Stuff like this and this is quite silly.
The way Zoners act towards bigger and more important factions that have larger influence can be summed up like this:
(don't take offence at this Gytrash, it's not meant to be a personal attack on you in any way or anything)
(05-27-2014, 01:15 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: Stuff like this and this is quite silly.
All I see is Zoner's effort to maintain its neutrality.It is not in any way an attack or threat, merely requesting all parties to afford some minimal respect towards Zoners.
Zoners seem to be internally divided and at least to some extent disliked by part of this community due to various reasons, such as possesing ships they should not or not entirely thought out roleplay/attitude to others.
Zoner ID itself is imbalanced as it is now too. I keep meeting zoner 5kers with ore in House space now and then.
Imo until issues with zoner caps and big transports visiting House systems instead of flying around Omicrons aren't fixed, people will keep being angry at Zoners. Zoners themselves need also change of attitude to others, as a group of players. House factions don't go to Omicrons on regular basis, yelling at locals how important they are and demanding respect, while Zoner factions and players, both in and oorp, do that all the time inside Houses and around them.
I agree with what Pavel said. Anyone seen that neph in Liberty called Stealthtyper recently? Lord knows what a colony ship is doing Iin house space.
I wouldn't mind making it so that Zoners can't leave house space, as indies seem in capable of not only following their ID, but actually grasping the Zoner RP.
Call me elitist, but I've always felt that only the official factions (and factions like CW, which was the best show of Zoner RP I've seen) actually know what they're doing and how they're meant to be RPing when they play their Zoners.
I suggested a while back that Zoner caps should be restricted to the Omicrons/Outside house space. Perhaps we should ban Zoners from house space completely? They're not really meant to be there after all. Of course, allow the official factions to still maintain their ability to enter house space: treat it like a perk over being an indie.
(05-27-2014, 02:04 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I agree with what Pavel said. Anyone seen that neph in Liberty called Stealthtyper recently? Lord knows what a colony ship is doing Iin house space.
I wouldn't mind making it so that Zoners can't leave house space, as indies seem in capable of not only following their ID, but actually grasping the Zoner RP.
Call me elitist, but I've always felt that only the official factions (and factions like CW, which was the best show of Zoner RP I've seen) actually know what they're doing and how they're meant to be RPing when they play their Zoners.
I suggested a while back that Zoner caps should be restricted to the Omicrons/Outside house space. Perhaps we should ban Zoners from house space completely? They're not really meant to be there after all. Of course, allow the official factions to still maintain their ability to enter house space: treat it like a perk over being an indie.
Lyth, People are human, who - for being human, will always give meaning to things that suit them. Zoners could be wrapped up by some form of explaination about their origin, but discovery created the zoners we have today - each seperate from another, and each willing to throw the blame on others. The zoners are much much more diverse now then they used to be, especaily with the current treatment. Until factions who claim to own the zoners do something and perhaps merge themselves, perhaps a return of some form of a unified body - things will always be in conflict and seperation.
Say what you like about the former zoner alliance, by my read - it was much more fun and intresting back then - even with the qq - and they actually did something. I may not know the medicine but I can see the desease and solutions such as restricting them further is not going to do the trick. Also, I wonder why do people use the 5kers-in house as an excuse, they can't dock in there - if they do, trace them and file a sanction report. This is also a major issue, because the current factions not only give a damn on the generic one, they turn a blind eye when such things occur and always blame indies, but I truly find it embarrasing that these factions that only live up to hold their precious status can still order people what to do and not being laughed about.
Whatever happend to community awareness, what happend to those people who were kind enough to let go and let other people take charge. Its clear that they have no intrest in the generic faction, their very own charter specificly implies that they are not to be considered ordinary zoners. The phoenix are nothing but a family, thats all they are - unless they made a mistake and have not noticed it for two years. The taz are a nomadic group of people who dont take intrest in anything but their own arse, although I wouldn't say that to Doc, as his character actually does something. If any of them, except sabre - who is will naturaly jump in like an oil slick, wishes to tell me their side of the story - im all ears, but so far its loud deaf, and I believe that others dont vote against these factions because of their history and what they have done in the past, but the past is the past - and its time to progress.
(05-27-2014, 02:04 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I suggested a while back that Zoner caps should be restricted to the Omicrons/Outside house space. Perhaps we should ban Zoners from house space completely? They're not really meant to be there after all.
(05-27-2014, 03:31 PM)Zen_Mechanics Wrote: Lyth, People are human, who - for being human, will always give meaning to things that suit them. Zoners could be wrapped up by some form of explaination about their origin, but discovery created the zoners we have today - each seperate from another, and each willing to throw the blame on others. The zoners are much much more diverse now then they used to be, especaily with the current treatment. Until factions who claim to own the zoners do something and perhaps merge themselves, perhaps a return of some form of a unified body - things will always be in conflict and seperation.
If by diversity you mean that on one hand we have Zoners who play their role properly (official factions, CW, a few indies) and on the other we have war mongers in 'colony' ships, deep space explorers who spend their time trading ore in the houses and single entities telling entire houses to piss off like they own the place, then yeah, Zoners are diverse. That doesn't mean it's a good thing, or that it's healthy for the server and the community.
(05-27-2014, 03:39 PM)Gaz83 Wrote:
(05-27-2014, 02:04 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I suggested a while back that Zoner caps should be restricted to the Omicrons/Outside house space. Perhaps we should ban Zoners from house space completely? They're not really meant to be there after all.
And yet we see Zoner NPCs in house space.
Zoner NPCs in house space are an after product of Vanilla. They were created to fill the emptiness of Sirius as the player traversed across Sirius. They had no real reason to be there.
We can't really use NPCs as an argument for a player related problem anyway.
(05-27-2014, 02:04 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: I suggested a while back that Zoner caps should be restricted to the Omicrons/Outside house space. Perhaps we should ban Zoners from house space completely? They're not really meant to be there after all.
And yet we see Zoner NPCs in house space.
Actually, I don't remember seeing Zoner NPCs outside systems where they own a station for quite some time now.