-------===Incoming transmition===-------- From: Admiral Ashri, commander of Epona Location: Battleship OCV-606.Epona, Omicron Zeta system ==Encrypting: High== ==Encoding...Complete== ==Receiving...==
1%...5%...15%...40%...90%... ==Complete==
Greetings HQ,
Epona's research mission is currently in progress and we've found some interesting proofs of Nomad activity near the old Dyson Sphere. According to this fact we will need an further research station to support our mission. We will import everything we need including the commodities and crew to keep this base alife.
I will be very pleased if you let us to start creating the research station and send each documents which we will need during this process. I will be also pleased if you will provide millitary support when needed. Base's possible location: Omicron Minor system.
I'm waiting for your reply
Your faithfully,
Admiral Ashri -------==Transmition End==-------
The Admiralty Board is aware of the Nomad activity in the dyson sphere and has already committed carrier to this system. Despite of that, Omicron Minor is not fully secure and construction of the research station in the system may prove to be catastrophic in loss of personnel and hardware. How do you intend to overcome logistic and military shortcomings, as well defend the base successfully should said Nomad activity turn against the outpost with superior force?
We're currently working to estabilish as many forces as we can, including the OCV-606. ships and some other. You may know that recruitment can take a while, but we should have enough ships in time. We already have some capital vessels supported by fighters and bombers, so I think we will be able to do this.
We will try to turn base's defence network as soon as possible too to provide more support to our vessels. We already have some transport ships operating in the area and bringing supplies from other planets.
Waiting for your reply,
Epona ---------===[Transmition terminated]===---------
After careful deliberation, The Order Overwatch gives you green light on your project. However before you proceed with putting your plan into action, there are certain criteria that have to be met prior to establishing this outpost of yours.
⧫ Base will display Order IFF
⧫ Exact name and location will be shared with The Order Overwatch in private secure communications
⧫ List of suppliers must be known to us as to ensure it is complaint with The Order directives
⧫ Planned list of station modules
⧫ Docking rights will be granted to Order| and O'Rhu|