We were very shocked last night to find that New London was seemingly under an invasion from Foreign Powers. Namely Liberty Navy, Colonial Republic and the Council.
It transpires, from one of our Constables, that the BAF had invited them in to siege a Base deemed illegal by one of your Captains.
May we remind you of the Law as laid down in Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law, Chapter 4 - Crimes and Illegal Conduct, Sub-Section 4.7 - Foreign Warships.
Just to remind you we have inserted it below:
Quote:Foreign warships are banned from Bretonian borders, without prior permission of the Bretonian Government or War Cabinet. Capital ships may also be escorted through Bretonian-claimed space by a ranking officer of the BPA) or BAF|.
Vessels acting in contravention of this order will face a minimum fine of 5,000,000 credits and immediate expulsion from Bretonian borders. Warships are classified as cruisers/destroyers and larger.
Exceptions: viewable by those excepted and Bretonian lawful forces only Capital vessels part of the Liberty Navy expeditionary force in New London, Newcastle, Manchester, Magellan, Cortez or in pursuit of Gallic forces. CR| and =VG= capital ships within Magellan, Cortez or in pursuit of Gallic Forces.
[101st], CL} and other approved MNS capital ships in Newcastle or pursuit of Gallic or Corsair forces. Council capital ships in Newcastle, Manchester, Magellan or in pursuit of Gallic forces.
Kusari Exiles capital ships in Dundee, Newcastle or in pursuit of Gallic forces.
[RHA] and [RF] capital ships in Omega-3 or in pursuit of Corsair forces.
Officially registered Zoner capital ships proceeding directly between their holdings around Bretonia.
These ships were just wandering around Bretonia as though they owned the place. At no time did our Officer report any invasion by Gallic Forces.
Quote:Foreign warships are banned from Bretonian borders, without prior permission of the Bretonian Government or War Cabinet.
Up to date we have received no communication from either of the above informing us of these ships entering in to Bretonia. Therefore we are assuming, rightly or wrongly, that some of your Officers went way above their station and authorised this. Otherwise we have come to the conclusion that the BAF HC, deemed it not necessary to or, forgot to inform us of this.
We would like an explanation of why so many Foreign Warships were 'wandering around' Bretonia.
I appologise personally for the delay in communication. Having not been present during this, having been tied up elsewhere in matters pertaining to the fleets under my command, I had missed this one particular incident. As soon as I read this message from yourselves, I conducted an investigation with members of the board, and with the bureaucrats that usually work closely with us on matters such as these described in the incident you have contacted us over, that being foreign warships in Bretonian Sovereign space.
It appears an impromptu decision was temporarily made, between the Governmental representatives on the War Cabinet, and the Admiralty Board of Her Royal Majesty's Armed Forces, to remove this offending installation, utilising near-by allied assets. It would appear that a mistake was made on our part, as we had not cleared this ourselves with the respective Command structures of the vessels in question, resulting in them promptly drawing out after a matter of time, resulting in our efforts being fruitless. This, I fear, may have been why you was not formally informed. The impromptu decisions allowed us to act quickly, forgetting our friends and allies around us who where not so aware of the situation. A mistake I intend to not allow happen again. The board is with me on this.
I hope this explains all to you sufficiently. I think you understand when I say that the removal of hostile installations as quickly as possible is necessary with the Gauls on our doorstep. We cannot afford to draw assets from the defence for too long, otherwise they will begin to exploit our weaknesses. I'm sure you understand all this. This concludes my explanation of the happenings during this incident.
In the name of Her Majesty, and her people in the Realm of Bretonia,
Admiral Michelle O'Brian CO of the 1st New London Command and 5th Suffolk Defence Fleets
Bretonian Armed Forces Admiralty Board