(06-05-2014, 10:24 AM)FynnMcScrap Wrote: ...
and I wanted to see if I can get LibGov to react at last.
The Liberty Government's response time is usually measure in the order of days, and in rare and extremely unfortunate cases, weeks. In your haste, the station was destroyed by a vigiliant captain who had no way of knowing whether or not the station was going to be approved, and he has appeared to act within the letter of the law.
If you intend to (re)build, you would need to send a new message, as the most recent message was sent prior to the base's destruction - it would be contradictory to approve that specific base when it was just razed by a subordinate vessel.
One more advice - if I understood it right, your base was in Hudson? If so, think twice before you build base in Hudson or Bering. Supplying is huge problems, because no matter if you go from Rheinland or Liberty, you are in almost all cases breaking trade embargo and if lawfuls catch you, you will be paying fines and sooner or later added on criminal list.
(06-05-2014, 10:24 AM)FynnMcScrap Wrote: ...
and I wanted to see if I can get LibGov to react at last.
The Liberty Government's response time is usually measure in the order of days, and in rare and extremely unfortunate cases, weeks. In your haste, the station was destroyed by a vigiliant captain who had no way of knowing whether or not the station was going to be approved, and he has appeared to act within the letter of the law.
If you intend to (re)build, you would need to send a new message, as the most recent message was sent prior to the base's destruction - it would be contradictory to approve that specific base when it was just razed by a subordinate vessel.
Noted, understood. Thanks for the advice.
(06-05-2014, 01:45 PM)Lumik8 Wrote: One more advice - if I understood it right, your base was in Hudson? If so, think twice before you build base in Hudson or Bering. Supplying is huge problems, because no matter if you go from Rheinland or Liberty, you are in almost all cases breaking trade embargo and if lawfuls catch you, you will be paying fines and sooner or later added on criminal list.
Hm... I disagree, due to the concept I tried to play. But as I see, there are more Rules than Server Rules, more difficultys than I expected. Oh well, I will learn. Thx, too.
(06-05-2014, 10:31 AM)Snak3 Wrote: The moment you started directing everything to me ( Snak3 ) ooRP because you do not like how roleplay encounter went ( Between LNS-Proud.Mary and others ) it is personal attack, trial by forum and just being a sore loser.
You can put all this to suit your position, but what's done is done. I abided all rules, I roleplayed for more than 20 minutes ingame before destroying it:
[05.06.2014 05:10:14] FynnMcScrap: what is this ?
[05.06.2014 05:32:30] Base Tinkers Haven destroyed
[cut out rest of log as the log is documented above]
Quote:All in all, you can paint this situation however you want. The fact is still that I did nothing wrong.
Your forum trial is dully noted
Nice trick with the whole log, I still have to paste it together. I will learn that too.
I do not agree, and I neither share your view of the situation nor the conclusions you draw IC.
That does not change the rules, and I stated my oppinion about righteouse use of the rules as a weapon sufficiently.
Fynn, first things first. Base building is a tough job, which requires a group of people rather than just one or two.
And building it somewhere inside house space requires you to first register the base in the house base registration thread. Which may take some days for them to respond. And also, in places like Liberty, you might have to pay a regular fee for the base.
My advice: Try gathering a group of people before building a base. Before starting construction and letting out the base location on the forums(there are sneaky bastards everywhere) get approval from the house govt. Once the base has been approved, then proceed to building it.
Also, there is nothing much wrong in what the base slayer did. The only thing what he did, feels wrong to me, is destroying a newbies base, without thinking of what the player on the opposite end of the screen might feel, and that too, who is new and tried something new.
What I would have done, if I was there...I would have first told you the things I mentioned above. Then if you seem to understand, fine, I have done my small part of teaching someone the way things work around in this community.
But everyone is not generous and kind hearted...I hope that you have learnt the lessons from this little incident.
There are some people who like destroying Bases. They get a thrill out of destroying others hard work.
Just because you do it the Official way and register it with the Liberty Government, beforehand, doesn't mean that certain people won't log another ship, eg a Rheinland Battleship, and come along and destroy it that way.
The rules, as they stand at the moment, allow those people, who at the beach probably liked kicking over the smaller children's sandcastles, to just do what they want in relation to Level 1 Bases. You will find that they will justify it in anyway, shape or form they want.
Just be aware that even if you get it to Core 2, or above, that the RP requirements only require that they literally post 1 second before they start shooting. All the higher cores allow is that it requires more firepower to kill the Base if it is well stocked.
Next time, if you do go ahead, prepare before hand. Build the Shield Module first and do it as quickly as you can. Once you have the shield available, build a Storage Module but make sure that you do the Repair Materials first and as fast as you can because it will leave your Base vulnerable.
The best protection is to have sufficient numbers of all 3 Repair Materials on you Base at all times. I would suggest that you have at least 2000 each of Robotic Hardware and Hull Segments and plenty of Reinforced Alloy.
Do try and make sure that your Base never drops below 100% Health because those same people will justify an attack and destroy you Base whilst it is a Core 1.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
@ Violet / Zayne : you two give me headaches like a pint of beer...to much *laughs*
@ Moriaty : still learning. Life is what happens while you´re planning something else.
@ St.Denis : I´ve been thinking a lot about balance and the reasons behind some of the rules, and I begin to see that there is a lot more depth to this community than I realised.
Oh well.