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_______________________________ To: Outcast Families and Junkers Congress From: Crimson Council Cardinal Vincent Armando, Archbishop and Inquisitor of the Holy Church
Hola signori,
A disturbing report was sent to me, regarding the access of the Junkers Congress jumpship .:j:.Claymore.O'Gordon. It seems their previous authorization to enter our home system of Alpha is one of contention between various organizations. This cannot come to pass, as we have seen the results of disagreements between the familias before. This must be dealt with soon signori.
As such, I would like to call a meeting of the primary familias as well as representatives of the Congress in order to lay this matter to rest. I will await your responses, and may the spirits guide us all.
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_______________________________ To: Crimson Council Cardinal Vincent Armando, Archbishop and Inquisitor of the Holy Church From: Capitan Diego Rodriguez, 9th Cruzados Maltesas
Buenas noches, senor,
This matter seems to be a serious issue that needs to be dealt with, and can become a point from which we can work on various problems with the old Maltesian laws. As we noticed tonight in Alpha, it was a major flashpoint between our families and I feel that the best solution is to have this matter solved quickly so that we can continue receiving good support from the Junkers, who have only been good to us up to now.
Myself and the Expedidor will be attending this meeting when it takes place.
Respected friends, I greatly anticipate the opportunity to refresh our productive relationships with the citizens of Malta. We have long-standing history of such beneficial arrangements, and while the recent changes in administration have left the diplomacy with Outcasts to cool, this inversely reflects our growing desire for such opportunities to re-emerge.
While the current administration reconstitutes Outcast statecraft, we would of course advocate that any large-scale changes to ongoing business not be made hastily.
(08-03-2014, 09:12 PM)Hathor Wrote: All jump permissions for foreign ships are canceled until further notice.
The Administration will let you know about future changes.
Itziar "Hathor" Leiseka.
That being said, the Junkers will continue to be respectful of Outcast policies as they provide the imperative supply of scrap for Maltese shipyards.
-= Conclude Encrypted Broadcast=-
Signal Terminated...
[5:57:11 PM] InfernalTater (Lewis) [Formerly TLI-Inferno]:meanwhile, Aces 'I don't always miss my destinations, but when I do, I'm on the other side of house space.'
I appreciate the Cross’s willingness to initiate a discussion on the issue, and the Lance will reserve a discussion of the merits until such time as a meeting is held and a decision reached. Until that time, we have made our position clear given the presence of a capital vessel within Alpha, and we will act accordingly. I certainly expect that the Congress will send their own representatives if the issue is of import. I, along with other members of the Lance, will make ourselves available.
Malta needs a co operative order before we start alienating friends. Do you think our share of the black market is without its costs? Without its regular good faith and good relations?
Or will you sacrifice that vary tenuous and fragile balance by puffing up your hubris?
Weve seen no aggression from this vessel and the Oracles have enlisted the help of many junkers congress included. Their aid in the sector is neighborly and nothing if not cooperative in our home territory.
Should this have changed... I would expect an alarm such as this. Not before.
Our weakness is not in a failure of might it is in our division and should we continue displays such as these, our enemies will come to know it.
To ensure the security of the Maltese core systems and its population a new directive was released by the 101st Ghosts of Razgriz administration.
(10-22-2013, 08:26 PM)GID Wrote: [*]§2-2-2
All foreign and allied warship of cruiser class and above is strictly forbidden entry to maltese core territory.
Excemptions to §2-2-2 are registred/listed warships performing hyperspace-jumps only allowed into Omicron-80.[/list][/align]
With this action we hope for more safe trading for both sides.
We apologize for the loss caused by the restriction of jumptrade for four days and the Maltese nacion hopes that the cooperation between our groups will not be affected by this action.