I have problem every once in a while with black screen.
It always happens on the start, within first seconds in a base..
Some kind of window pop up too fast to see what it was and then
I have about 50% chance to go smooth trough, about 25% chance to get
black screen but I can alt tab out and kill discovery.. and 25% chance
I cannot do anything but restart pc. This boils down to one or two restarts
per day and is pretty annoying.
Anyone have same problem? Any sure method to kill discovery?
Ctrl alt del do not work.
"Well, I dreamed I saw the golden space ship flying in the yellow haze of the sun..."
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
I have a similar problem sometimes when I log on if I am at fullscreen mode. If I log in at windowed mode and then switch to fullscreen after having logged in the char then it doesn't happen.
Dunno if it's this, but it's worth a try mentioning it...
After .88 update, I also have a small chance for Freelancer to crash after jumping to another system or logging a new character. In my case I should admit that I use Hidamari's Sound Mod and Swag Pack.
personally i think thats the multibox plugin, because ive used my sound mod since i made it and it hasnt always done that. however if i switch characters too quickly now (even if they were docked) it crashes immediately.