Konbanwa, esteemed farmer association of Rheinland. My name is Hebishima, and I'm in Rheinland as a representative of the Takarabune Company of Kusari, which has an interest in the export of Kusari finest agricultural and marine produce. Our Artisans Farmer Alliance has fallen into hard times, and we try to give our contribution by promoting their agricultural products along with our aquaculture ones in foreign territory.
The reason I'm contacting you is that a few days ago we met elements of the Unioners. These Unioners seemed sympathetic to our presence and business sense, and tried to provide us with a contact with the LWB. We are obviously interested in arranging such contact, and made efforts so that we may in the future at least visit the Kaiserlauten Depot that the Unioners indicated to us.
We would like to arrange a possible encounter in the near future for an exchange of greetings and gifts, and possibly the establishment of a trade and intelligence partnership between our two entities.
In prospects of a good business opportunity, we await your reply.
May the Fortunes guide your path to greater prosperity.
Guten tag herr Hebishima,
my name is Katerine Ulm and i was appointed by the Landwirtrechtbewegung tractor leader to respond to you.
I must say that i am intrigued and at the same time pleased by your visit to Rheinland. You must have passed by Darmstadt and missed some party at the time you were around.
Anyway, you are talking about diplomacy and trade offers. We might be interested in this because supporting the efforts on both sides must be a sword that the Synth Foods cannot handle in a good way. Maybe we could start by exchanging seeds and some other agricultural material to see if the crops are fruitful and we could make other deals.
A meeting must be arrange, on a neutral ground, where the soil isnt harsh for both sides.
Bout the unioners you have met, mein herr, they ain`t trustworthy, so mein advice is for you to be careful the next time you try to find one of our tractors shop.
So, mein herr, we hope to hear from you in a near future while we prepare our part of the farm and you prepare yours.
Well met Ulm-san. Thank for your time to greet us and listen to our proposal.
We are aware of the plight our farmers feel in their daily living to produce top quality rice and other cereals, as well as the large investment on the supporting equipment, caused not only by their desire to dedicate their best to their craft, but also because of the dangers of Synth Foods demands they utmost efforts.
As I have mentioned before, we are truly interested in arranging a meeting, and since we come as guests, we are to go wherever our esteemed host deems is a suitable place for such auspicious encounter. Once we hear your indication of your desired location, we will try to provide a acceptable hour for the meeting.
I must say however, if you desire to arrange a neutral place run by another party, I must make a pair of requests. First, is that due to our... "abysmal" relation with the junkies... I mean Junkers, it's best to not consider their frequented places or bases, wherever they are.
The second request, and I feel that it would be beneficial to our continued interests, would be measures to prevent awareness of the encounter by the law enforcement forces. I'm aware your esteemed organization is not fond of them, and we would like to keep a low profile and the capability to interact with commercial station at a business level for the foreseeable future.
Regarding the Unioners, they did mentioned the current tense relations, and sang songs of desired reconciliation with the farmers. If they were genuine or veiled interests, it's not my place to determine. Perhaps it's a good occasion to reappraise their stance towards the LWB.
Seems making replies of reasonable length are not my forte, so I end my message saying I will be waiting for your decision, and will make preparations to meet you as soon as the details are agreed.
Wishes of a bountiful week ahead, and of abundant corps on your lands.