Reason for Joining: I wish to pursue a career in an area of which I excel; Mining and Transporting. In my previous experience with working in Platinum INC, I enjoyed the work and the family like community, however after being bought by DSE I would like to relocate my services.
Brief Bio. of Yourself: I was brought up on California Minor, in a family of 7. My father owned a small mining business, in which my brothers and sisters helped, myself included. I could drive a Rhino by 12 and would haul ore to and from the business storage's. However, I felt undervalued and slowly became detached with my work. I crashed the rhino out of spite for my father, and lost a 2 million credits worth of ore. My father quickly fired me and sent me off on my own; a good thing he did, as I hated working for him. I can now lead a life of my own, and work for whomever I would like!