On the 29th, elements of the KNF 581st squadron launched a patrol into the skies of Tohoku, with the purpose of maintaining surveillance on the Arch and the Blood Dragons movements around it. Upon entering on a known corridor of BD activity, they are spotted by a heavy patrol of the Blood Dragons, and they must find a way to escape their enemies with the intel they gathered.
//The KNF patrol has a man who handles the recon duties of the patrol, and must survive the mission. The patrol route will pass 3 points, and decide if it engages or not any hostiles it finds in their path. The recon man is chosen at the beginning of the mission, and its identity it’s kept hidden within the KNF patrol.
The Blood Dragons patrol is securing the corridor between Ryukyu and the passage to the Omicrons. Their job is to detect and intercept any hostiles that might compromise the route.
KNF Objectives:
Recon Must survive the mission. (Primary Objective)
Patrol must scout all the waypoints (Secondary Objective)
KNF must suffer no losses (Tertiary objective)
Patrol Must reach Omicron-92 hole and return to base. (Primary Objective)
Dragons destroy half of the enemy patrol (Secondary objective)
Dragons acquire recon data (Hidden objective)