So I was in NY today as a pirate and was beset by 2 fighters, a LSF and a BHC guy. I fled the scene and as I'm running away the BH guy starts chasing me.
Then I see BHxxx Depearting
AAA has died
BHxyx (close to the same name)
BHxyx has left
New player: BHxxx
and the BH guy resumes pursuing me. He claims that he got kicked and is now allowed to continue pursuit.
Thoguhts? Opinions? We got into a debate about it and decided we should ask the admins. is my public asking.
My opinion is, you can't really do anything about it.
You can always say: "Oh, I got disconnected...""I got kicked""My game crashed""Dinner time"
"My monkey is busting for a cigarette and they are inside my computer, need to shut down"
meh...I don't think you can do much about it. It ruins game-play, but I just Think. "I'm a cooler player than him" And blow it off, as if it never happened.
Its just a game, at the end of the day.
"Three o'clock is always too late or too early for anything you want to do."
Sometimes though, the game does crash. This happened to me today, a Phantom was near me so I entered the NB->Sigma-13 Jump Hole, and my game crashed. So I restarted it, got a couple of "This account is in use already, blah blah," and when I got back in, I was at the Sigma-13->Sigma-17 jump hole, with no clue how it happened (they're on opposite sides of the map).
' Wrote:Sometimes though, the game does crash. This happened to me today, a Phantom was near me so I entered the NB->Sigma-13 Jump Hole, and my game crashed. So I restarted it, got a couple of "This account is in use already, blah blah," and when I got back in, I was at the Sigma-13->Sigma-17 jump hole, with no clue how it happened (they're on opposite sides of the map).
Yeah, this happened to me a couple of times. No idea why this happened. One minute, entering New York through the California jumpgate, then Freelancer quits to desktop, then I start in back up, get a couple of account in use messages, then when I log back on, bam, I'm in the Pittsburgh Debris Field! Really weird. :unsure: