Making things proper is tough, when you put four hours of work only see the game crashing to desktop despite every single step verified, checked and absolutely logical.
For those who aren't familiar with all that stuff here is basic info. Shield bubble is what you get on vanilla fighters, basically every vanilla ship that had a shield in original game. However ships that weren't made to carry shield have shrink-wrap bubble instead, as if you put the model into balloon and sucked all air from it, so it takes much less space than a real shield bubble. How is that different for game? The game, when you put a shield on a ship with a shrink-wrap shield mesh considers the latter as the model to register hits and collision. So when people put such hitbox on a fighter they are making it harder to shoot, and so it gives a certain advantage over the vanilla ships. Another thing here is that none of the original capital ships had a shield, so all their hitboxes have shrink-wrap shield. In other words if ships are to made properly they'd all have to have their shield meshes replaced with proper bubble mesh. But there is another problem here, that would make impossible to fly on cruisers and battleships through asteroid fields as the shield bubble would large. If you ever tried to go through the nomad minefield in Frankfurt on anything that big you probably will know how its going to feel. All in all, it's a tricky situation here.
p.s. I decided that it shouldn't have any weapons, and we're gonna call it "Loveboat"! Paint in rainbow, make 5000 cargo hold strictly for cardamine and set army of those on unsuspecting Sirius.
Amazing. And an amazing amount of work invested in it. Kudos to you Treew.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.