_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Crimson Cross Command From: Sabina Venneri
Hola members of the Crimson Cross Command,
Its been a busy week so this will be quite a long report so I might as well get started.
First and foremost I would like to inform the Crimson Command about a strange vessel that I have seen in both Tau-29 and our backyard, Tau-37. It is an Osiris under the name Anubis that claims to have left the Order and that one of the Spirits had told him to make contact with one of the Oracles. I told him he should wait for the Oracle to escort him before entering Alpha. I am not sure what to make of him other than he is insufferable and thinks he is smarter than he is. We should make sure to keep an eye on him, even if one of the Spirits did instruct him as he claims he is not a believer and we can not trust him to follow their will.
Also while talking to the captain of the Anubis at Freeport 10 an unaffiliated pirate by the name of Wesker flying an Asco Gunboat tried to pirate me for three million credits while I was in my fighter right outside the Station. He never ended up engaging as not only the Anubis threatened to blow him up but Capitan Kenneth Matzke showed up on his new Storta cruiser the MNS-Cottonera. While he did not end up engaging it is obvious that he is no friend of the Maltese Nation and we should deal with him as soon as possible.
Log of conversation between me and the Anubis in Tau-29
[22.12.2014 23:37:30] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Sabina: Huh, what is one of the Heretics Battleships doing out here?
[22.12.2014 23:37:53] Anubis: "i would like to inform you - this is /my/ battleship."
[22.12.2014 23:38:31] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Well of course it is yours... you are flying it after all... You saying you not a part of those Order Heretics?
[22.12.2014 23:38:49] Anubis: "Generanlly.... where are you going?"
[22.12.2014 23:39:31] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Wasn't going anywhere... was just planning on collecting some donations for the Crimson Cross... slim picking though
[22.12.2014 23:40:11] Anubis: "Well.. I am sure your 'dontations' are extorted forcefully, are they?"
[22.12.2014 23:40:32] Anubis: "I mean its not like you were planning on attacking these poor, innocent people going about their daily lives, right?"
[22.12.2014 23:42:00] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Those that opose the spirits and their will do not deserve mercy, so those who are willing to comply I let on their way
[22.12.2014 23:42:31] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Besides no one is truly innocent I would argue
[22.12.2014 23:42:37] Anubis: "Well - how about I obtain a small 'dontation' from you - for causing greif to the innocent familes of Sirius."
[22.12.2014 23:42:47] Anubis: "you could argue, but you are no one to be the judge of such things."
[22.12.2014 23:43:12] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: So you were saying?
[22.12.2014 23:43:21] Anubis: "That was more metaphrical."
[22.12.2014 23:43:31] Anubis: "besides, the preset and future are differen't things."
[22.12.2014 23:43:46] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Ok then but I would prefer you keep your distance for now
[22.12.2014 23:43:55] Anubis: "Oh?"
[22.12.2014 23:44:04] Anubis: "well - I am sure hte civ's say the same about you."
[22.12.2014 23:44:17] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: But I can keep them from running
[22.12.2014 23:45:20] Anubis: "Maybe so - but as I said - future circumstances - either way, so these spirits - nomads right?"
[22.12.2014 23:45:51] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Yes the unelightened like to call them such
[22.12.2014 23:46:30] Anubis: "I guess you are quite fanatical then mhm?"
[22.12.2014 23:47:03] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: If believing in my beliefs is fanatical.
[22.12.2014 23:47:27] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: What about you? Do you believe in anything?
[22.12.2014 23:47:50] Anubis: "People suck, generally."
[22.12.2014 23:48:06] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: I can agree with that
[22.12.2014 23:48:11] Anubis: "You seem closed minded to other peoples beliefs, taht if they don't believe as you do then they are wroth less consideration?"
[22.12.2014 23:48:21] Anubis: "I like things to be simple."
[22.12.2014 23:49:48] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: If they refuse to see the truth, yes
[22.12.2014 23:50:11] Anubis: "Your truth is a perception - why should their perception be changed to yours , if you wont change yours to theirs?"
[22.12.2014 23:50:30] JM|-Silver.Bison: hello
[22.12.2014 23:50:39] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Hola Junker
[22.12.2014 23:51:06] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: I would expect them to fight for their belief like I fight for mine then
[22.12.2014 23:52:48] Anubis: "So you would force them into conflict even if they are more peaceful?"
[22.12.2014 23:54:18] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: If they are not willing to fight for what they beleive in what worth is their beliefs.
[22.12.2014 23:55:16] Anubis: "Thats your perception again , not all religions are about fighting, some are more about peace."
[22.12.2014 23:56:09] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Peace is a fantasy
[22.12.2014 23:56:50] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Especially when people believe different things, those that think otherwise are just fools
[22.12.2014 23:56:51] Anubis: "And gods are the same thing - aliens how ever a different story - am I wrong for my percetpion as I would say you are wrong
[22.12.2014 23:56:52] Anubis: for yours?"
[22.12.2014 23:57:14] Anubis: "Well there are.... people like you who don't believe in such things - that is why there cant me peace."
[22.12.2014 23:57:39] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: How many wars have been waged in the name of peace?
[22.12.2014 23:57:51] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: We just don't lie to ourselves
[22.12.2014 23:57:51] Anubis: "One that I know of."
[22.12.2014 23:58:13] Anubis: "More survival then peace."
[22.12.2014 23:59:11] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Besides I have seen the spirits and talked with them... I know them to be true.
[22.12.2014 23:59:27] Anubis: "Yes - true but what you think of them isn't exactly a reality."
[23.12.2014 00:00:42] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Let me ask you back how do you know what you think of them is reality. Philospizing about such things is pointless
[23.12.2014 00:01:36] Anubis: "To you maybe - I have experiance, you have myths, I've tango'd with Harbinger before and he bestowed no divine wrath upon
[23.12.2014 00:01:44] Anubis: me when he was smited at the end of our encounter."
[23.12.2014 00:03:14] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: The spirits are not indestructible, if they were why would we need to fight for them... what matters is they are worth
[23.12.2014 00:03:18] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: following
[23.12.2014 00:03:48] Anubis: "Well, if you get screwed over by them - I hope you can recover from it, enjoy your day."
[23.12.2014 00:04:16] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: If they abandoned us it will be because we have failed them.
[23.12.2014 00:04:49] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: It is obvious you used to be part of the Order scum... my I inquire as to why you aren't anymore?
[23.12.2014 00:05:19] Anubis: "Disagreences - changing of perceptions."
[23.12.2014 00:05:57] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Care to eloborate?
[23.12.2014 00:06:08] Anubis: "Nope."
[23.12.2014 00:06:29] |+|-ET-Frappuccino: Fair enough
[23.12.2014 00:06:35] Anubis: "Farewell."
Log of conversation between me, the Anubis, Kenneth Matzke, and the Wesker pirate in Tau-37
[25.12.2014 22:29:22] Vaelin.Darklight: "Well then."
[25.12.2014 22:29:42] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Is something wrong with your IFF there
[25.12.2014 22:29:55] Vaelin.Darklight: "Oh? and what might that be."
[25.12.2014 22:30:09] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Not able to get a proper read
[25.12.2014 22:30:22] Vaelin.Darklight: "Well, ill be sure to not get right on that."
[25.12.2014 22:30:40] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You want to identify yourself in the meantime?
[25.12.2014 22:30:46] Vaelin.Darklight: "Not really."
[25.12.2014 22:31:08] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I would like you do so anyways
[25.12.2014 22:31:29] Vaelin.Darklight: "Okay." and silence would ensue. "Nice space weather we are having."
[25.12.2014 22:31:55] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: That is not identifying yourself
[25.12.2014 22:32:06] Vaelin.Darklight: "how observingly observant of you.'
[25.12.2014 22:32:19] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Your not as funny as you think
[25.12.2014 22:32:32] Vaelin.Darklight: "Maybe because your on the recieveing end."
[25.12.2014 22:33:04] Vaelin.Darklight: "Having fun?"
[25.12.2014 22:33:28] Vaelin.Darklight: "Why dont you just cruise up to me."
[25.12.2014 22:33:37] Vaelin.Darklight: "Thats a'girl."
[25.12.2014 22:33:59] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Is it so hard to let me know who you are?
[25.12.2014 22:34:03] Vaelin.Darklight: "i am pretty sure we have met before - your voice is familiar."
[25.12.2014 22:34:20] Vaelin.Darklight: "Indeed, such things are for after the third date."
[25.12.2014 22:34:33] Vaelin.Darklight: "I am sure you are familiar with an Osiris - yes?"
[25.12.2014 22:34:50] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I have heard plenty of voic.... wait are you that idiot that was flying the Osiris earlier
[25.12.2014 22:35:08] Vaelin.Darklight: "nice to know I distinuished myself to you."
[25.12.2014 22:35:43] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Didn't recognize you without your pointless philosphising
[25.12.2014 22:35:59] Vaelin.Darklight: "hurt your feelings did it?"
[25.12.2014 22:36:18] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You think to highly of yourself
[25.12.2014 22:36:46] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: So what brings you so close to Maltese space
[25.12.2014 22:36:49] Vaelin.Darklight: "No, I just know what to assume to get on someones nerves."
[25.12.2014 22:36:56] Vaelin.Darklight: "The fact that I'll be moving into it soon."
[25.12.2014 22:37:09] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: And why is that?
[25.12.2014 22:37:24] Vaelin.Darklight: "I have a meeting there - concernign your spirits I believe."
[25.12.2014 22:37:57] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Thought you weren't too keen on the Spirits, who are you planning on meeting?
[25.12.2014 22:38:07] Vaelin.Darklight: "An Oracle."
[25.12.2014 22:38:19] Vaelin.Darklight: "Your perceptions are your own - I am not overly fond of everyone."
[25.12.2014 22:38:45] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I am getting that impression
[25.12.2014 22:38:59] Vaelin.Darklight: "You catch on rather slowly."
[25.12.2014 22:39:49] Vaelin.Darklight: "So - why is it you patrol around here?"
[25.12.2014 22:40:09] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: We like to keep tabs on those near Maltese Space
[25.12.2014 22:40:24] Vaelin.Darklight: " I would think OMicron eighty would be the said place."
[25.12.2014 22:40:54] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Omicron-80 *is* Maltese Space, I said near
[25.12.2014 22:41:05] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You should learn to listen
[25.12.2014 22:41:09] Vaelin.Darklight: "If you say so."
[25.12.2014 22:41:41] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You can imagine having a Freeport that can house enemies of Malta so nearby can cause issues
[25.12.2014 22:41:51] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: So we keep tabs on this system
[25.12.2014 22:42:12] Vaelin.Darklight: "And yet it maintins its presense, a base in a system doesn't exactly make that system yours - otherwise this is Zoner spac"
[25.12.2014 22:42:28] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Again, I didn't say it was our space did I
[25.12.2014 22:42:42] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I said near
[25.12.2014 22:42:47] Vaelin.Darklight: "and no was I saying it was your space."
[25.12.2014 22:42:56] Vaelin.Darklight: "I am talking about 80 and the relivance of saying its yours."
[25.12.2014 22:43:06] Vaelin.Darklight: "which I can assume is because its got one of your little bases in it."
[25.12.2014 22:43:38] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You mentioned the Freeport which is in Tau-37
[25.12.2014 22:43:47] Vaelin.Darklight: "Indeed in relivance to this system."
[25.12.2014 22:44:00] Vaelin.Darklight: "which by that previous thought would make this place Zoner... or even IMG space."
[25.12.2014 22:44:39] Vaelin.Darklight: brb
[25.12.2014 22:44:41] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: And, all are welcome in Zoner Space if I am correct, like I said just watching... as for IMG we have little concern for what
[25.12.2014 22:45:22] Wesker: whats this on scanner
[25.12.2014 22:45:46] Wesker: an outcast talking to an order vessel interessting
[25.12.2014 22:45:56] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Not as much as you would think
[25.12.2014 22:46:05] Wesker: what do you mean
[25.12.2014 22:46:14] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: He is rather dull
[25.12.2014 22:46:23] Wesker: is he?
[25.12.2014 22:46:28] Anubis: "Seems like it.
[25.12.2014 22:46:36] Anubis: "Though she might be a bit biased in her assumptions."
[25.12.2014 22:46:45] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: He thinks he is smarter than he is
[25.12.2014 22:46:53] Anubis: "I never did say that."
[25.12.2014 22:47:04] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Didn't have too
[25.12.2014 22:47:07] Anubis: "Merely that I know what type of 'attutide' to take to get on someones nervese."
[25.12.2014 22:47:21] Wesker: thats a nice ship
[25.12.2014 22:47:27] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: If by get on my nerves you mean bore
[25.12.2014 22:47:46] Anubis: "And yet you still hang around? if your so bored - go stare at that jumphole again."
[25.12.2014 22:48:04] Wesker: that wasnt nice
[25.12.2014 22:48:26] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I will admit you are at least more interesting than a Jumphole congratulations
[25.12.2014 22:48:29] Wesker: Fugutives should be more nice
[25.12.2014 22:49:04] Anubis: "so - Wesker, something you need?"
[25.12.2014 22:49:15] Wesker: well I was coming here on business...
[25.12.2014 22:49:25] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: What sort of Business
[25.12.2014 22:49:29] Anubis: "And there is nothing stopping you from doing said business."
[25.12.2014 22:49:33] Anubis: "And Pirating most likey."
[25.12.2014 22:49:42] Anubis: "I hear hes been causing trouble with junkers comming up this way."
[25.12.2014 22:49:52] Wesker: well that cross member has a very nice ship
[25.12.2014 22:49:58] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Oh naughty if that is true
[25.12.2014 22:50:17] Anubis: "Despite the womans... blinded nature - I would suggest not trying to fight her."
[25.12.2014 22:50:23] Wesker: Well you see business does not wait for- anyone
[25.12.2014 22:50:31] Anubis: "Theres always a colateral effect and I am kind of talking with her."
[25.12.2014 22:51:14] Wesker: hmm well I could go away if i were to.... well.... *desprate look* get 3million credits
[25.12.2014 22:51:25] Wesker: im so poor
[25.12.2014 22:51:40] Anubis: "you could go away... if you had.... something throwing about.... six projectiles at you?"
[25.12.2014 22:51:43] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Nice ship for a poor person
[25.12.2014 22:51:55] Wesker: i robbed this hehe
[25.12.2014 22:52:02] Anubis: "Here comes that..- yep theres the I stole it line."
[25.12.2014 22:52:07] Anubis: "I stole this battleship too."
[25.12.2014 22:52:13] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: How original
[25.12.2014 22:52:20] Wesker: im sure thats what fugutives do right? steal
[25.12.2014 22:52:26] Anubis: "uhhh."
[25.12.2014 22:52:30] Anubis: "No?"
[25.12.2014 22:52:38] Anubis: "Normally its someone whos on the run from the law."
[25.12.2014 22:52:39] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Great comeback
[25.12.2014 22:53:00] Wesker: i wasnt trying to make a comeback
[25.12.2014 22:53:20] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Was talking to the Anubis but he at least elaborated a little more
[25.12.2014 22:53:36] Wesker: well so mr cross memebr
[25.12.2014 22:53:41] Wesker: would you be so kind
[25.12.2014 22:53:41] Anubis: "Miss."
[25.12.2014 22:53:47] Anubis: "She is a She."
[25.12.2014 22:53:49] Wesker: miss my apologies
[25.12.2014 22:53:58] Anubis: "you owe her three million now."
[25.12.2014 22:53:58] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Yeah I do not posses the man parts
[25.12.2014 22:54:17] Anubis: "and it surprises me to an endless ammount you dont, Sabina."
[25.12.2014 22:55:00] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I am assuming yours must be small consider how you over compensate with that Battleship
[25.12.2014 22:55:32] Wesker: well i mean killing a bs takes to much time
[25.12.2014 22:55:51] Anubis: "I believe you have the wrong equipment for that."
[25.12.2014 22:56:14] Wesker: but the right equipment to not get killed *smiles*
[25.12.2014 22:56:48] Wesker: so sabrina
[25.12.2014 22:57:01] Anubis: "Sabrina huh?"
[25.12.2014 22:57:08] Anubis: 'Fool- cant you read."
[25.12.2014 22:57:10] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Learn to spell my name fool
[25.12.2014 22:57:22] Wesker: are you going to sit behind the battleship like most outcasts have or are you going to pay?
[25.12.2014 22:57:25] Anubis: "I pitty da' foo' ."
[25.12.2014 22:57:36] Wesker: than theres no one to pitty
[25.12.2014 22:57:40] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Why waste the money
[25.12.2014 22:57:45] Anubis: "The old timer in a gunboat?"
[25.12.2014 22:58:01] Wesker: its not a waste its to help cant you maltese be kind ever
[25.12.2014 22:58:46] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Sometimes, but never to idiots
[25.12.2014 22:58:52] Wesker: well
[25.12.2014 22:58:59] Wesker: that was mean
[25.12.2014 22:59:05] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Yes it was
[25.12.2014 22:59:33] Wesker: seriously another captial ship
[25.12.2014 22:59:41] Wesker: outcasts so desprate
[25.12.2014 22:59:43] Anubis: "welcome to Tau thirty seven."
[25.12.2014 22:59:45] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: Is there a problem here?
[25.12.2014 22:59:51] Wesker: there was
[25.12.2014 22:59:54] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Just some idiot Kenneth
[25.12.2014 22:59:55] Wesker: later
[25.12.2014 23:00:05] Anubis: "Well - there we go then."
[25.12.2014 23:00:08] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Bye
[25.12.2014 23:00:15] Anubis: "So... how does that pancake ship fly?"
[25.12.2014 23:00:32] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: With engines.
[25.12.2014 23:00:36] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: It always looks so happy to me
[25.12.2014 23:00:39] Anubis: "How very literal of you."
[25.12.2014 23:00:54] Anubis: "this guy must be the worst person to joke with."
[25.12.2014 23:01:05] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: That was a joke
[25.12.2014 23:01:13] Anubis: "A ver- wait, shes right."
[25.12.2014 23:01:20] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I was interogating this arrogant fool
[25.12.2014 23:01:23] Anubis: "ITs more of a creepy happy too."
[25.12.2014 23:01:30] Anubis: "Interogating?"
[25.12.2014 23:01:35] Anubis: "Doesn't that normally involve a room?"
[25.12.2014 23:01:50] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Sounds better than wasting time talking to an idiot
[25.12.2014 23:01:51] Death: SFMCS.Starswine was put out of action by Lanehog (Gun).
[25.12.2014 23:01:54] Anubis: "And what exactly have y ou gotten from me - other then me getting from you the purpose of why your here."
[25.12.2014 23:02:15] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: That you claim to be meeting with an Oracle
[25.12.2014 23:02:23] Anubis: "Indeed I claim."
[25.12.2014 23:02:40] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: We will have to follow up with that
[25.12.2014 23:02:41] Anubis: "But are those of the Order known for their truth telling?
[25.12.2014 23:03:13] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: We will have to ask the Oracles if what you say is true
[25.12.2014 23:04:44] Anubis: "So..."
[25.12.2014 23:04:46] Anubis: "silence."
[25.12.2014 23:04:51] Anubis: "You two done talking then?"
[25.12.2014 23:05:08] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Was waiting for another witty response
[25.12.2014 23:05:22] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You seem fond of thoses
[25.12.2014 23:05:25] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: Witty response.
[25.12.2014 23:05:28] Anubis: "I thought you thought of me as a idiot."
[25.12.2014 23:05:41] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I do
[25.12.2014 23:05:44] Anubis: "I like Kenneth."
[25.12.2014 23:05:56] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Good for you?
[25.12.2014 23:06:02] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: Why thank you.
[25.12.2014 23:06:14] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Honestly I don't think that is a good thing Kenneth
[25.12.2014 23:06:25] Anubis: "Well - thats why no one asked you."
[25.12.2014 23:06:43] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Good cause I wasn't answering a question
[25.12.2014 23:06:47] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: It means that I don't have an Osiris firing at me, Sabina.
[25.12.2014 23:06:59] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Neither do I and he hates me
[25.12.2014 23:07:05] Anubis: "I shoot people I like also - just so everyone feels they are treated equally."
[25.12.2014 23:07:12] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: See
[25.12.2014 23:07:25] Anubis: "Equality for all!"
[25.12.2014 23:07:56] Anubis: "So... Kenneth."
[25.12.2014 23:08:03] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: Yes?
[25.12.2014 23:08:16] Anubis: "I am going to change your tag on my ship to... |+|-MNS-Smiling.Pancake."
[25.12.2014 23:08:37] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Well if what you say is true you are welcome to Maltese Space but we will be watching
[25.12.2014 23:08:37] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: I don't agree with this.
[25.12.2014 23:08:42] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I do
[25.12.2014 23:08:59] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: You sure?
[25.12.2014 23:09:13] Anubis: "i agree with Sabina... queue the apocolypse."
[25.12.2014 23:10:12] Anubis: "that so? well I am sure its not you I have to worry about as per repercussions."
[25.12.2014 23:10:20] Anubis: "I would worry more about the other thing that arragned this."
[25.12.2014 23:10:36] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Which was
[25.12.2014 23:10:44] Anubis: "Saturnia."
[25.12.2014 23:11:09] Anubis: "Marduk class."
[25.12.2014 23:11:33] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I thought you didn't like the Nomads... like everyone and everything else
[25.12.2014 23:11:42] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: *spirits
[25.12.2014 23:11:42] Anubis: "i did tell you i wasn't fond anything."
[25.12.2014 23:12:47] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Well if you are found to be lying you will regret it
[25.12.2014 23:12:48] Changing screen mode=windowed
[25.12.2014 23:12:55] Anubis: "So then.... I can progress to Malta then?"
[25.12.2014 23:14:22] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Why don't you wait till the Oracle actually shows up on second though
[25.12.2014 23:14:40] Don't use F1 or disconnect when interacting with other players.
[25.12.2014 23:15:17] Anubis: "because I'd rather not be so... seen?"
[25.12.2014 23:15:24] Anubis: "IF I can move in - thats preferable."
[25.12.2014 23:16:07] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: You'll survive
[25.12.2014 23:16:33] Anubis: "are you okay Sabina... that was a compliment."
[25.12.2014 23:17:05] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: Might be suffering from cardamine withdrawl, Sabina
[25.12.2014 23:17:11] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: If that is what you consider a compliment I feel sorry
[25.12.2014 23:17:29] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: Never mind.
[25.12.2014 23:18:17] Anubis: "Kenn.. if you ever need to get away from her coldne-.... I am going to shoot you soon."
[25.12.2014 23:18:51] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kennneth: What was that?\
[25.12.2014 23:18:59] Anubis: "so your d-..."
[25.12.2014 23:19:07] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Well that escalated quickly
[25.12.2014 23:19:10] Anubis: "Deaf."
[25.12.2014 23:19:49] Anubis: "I just got this thing painted." There was no sign of such.. it just look like a battle scarred ship
[25.12.2014 23:20:04] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: You seemed to cut out in your first message, could you repeat it
[25.12.2014 23:20:52] Anubis: "Well - feel free to escape Sabina by coming near me - I am sure she'd look to be away from my presence."
[25.12.2014 23:21:08] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: That is some pretty cool paint it looks like rust
[25.12.2014 23:21:26] Anubis: "i think you just have cardamine in your eyes then."
[25.12.2014 23:21:38] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Prolly
[25.12.2014 23:22:35] Anubis: "so... hows delusion going anyway?"
[25.12.2014 23:23:45] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: I don't know, how is it going?
[25.12.2014 23:23:57] Anubis: "Apparently very well."
[25.12.2014 23:24:40] |+|-MNS-Cottonera: Kenneth: I'm fine as well. thanks for asking
[25.12.2014 23:26:12] |+|-Sabina:Venneri:;: Well I think it is time for a break we will be keeping an eye on you.
[25.12.2014 23:26:19] |+|-MNS-Cottonera tossed tails
[25.12.2014 23:26:20] Anubis: "from your break?"
[25.12.2014 23:26:24] |+|-MNS-Cottonera tossed tails
[25.12.2014 23:26:28] Anubis: "good luck with that."
Secondly I would like to report a rather large scale fight between what seemed like a Liberty backed expedition into the Spirits Domain and a large force of outcasts(Consisting of not only member of the Crimson Cross but also Contari Lance, the 101st, and a Oracle battleship) backed up by several of the Spirits themselves. I received a vision from one of the Spirits while on Valetta of them fighting a rather large Liberty fleet and that they were heading to Alpha. I got ahold Kenneth and he grabbed the MNS-Cottonera and I flew out on my Falcata bomber.
We were greated by a Contari Lance and a 101st nearby the burial grounds in the Siniestre Cloud where we waited for the fleet to jump into the system. The moment we engaged several of the Spirits appeared and joined in, we defeated several ships there as well as a BHG Core cruiser that had tried to join in but some had broken off and escaped. We chased them into Omicron-80 where we were joined by even more fellow Outcasts and destroyed most of the remaining ships. I believe in the end only two of their dreadnoughts and a gunboat got away. My ship was badly damaged but I was able to get it docked and repaired.
During the fight I had managed to tractor several fragments of the spirits that the heathens must have collected. A few hours after the flight I was greeted by one of the Spirits and I handed them over to it graciously.
To: Crimson Cross Command From: Kenneth Matzke These have been piling up for a while, so I should start entering some of this data. Today, we had some new years fireworks in Tau-37, as we blew up an unauthorized base in our side of the system. I brought the Cottonera and rendezvoused with several other cross members and we quickly destroyed the base.Here are the logs of the event.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Crimson Cross Command From: Sabina Venneri
Hola member of the Crimson Cross Command,
I have two things to bring up today.
First and foremost I would like to report that Valetta Shipyard has finished the repairs on Tridente Gunship that I have been assigned. It has been named |+|-Aromatico and I am currently putting it through its paces. I will report any issues that arise but if not assume that the Aromatico is ready for action.
Here are the delivery manifests of two loads of the scrap metal I used to help get the Tridente repaired. [Shipment One] [Shipment Two]
Next up is an idea I had while bringing my new Bactrian freighter to Omicron Delta to improve the Crimson Cross’s influence in the sector. I would like to propose the creation of a small wing that will set up permanent residence in Omicron Delta. This will not only allow us more easily assist the Spirits in this sector of space, but also perform espionage missions on the various enemies that inhabit Delta and the systems around it. The wing will mainly consist of small strikecrafts and one or two support vessels. If the creation of this wing is approved I will be willing to personally oversee its creation. Here is my idea of what the wing will consist of:
Support Craft
Some sort of vessel capable of providing logistical support as well as temporary refuge for any strikecraft unable to dock at the Freeport for any reason. I was considering a repurposed Oasis Passenger Liner might do the job well and I might be able to find and old broken down one that we can buy at the Junkyard.
If you want me too I can be ready to oversee the creation and deployment of the wing as soon as you give me the order.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Crimson Cross Command From: Acolyte 13
I have grim news for you,
It seems our Junker friends have decided to betray our trust. They have brought a Zoner Juggernaut into Malta Orbit in the hopes of Jumping in and out of Omicron Alpha. Upon my questioning they proceeded to threaten to supply the scourge of the Omegas the Corsairs.
Comms Channel recordings:
[14.01.2015 17:37:08] |+|-Acolyte.13: What the....
[14.01.2015 17:37:13] |+|-Acolyte.13: Zoner
[14.01.2015 17:37:23] El-Poderoso: ???:Greetings Cross
[14.01.2015 17:37:25] |+|-Acolyte.13: What are you doing here?
[14.01.2015 17:37:40] Aegaeon: ***'yours' ~hesitation~ brings 'Ours' (anger)***
[14.01.2015 17:37:42] K'Hara|Mammetu: **.. "Yours" -children- lost within ~this void~ (?) ..**
[14.01.2015 17:37:42] Asmodeus: ???:Cross he's with us
[14.01.2015 17:37:48] El-Poderoso: ???:I am here jumping these Cardamine and Premium Scraper Junkers to Alpha Space and Back again
[14.01.2015 17:37:53] |+|-Acolyte.13: Junker,
[14.01.2015 17:38:11] |+|-Acolyte.13: you have no right to allow a Zoner Capital ship to be here.
[14.01.2015 17:38:13] El-Poderoso: ???:If I am not mistaken these Junkers have been hit hard by lawfuls
[14.01.2015 17:38:23] 2015-01-14 17:38:26 SMT Traffic control alert: Asmodeus has requested to dock
[14.01.2015 17:38:27] Zidanek: Hi there
[14.01.2015 17:38:34] 2015-01-14 17:38:37 SMT WARNING: An hyperspace breach is being opened by El-Poderoso
[14.01.2015 17:38:39] |+|-Acolyte.13: That is not my concern. My concern is for the safety of Malta.
[14.01.2015 17:38:45] Scrap.Happy: That is true, Lib navy boys have been all over our asses lately.
[14.01.2015 17:38:49] 2015-01-14 17:38:52 SMT Traffic control alert: Zidanek has requested to dock
[14.01.2015 17:38:49] El-Poderoso: ???:We are not harming Maltese
[14.01.2015 17:39:11] Asmodeus: ???:In reality we are helping malta
[14.01.2015 17:39:17] Aegaeon: ***(irritation)***
[14.01.2015 17:39:20] 2015-01-14 17:39:23 SMT Traffic control alert: iSmuggler has requested to dock
[14.01.2015 17:39:21] |+|-Acolyte.13: Zoner, Your presence here is not permitted,
[14.01.2015 17:39:22] Death: Strielok suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[14.01.2015 17:39:26] K'Hara|Nash': ***(anger)***
[14.01.2015 17:39:34] Scrap.Happy: Man, what a trip, can't believe I finally got to meet some Nomads. Or do they prefer to be called spirits?
[14.01.2015 17:39:35] |+|-Acolyte.13: Give me a reason not to blast your ship right now?
[14.01.2015 17:39:40] El-Poderoso: ???:Well Outcast, you either let me have permission to jump these smugglers to Malta, or I will be jumping them to Crete
[14.01.2015 17:39:42] Asmodeus: ???:Cross are you want us to stop getting orange to liberty ?
[14.01.2015 17:39:45] El-Poderoso: ???:Take your pick.
[14.01.2015 17:39:51] 2015-01-14 17:39:53 SMT Traffic control alert: Zidanek has requested to dock
[14.01.2015 17:39:51] Scrap.Happy: I dunno, I wanna be respectful...
[14.01.2015 17:39:58] Scrap.Happy: I don't wanna go to Crete!
[14.01.2015 17:39:59] |+|-Acolyte.13: Your threatening to Support the Corsairs?
[14.01.2015 17:40:02] |+|-Acolyte.13: Heretics!
[14.01.2015 17:40:15] |+|-Acolyte.13: I should purge you from our space immediately!
[14.01.2015 17:40:19] El-Poderoso: ???:You are threatening me. I have happily came here to help support the Maltese!
[14.01.2015 17:40:29] K'Hara|Mammetu: **( Alsmost hearing the term being brought up, the creature turned full face to the Zoner vessel, the body
[14.01.2015 17:40:36] El-Poderoso: ???:You are not giving me permission to jump into Maltese with 6 transports if I am not mistaken.
[14.01.2015 17:40:40] K'Hara|Mammetu: flashing almost a angry red in return as it moved closer )*
[14.01.2015 17:40:54] |+|-Acolyte.13: Zoner, your death is assured, Junkers you are no longer welcome in Alpha.
[14.01.2015 17:40:57] El-Poderoso: ???:If you do not like that I am helping the Outcasts, then be it. I will jump these to Corsairs instead.
[14.01.2015 17:41:08] Space.Ship: hey i am Outcast too, everything ok there ?
[14.01.2015 17:41:15] El-Poderoso: ???:Well Outcast, you are loosing on Cardamine Smugglers and Premium Scrap
[14.01.2015 17:41:22] K'Hara|Mammetu: **..~Winds~ of the ~Void~ "travel" though 'yours' ./. ~Winds~ shall "cease" with ~spitfire~ [Anger]..**
[14.01.2015 17:41:27] Aegaeon: ***'yours' -words- bring (anger) to 'Ours'***
[14.01.2015 17:41:41] El-Poderoso: ???:I have not come here to hurt you, my weapons are de-activated and staying de-activated
[14.01.2015 17:41:57] |+|-Acolyte.13: Then you wikk die sitting still!
[14.01.2015 17:42:07] Asmodeus: ???:Good crooss
[14.01.2015 17:42:08] El-Poderoso: ???:I will die sitting here, as I am NO threat to your people.
[14.01.2015 17:42:19] El-Poderoso: ???:You do not see these Junkers supporting you?
[14.01.2015 17:42:26] |+|-Acolyte.13: If you are in a Bomber come aide me!
[14.01.2015 17:42:29] Asmodeus: ???:You lost an supply of premium scrap and smugglers
[14.01.2015 17:42:31] El-Poderoso: ???:I advice you scan there ships.
[14.01.2015 17:42:37] Space.Ship: gunboat
[14.01.2015 17:42:47] Yean_Orlando: we wont do anything to anyone if you just let us go
[14.01.2015 17:43:04] |+|-Acolyte.13: Spirits Hear my plea help me purge these heretics!
[14.01.2015 17:43:19] K'Hara|Mammetu: **.. "Yours" -shall join- 'spitfire' void / ~angering~ "orange-bretheran" -unwelcomed to- ~void~ (!!) ..**
[14.01.2015 17:43:44] Death: Carbonsplitter was put out of action by [HH]-Nebelwerfer (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:43:52] Death: El-Poderoso was put out of action by Aegaeon (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:43:54] K'Hara|Nash': ***Ours's -ma- help / orange-bretheren(!)***
[14.01.2015 17:43:59] Asmodeus: ???:Great job spirits and cross,you lost our support to the maltese
[14.01.2015 17:44:14] Death: iSmuggler was put out of action by Asmodeus (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:44:40] Death: RNC|MND-Ozelot was put out of action by RNC-Fulda (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:44:53] Death: Yean_Orlando was put out of action by K'Hara|Mammetu (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:44:58] Death: Asmodeus was put out of action by K'Hara|Mammetu (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:45:05] Death: Scrap.Happy was put out of action by K'Hara|Mammetu (Gun).
[14.01.2015 17:45:41] |+|-Acolyte.13: It is a shame.
[14.01.2015 17:45:44] Aegaeon: ***(Amusement)
[14.01.2015 17:45:53] |+|-Acolyte.13: Spirits.....I thank you for the help.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Sabina Venneri From: Erikasaria Espinosa
What little that remains of the Epsilon Wing and Chaplain wing from their incursions into Kusari are being ordered to Delta for the creation of what is now being referred to as Pilgrim wing.
Venneri, I'm placing you as the XO of the Wing, and its base of operations, the Resto di Pilgrim. I will be maintaining the role of primary CO during my time in the area. Continue regular scouting and defense patrols in the area until further orders are given.
Orders signed:
--Inquisitor Erika Espinosa
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Crimson Cross Command From: Sabina Venneri
Understood, while waiting for the last few strikecraft that have been reassigned I took it upon myself to put the Resto di Pilgrim’s espionage and cloaking systems through some tests. I first put the cloaking system through several tests as I mapped out Omicron Delta. After I was satisfied the cloak system was not faulty I decided a more strenuous test was in order. After refueling the cloak systems I made my way to home system of the Blasphemers in the Order, Omicron Mu. I was successfully able to map out most of the system without being detected, I plan on making an official report on my findings in the system when I get a chance as well. I was pleasantly surprised to find that even after the fairly long operation, there was still quite a lot of fuel left for the cloak. After the tests were completed I returned the Resto di Pilgrim to its designated resting point in the Tokelau Ice Field. I will attach all the intelligence I gathered from Omicron Mu in its raw form and I will make a more detailed report when I get the chance.
After taking flight in Omicron Alpha, I got a message from follower Kaia that she was under attack by an Artificial intelligence vessel, I responded to her call on theMarques Del Dueroas soon as I could. Upon jumping to Omicron 80, an AI cruiser jumped me and began to open fire upon me and Kaia's fighter craft. The cruiser, called YellowJosae, or something along those lines, quickly destroyed Kaia's vessel before turning on a Outcast smuggler train. I managed to pull the cruiser off however unable to use the necessary firepower, I fell back to Malta and tried to use the planetary defense for support.
However, the captain of the smuggling vessel returned and even more fire support had arrived when the Cruiser tried to flee, Including the battleship MNS-Moonwalker, the 75th destroyer, an ADS bomber wing and a independent outcast gunship captain. Using the firepower we had, we successfully destroyed the AI cruiser vessel. I'm also glad to say that Kaia is fully unharmed from this little problem, saved for a bit spooked, and was returned to Kenneth's base upon return to Malta.
That is all for now, Holy Knight Zoe Victora out. ~Spread the faith, crush the unpure, because only our light will walk from the ashes
After a rather lengthy series of patrols today in the Tau systems, I returned to the Naxxar in orbit of Malta and landed on the flight deck in the hopes of actually getting some sleep.
Sadly, this was not to pass. I my shower was cut short by one of my officers coming to me with a priority transmission on the bridge-- A few minutes later, I was greeted by our good friend Skarsi Wyrdmake of the Iron-Blood. Staying within the bounds of Maltese laws, he was holding his Destroyed-class vessel at the edge of Maltese space, by the Freeport in Tau-37-- to which we showed appreciation of.
After a moment of consideration, I permitted the vessel to enter Omicron-80 and to maintain position near Genoa to await our arrival. We completed pre-launch checks and de-clamped from Valetta and within half an hour, were on our way.
After a lengthy discussion that I believe my comms officer recorded, the Iron-Blood shuttled over a number of... "liberated" Corsair pilots from a previous encounter of theirs... regardless, they now remain secured in the Naxxar's brig for later use in our "enhanced interrogation" program.
Afterwars, Signore Wyrdmake asked for the Cross's help with a particular... project of theirs. Supposedly the Phoenix Zoners presently are offering "resistance" to the TAZ's efforts to construct vessels from Zoner Shipyards. As such, they now are in the planning stages of a Shipyard construction in Baffin, and requested of the Cross, any and all assistance in the form of experienced personnel in construction, and possibly resources to be decided later.
I made no promises, but given our history with the TAZ, I assume we can work something out with them.
Full logs of this encounter are presently being tight-beamed back to Valetta's servers for processing and upload.
==========[ + ]==========
--Inquisitor Erika Espinosa
[ sci·am·ach ]
A simple, angry man casually working his way through life on a personal quest to acquire copious amounts of street cred.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Valetta Shipyard Cross Department Heads, Clergy members, Higher ranking Crusaders From: The Crimson Council, Planetside, Skorba
With the recent allowance of the Congress Flagship to jump into Alpha, we have been importing more raw materials than we presently can handle with our current projects. Storage modules 2-9 are stocked to capacity, Scaffolds 2-3 are presently in use for Escort construction. At present estimates, we will not burn through our current scrap supply for a number of months.
The Council has convened, and the resulting Conclave have rendered a Cease-verdict on active Gunship Projects:
Epsilon, Gamma, Theta, Mu, and Zeta.
The Naxxar has finished final combat trials and is now prepared for full service to the Cross's primary efforts in the Sigmas and Omicrons. Initial results to Cross's advancement shows promise. As a result, all raw materials formerly going towards Escort construction are now being redirected towards Capital Vessel efforts. The first Sarissa-class battleships bearing the Cross flag are nearing completion, and more will need to take their place in the scaffolds.
Finally, the Inquisitors have brought forth a request for any current engineering and science specialists not presently involved in major projects for a Volunteer-only assignment to assist the Cross's Discordian allies in a construction project. Any and all interested, please contact Inquisitor Espinosa immediately to be added to the roster.
_______________________________ [+]=======
_______________________________ To: Crimson Cross Command From: Sabina Venneri
Hola member of the Crimson Cross Command,
While I do not have much in the way of Engineering or Scientific knowledge I am more than willing to help with any shipping needs that would arise for either the construction of Capital Ships or assisting the Discordians of Baffin with whatever project we are collaborating with them on. Just tell me what needs to be done, the ET-Cappuccino is ready.