I've recently installed Windows 7 64bit. Since then, Freelancer has started acting up (freezing, crashing) all out the blue (while flying, while in jump gate, etc).
Did anyone else encountered this? If yes, how can I fix this?
Running Windows 7 64 bit too and do not have any problems.
Perhaps you should try to reinstall Freelancer and Discovery. Let them run in admin mode incase permission issues prevented some files from installing.
Also make sure that you have the latest GPU drivers, you should also check possible motherboard drivers (helped me fix a network issue and could help with your issue, too).
I run Windows 8.1 and had that problem, though a simple reinstall fixed it. I ran the mod installer .Exe as an administrator and run the game exe+launchpad as administrator also. However i found toying about with the compatability modes seemed to fix a couple graphics bugs i had.
-However saying this, Windows 8.1 has been better actually in compatabiltiy with all my other games, especially those which need Games for Windows Live. Had no issues, infact got better FPS since i switched to 8.1. I suspect Windows is getting a bit too advanced for disco on that front, either that or i should have ran the admin stuff first
Don't know if you are running FL Companion, but I found that the game is a lot more stable when run in windowed mode. There is a thread about it in the Help forums.
Thank you all for your replies. I have re-installed the whole deal (game+mod).
For safety, I'm running Freelancer in compatibility mode (Windows XP SP3), as an administrator. This was very strange, it's basically the only issue I got with the new 64bit OS so far.