Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Hogosha
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: (7,000,000 + 6,000,000) x 1.5 = 19,500,000
Name of contractor: Kohaku Hokama
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Yashida Holding, Samura
Proof of kill: proof
Bank account name (to send the cash to): BD|Kohaku.Hokama
Cash amount claimed: 8.000.000 Credits
Its good to see that Blood Dragons joined the hunt. Payment sent, Mr. Hokama. Oh, was that a trading vessel? Then additional 3 million credits is your due. Please don't forget the modifiers when calculating price.
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Pretty good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Samura Stork
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million samura + 3 million transport = 8 million
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Reasonable
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Samura| Kujira
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: Samura| 7 million + 3 million tradeship = 10 million credits
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Fairly good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Samura Hegemon
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million samura + 3 million tradeship = 8 million credits
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Outstanding
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Xeno Waran
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million credits
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Xeno Waran
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Adam.Sousa
Cash amount claimed: 5 million credits
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Fair
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Hogosha gunboat
Proof of kill: Death
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 5 million hogosha + 6 million gunboat = 11 million credits
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Neutral
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Bank#1
Cash amount claimed: 7,000,000 sc
Name of contractor: Junker Marauders
Contractor-Junker relation (must be at least neutral): Good
Target data (name, ID, armor, etc): Scan
Proof of kill: Kill
Bank account name (to send the cash to): JM|-Noding.At.Me
Cash amount claimed: (5,000,000 + 3,000,000) x 1.5 = 12,000,000 sc