_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: JM From: Mario Olmos
Hola Merodeadores,
I've been asked on the part of my colleague Captain Diego Rodriguez to contact you for a bit of a... recruitment program. Signore Rodriguez is looking for a few technical specialists to aide in the construction of our warships. We're looking to borrow one of your best for a while, and have credits set aside for payment, all we need is your involvement...
--Cardinal Mario Olmos
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
Pleasure to meet you, Mr. Olmos.
Technical specialists can be easiliy arranged. However, price is an important factor here. If possible, I'd like to be given an idea of how much we'd be paid to send technical specialists over to help you with your ship. Furthermore, I would like to know approximately how long these Marauders would be spending working on your warship. Otherwise, I have no complains with your proposal.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: JM From: Mario Olmos
Hola Merodeadores,
Signore Rodriguez was a little iffy on the details of all of this so my apologies if this is vague. (still trying to figure out why I was dragged into this)
Regardless, this deal is profitable, that much I'll say. Specifics, however, will have to be discussed later, once the job is complete.
Long story short, forward this missive to one of your top engineers and... "acquirers" of sorts. If all goes well, there may be future employment not far off.
We'll be in touch,
--Cardinal Mario Olmos
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
So, I heard you need an engineer? Well, am I your girl! I can build you anythin' you need in no time flat. Can't say I've ever worked on one of them Outcast ships before, but hey - first time for everythin'! I'll pack up my tools and be over ta Malta in a jiffy. I hope you guys have good food!