Keeping Skype and forums separate is a perfectly reasonable demand, in my opinion. I was afraid this may turn into a SkypeNazi session. I appreciate you setting the record straight, Jax.
Jack & Snak3, while in a perfect world that may be easy, we all lose it sometimes. Holding frustration and anger in is not healthy, venting to others is. Obviously that is acceptable to an extent. Expecting people to behave reputably at all times is just setting your standards far too high for any kind of community. I'm sure even respectable people in positions of power who need to maintain constant composure mouth off about others.
There's a difference between being frustrated and taking that frustration out on someone else. BIG difference. If one can differentiate between venting to others and venting AT others...we'd be fine.
I'd rather, if someone is that angry, they don't so anything at all on Skype, leave their computer, and go take a walk outside until they cool down. THAT's when you come back and talk.
Quote:Expecting people to behave reputably at all times is just setting your standards far too high for any kind of community.
Not necessarily. It just means that you will retain the ones who are capable of controlling themselves, and get rid of the ones who can't behave responsibly.
No one is asking anyone to be perfect here. Let's clarify that. But that doesn't mean the standard couldn't be raised a bit.
The way I always understood it, and what guided me in my decisions as an admin was that the Admin staff had no authority to sanction anyone for something that happens on skype. The reason that the staff has the authority to sanction people on the forum and server is that it is private. Skype is not under the authority of disco administration, it has it's own rules and terms of service. If the staff steps out of the place where it specifically has the authority to enforce the rules, in my opinion, it is stepping over the line. And to be clear, I am not commenting on the Divine situation, this is more a situation of critiquing the system.
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As I've said in the best - and most productive - chat of all chats on Skype, the Official Faction Leaders Chat, Divine's sanction doesn't seem to be at all based on the server/forum rules. Not that I'm saying the ban wasn't deserved. I just don't believe admins should be allowed to ban players "because they feel like it" or "because the guy deserved it".
I mean, where do you draw the line?
Can I now get sanctioned for non-PG13 language when talking to others on Skype in Discovery-related chats?
What if I play a game of chess with another DiscoGC member in real life and, while they're looking away, cheat. Will I get banned for cheating if they report me?
I know the second example is ridiculous. However, before Divine's sanction, I thought getting banned from Discovery for things said on Skype was equally ridiculous. After all, nowhere in the rules does it state that the server and forum rules apply to third party chat applications. (How about Steam? TeamSpeak? What if I talk to an Admin there about Disco stuff in a less-than-polite manner?)
This sanction created a grey area that wasn't there before, and I don't think that's a good development. Forum threads are discussed and/or continued on Skype on a daily basis. Should I consider those conversations to be covered by the forum rules, now?
Quote:Alright ladies and gentlemen, this discussion can be closed, and despite being banned from posting on the forums and the game (I'd appreciate a proper sanction report on that game ban though if it'll be kept up), I'll have this message forwarded to you all...
This dicussion is over.
Garrett (the one I heavily confronted on Skype) explained it quite well, and along with Zelot's position I'd like to add just one thing...
Skype is not linked to any of the server/forum rules, but I proceeded immediatly after a member of my faction was accused of cheating to directly attack an admin on a very personal level, which ofc was, to say it nicely, a not so clever move by my end.
Overall, any Skype-related talk is not within reach of the server/forum-rules, but as I had my comments linked towards a specific action that was brought upon one of my factions members, after having knowingly posted twice a rather demanding response in said members sanction thread after being told to stop, the action taken by the staff so far is warranted to a certain degree (which is my offense for posting in a sanction thread after being told to cut it).
I still, personally, disagree with having Skype linked to the rules in any way at all, but given the case this, in my case, came along, I'll not have you guys arguing over it anymore.
So again, this discussion is done. Answers were given by the official side. Thread can be closed.
I apologize to anyone I've made trouble with this, and apologize for anyone who makes any further trouble because of the sanction that was invoked upon me.
Since despite the rather clear explanation Garrett and Jinx provided people still seem to be confused, here's a bit more explanation on the subject:
Under normal circumstances Skype is not considered valid material for sanctions. We all have our own opinions, we all share them on Skype, and sometimes more exaggerated than they actually are just so we can vent off, however in this particular case the individual in question took it so far that it didn't really matter whether it happened on forums, on Skype or anywhere else. For the record, I abstained from the vote due to my main character having a longstanding background with the 101st, but I fully understand the team's stance and the reasons behind the decision they made, as I myself have received countless of lovely PMs from that individual including some of the most imaginative insults I've ever heard.
Divine's continuous and excessive direct attacks toward the staff members (both administrators and developers) as well as his abusive attitude and unjustifiable remarks (most often resorting to uncalled for racism to an unreasonable extent) during most if not all of any discussion he's had with anyone from the staff which had ended in a difference of opinion has been going on for so long that it's completely understandable if people figured they've had enough already. So just because Skype is not normally considered when processing a sanction, doesn't mean an individual has the right to be outright out of line when disagreements arise, and going on an rage-fueled tirade against admins and developers which sometimes has even lasted a whole hour while the staff member was trying to be actually reasonable and sensible.
Quote:Can I get, in admin green, a statement on whether or not skype chats are considered within the scope of the administrators of Discovery freelancer?
Because if they are I'll need to censor a lot of what I type.
I know that. How *** it is. Just control what you type,even in Skype too.
In would be nice if people, in all forms of communications, learnt to be civil.
There is no need to swear etc. when writing. You cannot just say that it slipped out as you can in a conversation. It requires a conscious effort to write such things.
Even typing ********* requires thought. There is no need to swear in a conversation and even more so in a communication that requires you to type. You can certainly get your point over without the need for such words.
Possibly a good way is to think that you are speaking to your Grandparents when you are typing.
Try and learn to have a bit of respect for others and possibly their feelings and not just your own.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person