The following application form can be found with any of the many bartenders at Gaian stations. Merely ask and you shall receive. (Note: It has come to our attention that Holmfirth has a two drink minimum to acquire any paperwork.)
Quote:Name: Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details: Place of birth and other relevant biographical information: Current Gaian station residence: Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations: Reasons for joining: Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?
Please leave your neuralnet contact information and this application with your local bartender and a response will be sent shortly. And remember to recycle on your way out.
Quote:Name: Robert Doms
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details: Yup. There is one Panzer bomber.
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:Planet Cambridge 790 A.S., not so good story happened when I was a child. Just let you know that I worked in Police Department on the Planet Cambridge. And yeah, angry boss kicked me out from my previous work. Then slowly I turned into Unlawful, lot of times Police tried to arrest me. Few years I was nobody, just small pirate in Cambridge. But once I met interested man, he told me alot about planet Gaia and his organization. At last I joined Gaians, because I really interested in their goals. I think it is Honor to die for that goals.
Current Gaian station residence: Torshanv Space Port in Cambridge. Lot of times this Port saved my fur from Police.
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:I was just a small pirate within Cambridge.
Reasons for joining:I’m not hero and don’t want to be, but I know that the Flora and Fauna need to be saved from Queen’s hand.
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?All other inhabitlable not threated at all Planets.
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?Will make honor face and just keep on what I was doing before. If they will say something, I’ll warn him about our meeting in space and keep on. Sure I’d defend myself if any of them will try to hit me.
Quote:Name:Theodor Dvartsa Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:One "Panzer" class bomber Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:Planet New London 795 A.S., I was typical children who have typical family, but when I finished school I became interested in the ideas of Gaian, on the preservation of the integrity of the planets, of course then I joined to Gaian, and continued his studies, but in 819 I bought a Gaian bomber and began attacking ships of Planetform, at 820, I sometimes even attacked ships of Gallia. And in the 821, I decided to become a full part of Gaian community Current Gaian station residence:Skye Base at Newcastle Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:I was only small smuggler at Bretonia Reasons for joining:I wish save the pure beatifull of Sirius, I don't wish live in terraforming space Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?I was only small smuggler at Bretonia You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why? If they will say something, I’ll warn him about our meeting in space and keep on. Sure I’d defend myself if any of them will try to hit me.
Quote:Name: Turis Ferriers Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details: A Chameleon very heavy fighter Place of birth and other relevant biographical information: Lorraine Current Gaian station residence: Islay base Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations: None Reasons for joining: I'm a Gallic deserter, looking for a place to hide... and a job. Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? I was thinking to make a joke, but, nevermind, the answer is Gaia. You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why? Keep on going, shaking my head, saying out loud: "This has to be a joke." and laugh. I almost forgot to say this. I have to respect the neutrality of the station by not starting a fight. Otherwise, the owners of the station may deny docking rights for my group and so on...
Ex-officer, Cambridge pirate. It's good you don't want to be hero, because heroes are first who always die. And it's not only Queen who wants to destroy Flora and Fauna... Do not forget Orbital Spa & Cruise!! Anyway your application is fine, you are Accepted. Good work!
Theodor Dvartsa,
"Panzer" bomber you wrote? It's "Panther" like that animal, Theodor.
There's something I would like to know, maybe it's mistake and maybe not. You've wrote something about attacking Planetform and Gallic ships or convoys, whatever. Then you mentioned in "Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations" that you were smuggler. Anyway, if you will become one of The Watchers, you have to avoid Gallic ships and convoys and attack them only if they fire first... Otherwise you are Accepted. Good work!
Turis Ferriers,
Gallic deserter looking for a place to hide. Well I would like to tell you, if they, I mean GRN, will find out that you are one of us, then we are going to tell them that you stole our ship, Capiche?
You were thinking about joke and it seems you should read that question again. "Other than those within the Edinburgh System". But we can teach you about that. Anyway you are Accepted. Good work!!
To applicants!!
You may contact us via secure channel and provide us with your S.K.Y.P.3 protocol. Secure Channel.
Quote:Name: Woody Allen Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details: "Claymore" Gaian Gunboat Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:I was born on fifth of april 795AS on Battleship Hood, Dublin. I was raised there by my grandfather. My parents died shortly after my birth. My grandpa said their ship malfunctioned and they crashed into an asteroid. I had my doubts about it, but ah well. When I turned 17 my grandpa died from heart failure. I did all kind of work just to survive and pirated in the Bretonian space... untill I saw this... I will devote my life in order to protect the nature itself Current Gaian station residence: Islay Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations: I've did many things but the most criminal was pirating. I was pirating in Bretonia in order to survive. Reasons for joining: I want to fight for greater good. I wasnt so devotes to ecology before, because I struggled to survive. Until one day I saw on news whats happening with ecology.. I was terrified... I couldn't belive my eyes what are people doing to the nature which gave us life. I finaly found out something that is worth fighting for and that is nature. Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? All inhabitated planets need to be guarded. You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why? I would raise my head and continue on with my business. Of course I wouls defend myself if they would try to hurt me
Angelrator @Foochow has been wished with the best by @Dimon and @Cashew (:
-something went wrong and pic got a "bit" oversize
"Claymore" Gunboat? It seems our people like you and you showed us your skill.
I'm sorry about your parents and grandfather, I'm sure they would be proud of you now. You are Accepted. Good work.
To applicants!!
You may contact us via secure channel and provide us with your S.K.Y.P.3 protocol. Secure Channel.
Quote:Name:Edison Brunham Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:Yes I do, one Panther class Bomber and one Chameleon class fighter. Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:Well I was born in Cambridge, In Torshavn Space Port to be precise, my family has been Gaians since the start and well I am as well, my parents live now peacefully hidden in Planet New London, but I decided to continue my life as it is, its pretty lonely though, flying around with no friends and well its kind'a boring and also gets lonely with time, there is no other relevant info about me, other than I have experience flying a fighter, and I have a grudge from birth towards those scrubs from Planetform, I heard they are stepping up bussines again. Current Gaian station residence:Torshavn Space Port Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:Yes, I have fought some Planetform Pilots before, they lack training though, and in desperate need of money I have been obliged to act in piracy towards standart traders and some foreign corporates such as Orbital Spa and Cruise. Reasons for joining:There is a fight out there, and its the fight for the ecology... we have been tasked by Gaia to protect that was gifted to us by nature, yet there are these scrubs destroying it and making what they call 'Industry' which is destroying the ecosystems of many planets around Sirius, I want to have more friends because is really lonely but I also want to fight for what we were trained to, Mother nature. Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat?All of those who haven't been settled by people, and... Planet Harris, my god those idiots of Planetform are at it again, they are destroying Harri's wildlife and taking them somewhere around sirius for what? to get money only, also, I heard rumors of a Junker project in Inverness, with planetform... I wonder what these scrubs are doing there, probably something to do with the inhabited planet there. You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why?Well hey look, I can be good in a fighter but listen, I am really bad at fist fights and gunfights also, so I rather not get into trouble, so I would run and hide or something.
Do you own (a) ship(s)? Please list details:I have a Chameleon.
Place of birth and other relevant biographical information:Holmfirth
Current Gaian station residence:Holmfirth
Any past Gaian or other criminal affiliations:Gaian for life!
Reasons for joining:I need your help
Other than those within the Edinburgh System, which planet has the greatest need to be watched and guarded against threat? New London... and Leeds.
You are strolling through a Junker station and come to a four-way hallway intersection when you notice a Planetform employee, an OSC employee, and a BMM employee, each standing in front of one of the other halls. They will quickly notice your Gaian affiliation. What do you do and why? I go back to the hangar, arm my fighter and wait for their ships to leave the base. Then I take their money... or their lives... or I convince them to go on strike... or to join me. I really don't know there are countless possibilities.
*After reading the note, Holmfirth bartender hands you a memory drive. You plug it into your personal computer and you get the following video and text message*
Watchers, I need your help. I don't know how familiar you are with the situation in Manchester so I'll just explain everything here.
Up to this point I've lived my life as best as I could, helping and doing my part on this base. I won't tell you how my parents left me and how i managed to stay alive because I know you don't give a crap... and I'm not in the mood for that kind of softness.
Recently I got a fighter; in case you read the recruitment form first, you already know the model. Once I got out in space, I noticed that abomination called Fortitude... I was stunned. How come the gaians permitted that thing to be built there?! So, I started searching for information. It appears they are some sort of BMM subsidiary. They are mining... on my lawn! I don't like BMM on my lawn.
I started asking money from their miners but I don't think that will work. They started building a security outpost in the proximity. We need to sent those two bases to hell. Unfortunately I can't do it alone, and that's why I need you.
I chose to be part of your organization. I hope you will help me even if you don't accept me as one of you. Please! We need to send them a clear message! Something like this: