for revenge and cannot risk discovery at this stage.
Intended play and Faction rules.
The Etherium are a weakened alien race on the brink of extinction, and behave as such. Brazen forays and fight-picking are against their nature, subterfuge, deception, and stealth are their preferred weapons.
Iridium mining is encouraged and will be used not only as an in-RP resource but also as a trade commodity to secure their alliance with the Consensus. Human organs will be sought as the Etherium experiment with ways to infiltrate human society in order to gain access to more resources. Using these human supplicants and copied vessels will allow them to gain access to other commodites (namely base commodities)
Recruitment is open - http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread...pid1530046. All recruitment will need to be done inRP, you will need to prove you understand the position and motivations of the faction, and your forum RP will need to conform with the style we have adopted. This is your chance to prove you not only understand the lore, but that you have thoroughly read this document as well. The main focus of the RP will to build a new home for the Etherium. The bar is set high, you have been warned. I reserve the right to decline any applications.
Final say/Disclaimer -
This is version 4 of the Etherium writeup and is in a constant state of modification. I have made some big changes in terms of Etherium interaction in order to use already present ingame assets in order to work up to official status at a later stage and incorporating an ID and shipline. The above writeup is essentially "Phase One" where the Etherium will use deception and cunning to justify ingame assets of their own further down the track. Feedback is requested.
one small tip, I suggest you restrict the ZoI to a specific few systems, say, deeper Omicrons-Corsaircrons. coz Etherium guys moving around in Alpha as well as Gamma is.....strange.
Also, I recommend you use O-Lost as home turf. empty, unowned, edge of sirius stuff.
Everything is fine, but, remaining undiscovered in the sense? If anyone finds you, and maybe RP in the forums about the existence of your race, how are you going to progress your RP?
And more interactions is the best way to gain popularity around the server. Try to adjust your preliminary goal in a way that you are able to interact with others and at the same time, you tend to remain distant from the human race.
(05-17-2014, 01:55 AM)|nfrared Wrote: ...
That said, this does NOT mean Etherium units will seek out and attack nomads. As super intelligent beings they realise that this is not the time for revenge and cannot risk discovery at this stage.
A sample of Etherium forum RP - http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=115276
Rather tricky staying under the radar right next to Outcast core territory, especially Omicron-82 which is supervisioned by maltese overwatch as we had quite some troublemakers coming from there before.
Nomads are exactly two systems away, so your arch-enemy is basically next door, with people between you and them, if you stay going with Omicron-82, that'll likely either watch you being shot down by the Nomads, or actively assist them in shooting you down.
Good luck.
(05-17-2014, 03:16 PM)Divine Wrote: if you stay going with Omicron-82
Where does it say we are using Omicron 82 as a base of operations?
Currently the plan is to use Delta as our staging ground as it contains iridium
(05-17-2014, 01:54 PM)Snake Wrote: me wanz )))) any recruitment page?
(05-17-2014, 11:57 AM)Moriarty. Wrote: Everything is fine, but, remaining undiscovered in the sense? If anyone finds you, and maybe RP in the forums about the existence of your race, how are you going to progress your RP?
And more interactions is the best way to gain popularity around the server. Try to adjust your preliminary goal in a way that you are able to interact with others and at the same time, you tend to remain distant from the human race.
If any fleshbags encounter us they will see other fleshbags flying fleshbag ships. Think Avatar but in reverse
The RP of Etherium will advance based on Fleshbag interaction, but I believe it will be quite awhile before an actual Etherium leaves the safety of the base
(05-17-2014, 11:52 AM)seven-alpha-one-one Wrote: Excellent. Was waiting for this.
one small tip, I suggest you restrict the ZoI to a specific few systems, say, deeper Omicrons-Corsaircrons. coz Etherium guys moving around in Alpha as well as Gamma is.....strange.
Also, I recommend you use O-Lost as home turf. empty, unowned, edge of sirius stuff.
I'll leave Infrared to answer ZOI questions, but your base location suggestion will be taken into consideration
(05-17-2014, 03:16 PM)Divine Wrote: if you stay going with Omicron-82
In the RP they linked. The Temple of the Revenant is not a place where you just jump in and out because you happened to come by.
Also the one from the opening post here: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=111563
(05-17-2014, 03:16 PM)Divine Wrote: if you stay going with Omicron-82
In the RP they linked. The Temple of the Revenant is not a place where you just jump in and out because you happened to come by.
Also the one from the opening post here: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=111563
Actually Etherium was written with the phantom replacement in mind. With the recycling of Phantom assets Etherium had to be re-written.The post on the top reflect the recent changes.
P.S Thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure |nfrared will make the necessary changes to the link you have provided.
(05-17-2014, 03:16 PM)Divine Wrote: if you stay going with Omicron-82
In the RP they linked. The Temple of the Revenant is not a place where you just jump in and out because you happened to come by.
Also the one from the opening post here: http://discoverygc.com/forums/showthread.php?tid=111563
Actually Etherium was written with the phantom replacement in mind. With the recycling of Phantom assets Etherium had to be re-written.The post on the top reflect the recent changes.
P.S Thanks for pointing that out. I'm sure |nfrared will make the necessary changes to the link you have provided.
You mean the link where right after it says "Note: Needs changes made"? Yea. The idea of using Omicron 82 as a base system has been abandoned, as has most of the lore (aside from the above document) up to this point.
Also the example of Etherium RP is simply that - an example. It was written before we were told the Phantom assets were being recycled. Use it as reference for the style of Etherium roleplay, but it is now retconned as viable RP.
Basically none of the previous work is viable, and this document is now the main lore document until I go through everything else and change it to reflect this proposal. Forget what you think you know about Etherium before the assets went bye-bye, anything relevant is on the proposal above.
About being found out, well, sooner or later we are going to be found. The question then will be "Well what did you actually see?" Tell your freinds you saw a flying saucer, or an alien tried to probe you. I'm sure they'll believe you.
(05-17-2014, 04:06 PM)Captain_Nemo Wrote: If any fleshbags encounter us they will see other fleshbags flying fleshbag ships. Think Avatar but in reverse
This is by far the best way to describe it. It isn't strange to collect intel on your potential enemies via deception. Ask yourself what Outcasts or Corsairs are going to see in terms of entering their systems. Freelancer IFF'ed, Miner ID'd humans. There are many things I can think of that are more suspicious than that.
So yes you will see us, but no, you will not see aliens.
What I mean by staying hidden is that we won't be advertising our presence. We have already reached out to one other faction, and as others investigate and possibly discover our true nature, steps will be taken to ensure Etherium individuals are not being dissected on, say, Cryer's lunchroom table.
(05-17-2014, 10:21 PM)|nfrared Wrote: ...Ask yourself what Outcasts or Corsairs are going to see in terms of entering their systems. Freelancer IFF'ed, Miner ID'd humans. There are many things I can think of that are more suspicious than that.
What I mean by staying hidden is that we won't be advertising our presence.
Miners are always suspicious to any Outcast, and the fact you're running as Freelancer doesn't make you any less suspicious, because Freelancers are most of the times paid by the Miners Guild to shoot us.
You're lucky enough if you enter maltese core territory and players don't treat you according to the laws, which might give you a chance to actually try collecting intel, whatever conclusions you'll get out of that then.
But we'll see once we encounter ingame.
If, as you said, the reference to Omicron-82 is void for any of your current/coming RP then this already makes a lot of things easier for you to handle, I guess.