Following actions are considered cheating on server:
Using non-Discovery mods, as well as using modifications that improve stats of items and ships.
Changing account information and using any kinds of software that changes normal gameplay. Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod.
Using equipment that exceeds ship specs.
Cloning, e.g. creating new characters to collect starting money.
Single player having more than one instance of Discovery open to fly their own characters.
Suicide Trading.
Disabling vSync to gain a framerate of 160 or higher. Abusing Game Exploits
You cheat, you lose.
You lose, I get to take away your things for a very long time with little chance of ever getting them back.
If you post in this sanction and are not directly involved or a leader of the accused person's faction be advised that you are consenting to be subjected to the reprisal of my choice which may involve in game repercussions up to a ban. Blaming members of your immediate family, neighbours, friends, pets, and assorted Orcs, Trolls and any other legendary creatures may result in the use of Admin Right #CTE 750AE
In first i want to hope that decisions which you are making is somehow have a touch with competence and you making those decisions after deep analyzing.
Secondary i hope that you have honor too accept that you are wrong and made mistake, and in fact you will compensate harm which was made by you.
My arguments:
you band my 3 accounts because of "Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod." and thats not true.
I never used such a equipment. In station near Manhattan I bought A Zoners battleship because it was allowed too purchase. I payd 15 mils for it. After that I was baned, and later somebody, I feel that was you, disabled that function. Now nobody cant bay it. To resume that was made not nice things because you made some mistakes in programing and allowed to by that ship, and then I was enable to take it like other ships in Discovery. You not interact with me then you sow that i have it and band not only one character, but all 3 of mine. You not made excuses then found that ship available too bay - you just repaired that and do nothing too repair another mistake.
I see only few steps which you can make:
First make apologies and don't punish me for your mistakes in game ("NOT MY" i didn't made any illegal moves).
Secondary return my ship which i bought in low and help me get guns for it.
Third if that not possible compensate everything in other ways which you feel best.
I hope you have still left honor to do right thing.
The Zoner Persephone can only be bought from one place. An Administrator base in Bastille. I personally went through the code where we can modify this serverside to make sure it's not being sold anywhere else, and have figured out that it's indeed not been.
This is not a problem with our server. We are not sure how you were able to buy that vessel, but it goes against the server rules of using something which isn't available to players on Discovery RP 24/7 unless you get it through a Special Roleplay Request, which I know for a fact you haven't. If you'd like to even get into the nitty gritty, you were running a Liberty Navy ID on that thing as well if I recall correctly.
I'll boil this down into the bottom line. Nothing ticks us off more than people starting to claim that it was 'our' fault, when clearly every single other player out there on the server has not done this 'purchase' that you claim. Believe me. If a battleship was only 15 million credits, there would be a lot more than just you who would buy it.
We have reason to believe that you were playing with your client and changed a few things around on it. Something like this doesn't happen naturally.
We have verified that this is not a bug. I could not replicate this. I could not discover anything in our server configuration which would add the Persephone to any base location besides what's naturally set in the mod.
Conclusion? You indeed have an asset which cannot be obtained normally without some sort of 'cheating' means. You are banned. Congratulations.
I'm not the most happy about you calling the team a liar either, demanding an apology. We don't owe you anything. If we truly made a mistake, we would gladly do that without a second thought. Although you've done nothing to warrant an apology besides attempting to make a case which just doesn't exist.
Congratulations. You're still banned, and you have successfully gotten one look of disdain. Care to try again? Perhaps with the real story?
Look i created a new charakter and gived money from the another charakter.
With the new charakter i went to interspace base near manhatin there i wanted to buy the id interspace i looked to the ship and there was pershephone for 15mil i buyed it
Look i created a new charakter and gived money from the another charakter.
With the new charakter i went to interspace base near manhatin there i wanted to buy the id interspace i looked to the ship and there was pershephone for 15
"The Zoner Persephone can only be bought from one place. An Administrator base in Bastille. I personally went through the code where we can modify this serverside to make sure it's not being sold anywhere else, and have figured out that it's indeed not been". - Thats cant be true you must ask Jansen or sombady els. Man whisc baned me made the changes and fix the bug.
"This is not a problem with our server. We are not sure how you were able to buy that vessel, but it goes against the server rules of using something which isn't available to players on Discovery RP 24/7 unless you get it through a Special Roleplay Request, which I know for a fact you haven't. If you'd like to even get into the nitty gritty, you were running a Liberty Navy ID on that thing as well if I recall correctly." You are named me cheter but even cant say how it posible too make that ship. I have no idea how to do so. Abaut ID - if you make bans becose of wrong ID you will ban oll of players, they oll in past make mistakes. Navy ID bacame then i lost hope and money to make zoners ID. Becose i havent more money and no guns i culdnt do enything to make them in thet moment. Thats not reason for ban. Yes you are administrators but if you will overheat that game will colapse. Firstival i must be made somthing wrong but i didnt.
"I'll boil this down into the bottom line. Nothing ticks us off more than people starting to claim that it was 'our' fault, when clearly every single other player out there on the server has not done this 'purchase' that you claim. Believe me. If a battleship was only 15 million credits, there would be a lot more than just you who would buy it." - I was first how bought it, and thats not any clever reason to blaim me that others didnt. It s not manhatan and you do not know how long that bug was in that line. I will repeat in your team sombady made changes there and sombody know abaut that. You need just ask them.
"We have reason to believe that you were playing with your client and changed a few things around on it. Something like this doesn't happen naturally." Im playng only several months i didnt anything wrong, i cant believe that you just coling me cheter and then sayng that i blaming you for that. I have a right to do so becose you not looking seriosly to that and i havent idea why.
"We have verified that this is not a bug. I could not replicate this. I could not discover anything in our server configuration which would add the Persephone to any base location besides what's naturally set in the mod." Thats cant be true or you missed somthing or your competens is not inaf, just ask for help colegue whisc baned me and making changes after that, HE MUST know how to do that.
"Conclusion? You indeed have an asset which cannot be obtained normally without some sort of 'cheating' means. You are banned. Congratulations."
Tx for that. I will repeat - you have no idea how it posible to make that ship, but you run that game and programing it and i must have a madgic hands. Thats ridicules.
"I'm not the most happy about you calling the team a liar either, demanding an apology. We don't owe you anything. If we truly made a mistake, we would gladly do that without a second thought. Although you've done nothing to warrant an apology besides attempting to make a case which just doesn't exist." -
I must say only one i didnt cool your team liars i just think that your competence is low. But if nobody will not say in your team that they fix that bug. I think sombady liang in your team. And i still demanding apolagies - it fier becose i wasnt cheting.
Congratulations. You're still banned, and you have successfully gotten one look of disdain. Care to try again? Perhaps with the real story?
thats not greaty i told real story. Im still believe that i will find truth.
Future Indastries. Your message has been seen and was invised. You then proceeded to post in here again. Please, stop posting in here as you are not directly involved with this sanction. Thank you.
You blocked IP instead to do right thing - you just dishonored your team.
I just want to say that you blocked 12 years old boy which in mistake by your fault bought ship which you presume nobody can have.
I want to explain "Jansens" post:
he wrote "You cheat, you lose." - in that case my boy was not cheated, then you are losers"
"You are arrogant losers"
You lost 2 players in one shot, me and my boy.
In first i want to hope that decisions which you are making is somehow have a touch with competence and you making those decisions after deep analyzing.
Secondary i hope that you have honor too accept that you are wrong and made mistake, and in fact you will compensate harm which was made by you.
My arguments:
you band my 3 accounts because of "Using any equipment not included for sale/looting in Discovery mod." and thats not true.
I never used such a equipment. In station near Manhattan I bought A Zoners battleship because it was allowed too purchase. I payd 15 mils for it. After that I was baned, and later somebody, I feel that was you, disabled that function. Now nobody cant bay it. To resume that was made not nice things because you made some mistakes in programing and allowed to by that ship, and then I was enable to take it like other ships in Discovery. You not interact with me then you sow that i have it and band not only one character, but all 3 of mine. You not made excuses then found that ship available too bay - you just repaired that and do nothing too repair another mistake.
I see only few steps which you can make:
First make apologies and don't punish me for your mistakes in game ("NOT MY" i didn't made any illegal moves).
Secondary return my ship which i bought in low and help me get guns for it.
Third if that not possible compensate everything in other ways which you feel best.
I hope you have still left honor to do right thing.
Hello there,
you were banned after you were found flying a ship that is not openly available on this server. So we have to assume that you edited your game files in a way that somehow allows you to buy this ship. When this happened in previous cases the peole that did it, used the things they got to cause quite a lot of trouble, so we have decided to make sure that they can not cause any trouble, while we investigate the matter.
This has happened many times before and people, when caught, have the nasty tendency to try to tell us funny stories of how they are innocent, when they actually are not. I remember quite a few incidents where we were inclined to believe the persons in question, just to find out a few days later that they were indeed cheating. So I guess you can understand why our tolerance for story telling is relatively low. There sadly is no easy way of checking out if you are indeed telling the truth or not, but if we are unsure we are more than inclined to let it go.
I have given this to the Devs to figure out how this could have happened, another player has sent us a message notifying us of a bug that could have caused this. If the bug can be confirmed, you will be unbanned.
You will however not keep the ship you should not have had in the first place, you should also keep in mind that we do not get paid for what we do here, so if something takes a little bit longer then thats how it is. Trying to set us ultimatums or making demands wont lead you anywhere.