Name:Michael Hoch Age:25 Gender:Male Biography:I was born on Planet Hamburg. With 19 i finished my School on Planet New Berlin. After that i fly around and do some jobs as freelancer, but i saw after 3 years that is not that what i want. With 23 i started working for ALG and transported Toxic Waste from A to B. It was a hard job and a bit risky, because it is radioactive but the payment was good. 2 years i worked for ALG but i got kicked out because of some reasons i dont know. And i forgot, that i was trained by the Rheinland Military a bit on the basics, that i can defend myself if needed. Why do you want join us:ALG kicked me out and the Volk needs the Freiheit. S.K.Y.P.E.:clone172
Name:Stefan Schnell Age:22 Gender:Male Biography:I was born on Planet New Berlin. When I had 20 years old i finished school on Planet Hamburg. After that i got trained 1 year in basics of flying. Then my parents got killed by a drunk Officer of the Rheinland Military on a transport flight from New Berlin to Planet Nuremburg. The Police tryed to do something, but the Kanzler ignored the inciddent and now I want revenge. Why do you want join us:Because the Volk needs the Freiheit S.K.Y.P.E.:clone172