*Incoming transmission* To: Hellfire Legion HC Source: Oray Base Subject: Report
A couple of hours ago, I was doing a patrol in the Colorado System where I met UMAD|Diego.Vega. Mr. Vega said that he believe in the Legion and in their cause. Then, he transferred 5.000.000 credits as a donation and I accepted it. 12
After that I received a transmission from XA-Nigel:Gibson calling for assistance in Hudson System. I told him to hang on and proceeded to his location. two AFC Fighters were chasing him along with a Junker. I couldn't save him and he refused to take any of my repair pods. The coward AFC ships made it alive from under my Judgements and fled from the battle. Awaiting for further instructions.. Williams, out.
*Incoming transmission*
CommID: John.Mu, Private First Class
To: HellFire Legion Command
Subject: Today's patrol.
Pilot John.Mu here,
Today was just a routine Manhattan Patrol, nothing interesting happened other than a DSE ship carrying criminals. I demanded the release of all Legion captives he had on board. Today I just release 4 of my brothers today. I brought them back to Leniex, where they could have a proper meal, and physical examinations. I have now landed on freeport 4, and will stay there until needed.
Private John Mu Out.
*Incoming transmission*
CommID: John.Mu, Private First Class
To: HellFire Legion Command
Subject: Today's patrol.
Pilot John.Mu here,
Today We blew up a carrier, LNS Nevada My fellow legionaires called me into battle as I switched to a bomber that I had bought under the alias of Shawn Mu. After following a Hellfire Gunboat into Magellan near Kansas Jumphole We took out The carrier. Even though the gunboat finished it off. I give credit to evry one who assisted me. The person who cruise disrupted the carrier. None of this would be possible withoutour strong bond and teamwork. I returned to base with tractored in prisoners that the carrier had. I gave them to Ravager who has interrogation and torture waiting for them.
I was assigned in the Gladius wing for one week, an assignment which ended today, in order to expand my knowledge and tactics outside of those in the Warhammer taskforce which we commonly use. Our wing was tasked with the patrol of Hudson-Bering-Texas system and a thorough investigation conserning the recent Liberty Dreadnought deployment in the Hudson system and the deactivation of the two jumpgates that lead to the Hamburg system.
The deactivated jumpgate in the Hudson system has been deemed unapproachable by non-combat vessels due to the large number of patrols and the nearby battleship Alma's influence.
On the other hand, the Bering system has much less Liberty military presence in comparison with Hudson and approaching the inactive jumpgate there was much less stressful and we managed to get a proper and detailed scan of it.
After we finished our task and our patrol, we returned to Pacifica and I received my recall order to the Warhammer taskforce. Lieutenant Westbrook out.
Name:Adam Williams Rank:Lieutenant Report No#:003 Subject:Patrol Report
Report Begins
I was preparing myself to move back from Oray Base To Vespucci and for a quick patrol in the New York system. Just as always, few navy pilots were near Manhattan hiding behind the defenses of the surrounding bases. Never thought that there will be a brave yet still coward pilot will follow me.. [LN]-James.Lambert. In short, He tasted some of my Retributions and suffered one of his mines during the fight. I'm now at Monterrey awaiting for new orders. Lieutenant Williams out. Visual Record:AlphaBeta
Lieutenant Rennard here,
I was assigned on the Logistics division for a routine mission to the Red Hessians, delivering some Black Market Munitions to them. On our way to Magellan we encountered a Reaver with hostile intentions which we successfully drove off without losses and continued our journey to the Omega-5 and back successfully and without many interruptions.
Much later, we spotted a group of navy bombers belonging to the 5th in Cortez, fighting with a rabid bounty hunter gunship. It went down after some hard effort and the 5th followed afterwards. Strangely enough, a Lane Hacker was overly attached to us untill he/she/it got annoying and met the fist of doom. It was a patrol filled with excitement and anxiety.
The Highcommand as of today has authorized the siege of the Adirondack Station, after the station's continuous assistance to the Liberty forces and evidence that it belongs to them. Wipe it off the map, ladies and gentlemen.
On to other matters,
Lieutenants Westbrook and Valdor, you have been qualified for a promotion to the rank of Major, your services are invaluable to the Legion and this promotion shows you our gratitude.
Today while messing around in the bar at Ouray, Major Frosthearth and I picked up a rumor about a suspicious anomaly jamming up signals in the Northern quadrants of Colorado. Needless to say we conducted a duo investigation and soon enough we discovered the source- a jump hole. Moments later we detected several LPI ships entering the hole, which lead us to believe this was the infamous Illinois system. After a quick debate we decided that if we didn't follow them we cannot go back to Ouray without a good story.
And what a story we have for you! Upon entry we were greeted by blazing cannons and swarming missiles. While Frosthearth was bravely fighting off the patrol squads of what appeared to be indeed the secret police system, I gained altitude and took a couple of pictures, which the folks at the Logistics division might find useful:
Cam photo #1: Springfield Station - Possible research facility, needs more investigation
I also managed to jot down an incomplete map of the system, needs more investigation: Map of Illinois
Steadily we were getting outnumbered and that is when we decided to bail out of the vicinity. My comrade managed to escape first, but I could not shake off one of our pursuers. I was forced to "liberate" him from his duties. Pun intended.
Half an hour later the major and I were finishing our whiskeys at the Ouray bar. That is all for now. Pain out...
Helloooooooo! Mister Hilarious talkin'.
Yesterday a few mates and I left Vespucci to put up a show in New York, clown's home. We had a lot of fun for the most and both navy and cops took a hellfire blow.
As the show carried on we lost both Marius and Bruce even though their pods travelled back home, with Beta-2 pilot's.
We found out the bounty hunter's guild has stationed at least two gunboats in New York for they're too incompetent as pilots.
Othe than that some station's shield got pocked from afar.
A lot of them were forced to run and in the end contact was lost in the Badlands.
Before I forget, I also got to meet some kusarian freelancer whose purpose was unknown. Perhaps he, or she, or it, was scouting the system's perimeter.
Helloooo again! Yesterday I took a morning walk by New York, just strechin'.
I met a couple of navy pilots who wanted to join me in my space adventure, and so they did! After luring them to the Rochester field showtime started. Hilariously enough my sabre suffered serious damage, at which point a thrid individual flew all the way up to me with murdering intent. It didn't turn out well! The guncam recorded the full perfomance, for clowns entertain both spectators and the boss.
In the end the parts of all 3 guardians were recovered for a potential use later on.